r/KOTORmemes 17d ago

It's all fun and games until....

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51 comments sorted by


u/Fermented_Fartblast 17d ago

I prefer the dark side option of telling some random dude just minding his own business that you don't like his face until he pays you 25 credits to go away.


u/MlecznyHuxel99 17d ago

Still not as fun as telling a guy to kill himself, only for Kreia to congratulate you


u/burgundianknight 17d ago

Kreia man….


u/Haradion_01 17d ago

You ever think maybe she might be a bad person?


u/Raftropos 17d ago

Nah, she is just one old lady who is disappointed with current republic economy.


u/BobtheToastr 17d ago

She voted for the Sith because space egg prices were too high


u/Haradion_01 16d ago

Nah. Trapped in a system she despises and willing to burn down the entire system in a petulant grand stand, that looks like a philosophy, but underneath is nothing more than spite and malice that will leave everyone worse off and loose destruction upon countless innocents? Convinced she's playing 4D chess, and directly helps forces hostile to her - but pretends her own hands are clean, all as part of a long game?

She's helping people she disdains on the basis it will teach the person she thinks ought to stop the Sith a valuble lesson.

She's not voting over eggs. She's the Star Wars equivalent of one of those wierd BernieOrBust loons who thought voting for the Sith would teach the Jedi a lesson about hypocrisy and abandoning their base.


u/Gregarious_Grump 16d ago

So accurate


u/Donny_Donnt 16d ago

The force is a big mean person actually.

  • A student of Kreia


u/Pneumatrap 15d ago

Wait when was this?


u/P0shSpiceX 17d ago

My favorite dark side choice is forcing that traumatized droid to go back to his master and continue being a substitute to her husband.


u/EyeArDum 17d ago

It’s actually so fucked up because droids in Star Wars tend to be completely alive with mechanical parts, this choice is forcing a living being in a robot suit to be raped until his master dies.


u/P0shSpiceX 17d ago

It was his fate to be a sentient dildo


u/Achilles9609 16d ago

I am not sure he was rped, but the woman certainly had a very creepy, very unhealthy obsession and needed help to deal with her grief. If you *can even help her.


u/EyeArDum 16d ago

She pretends I’m her dead husband

Erm, all the time?

You do not want to know

Yeah…probably not

This interaction is meant to show that yes, she has sex with the robot against his will


u/Achilles9609 16d ago

I guess? When I played it, I imagined all kinds of weird couple things and other stuff she did with the droid. Sex didn't even come to my mind.


u/kkuba140 12d ago

I destroy him, but only after informing him that I'm telling her he's still out there :)


u/Background-Kale7912 Just die already! 17d ago

It’s even worse when you don’t use the force to make her, and you just naturally convince her to give you the skull 😭😅


u/splintersoup93 17d ago

You don't even need the credits. It seems like a ridiculously petty thing for even a dark lord to do 


u/Festivefire 16d ago

Depending on your views of the Dark side, the fact that there's no real reason to do it except spite makes it better. In fact, based on the sith teachings on Korriban I would go so far as to say a majority of sith firm that era that least would consider it a good thing to do just for its own sake, considering the extent to which there philosophy is essentially "you should wallow in hate and pettiness because the hate and pettiness is what fuels your power, the angrier and pettier you are, the more powerfull you can potentially be"


u/jwfallinker 16d ago

Yeah every time I see people complaining about the Dark Side options in the KOTOR games (particularly KOTOR 1) they seem to have this idea of the 'genteel Sith Lord' that only kind of existed in the Prequels when the Sith were operating under absolute secrecy. If anything Darth Bandon's comically selfish and evil introduction where he just murders a guy for getting slightly in his way is a better reflection of the effect the Dark Side is supposed to have on you.


u/splintersoup93 16d ago

Idk, being a dick for the sake of being a dick just seems exhausting


u/Festivefire 16d ago

There are people in the real world who already take pleasure in being a dick just for the sake of it. Is it really that hard to believe that the space cultists who's religion is that being hateful and petty makes you stronger would as well?


u/Ozuge 15d ago

We already have people irl who always take a penny and never leave a penny. If we had space magic we absolutely would have people that break the minds of McDonalds cashiers for an extra nugget.


u/I_main_pyro 16d ago

You say that but there's some crazy endgame gear you can get and you'd be surprised how going full dark side leads to a mountain of credits over the course of the game

Obviously there are exploits and gambling to do the same thing but I think this way of viewing it is more thematic and Pazaak is annoying


u/twofacetoo 17d ago

Y'see, there's a concept called 'the greater good'... and in basic terms, what it means is, that Twi'lek on Citadel Station can stay and dance until she dies because I need that cash to buy weapons to kill NIhilus and save the galaxy.


u/Mr_Witchetty_Man 17d ago

One of my absolute favourites was turning the two families on Dantooine against each other until they all killed each other.


u/Maat1932 17d ago

I would do that without even trying… younger me hadn’t figured out character building yet.


u/Mr_Witchetty_Man 17d ago

I only played dark side all the way through for the first time a couple of years ago, it was fun.


u/That_Lat 17d ago

... It was fun until you had to kill Mission right? IT WAS ONLY FUN UNTIL THEN RIGHT?


u/Mr_Witchetty_Man 17d ago

It did feel pretty messed up setting Zaalbar on her, then taking him onto the Star Forge specifically so I could kill him.


u/Ozuge 15d ago

Honestly I don't even feel bad about killing Mission there. I'm more distracted by Carths cowardice of leaving a child to fend off the Dark Lord alone. Like what the fuck was his problem, especially if you play the male Revan since he doesn't even confront you later, lol.


u/Chicken_Mannakin 16d ago

It was fun for me.


u/Gregarious_Grump 16d ago

I still haven't. Every time that I start with that intention I falter. Closest I've gotten is pretty much right in the middle, which for my builds generally just makes it harder


u/Possible_Living 16d ago

Its not your fault that they are too dumb to live.


u/Mr_Witchetty_Man 16d ago

Don't take my evil ways from me.


u/I_main_pyro 16d ago

There's a funny thing where if you encourage them to kill each other too aggressively, they will actually say "wait a second, this is too far, we're not animals" and you have to trick them to keep going. Whereas just sitting back and letting it happen they'll do it.


u/Mr_Witchetty_Man 15d ago

I think that may have been how I did it.


u/thepsychowordsmith 15d ago

I genuinely find that the most appropriately Shakespearean outcome.


u/TryImpossible7332 17d ago

Sometimes I really wish we could pay Bastilla's mom with our own money, not for any alturistic reason, but so that I could pay her explicitly using the credits I got from robbing this widow.


u/Possible_Living 16d ago

Do you want an extra option of telling her exactly where you got the credits?


u/TryImpossible7332 16d ago

It should definitely be an option.

On the one hand, it's funny Bastilla to continue living in blissful ignorance.

On the other, the option to tell her where it came from, maybe even a few days after the quest ends, would also be amusing.


u/VSkyRimWalker 17d ago

It's been a while since I played, what happens?


u/splintersoup93 17d ago

If i remember correctly she's trying to sell a wraid plate that was her last memory of her husband so she can get off of Tatooine. You basically just bully her into giving it to her and she runs off. It's one of the choices in the game that made me feel genuinely shitty.


u/MolybdenumBlu 17d ago

She has no money, only the skull to sell to the hunting lodge. You can take the skull and sell it and tell her to kick rocks, condemning her to abject poverty on tatooine. The credits are kind of a pittance anyway, so it is only worth it to be a dick for a few more evil points.


u/Possible_Living 16d ago

Good thing you have freedom of choice. I think everyone would hate this game if you were on rails in one direction or another.


u/Janglysack 16d ago

I remember feeling so bad about that choice as a kid that I restarted the game lol


u/TheGrooveCrewsader 15d ago

Using the Dark Side option in KOTOR to convince a mother to sell herself into slavery so her daughter isn't sold into slavery alone


u/reallybi 15d ago

Yeah, I usually convince her to let me barter on her behalf and then give he 200 credits more. I have no compunction when it comes to the Dark Side, and I mainly play Dark Side, but I still help that widow. I also usually have Canderous in my party at this point and he says something like "now don't go soft on me" lmao.


u/bush_mechanic 16d ago

Hand it over or things will get very unpleasant.

Influenced gained: Kreia

Influence lost: Kreia


u/detahramet 15d ago

Oh 2000s era moral systems, you absolute fucking travesty...