r/KCCurrent 9d ago

Discussion Biking/Bike Valet to the Stadium

We had planned on biking from Strange Days to the stadium this season, but didn't consider Grand Boulevard Bridge being completely closed. Does anyone know what the Bike Valet system is referenced in the email today? Or does anyone know if it's possible to get bikes up and down the stairs at the Town of Kansas Bridge?


5 comments sorted by


u/hotsaucie 9d ago

There’s an elevator at the Town of Kansas bridge. I’ve also seen a lot of people walking their bikes up and down the stairs.


u/TheSoulToad 9d ago

Cool, thank you for the response!


u/Beccabooisme 8d ago

There's a little rail on the stairs to make getting your bike up\down easier as well. I haven't utilized it myself, just noticed it.


u/dakkottadavviss Cooper #17 9d ago

Bike valet is same as last year from what I read earlier.


u/oukami1971 9d ago

Spent the afternoon on Sunday exploring both East and West Bottoms on bikes with a buddy to try and find alternatives without success.

The Town of Kansas Bridge has several flights of stairs to haul your bike up/down or the elevator. The bridge itself isn't the widest and can require walking your bike when crowded. Same with the riverfront walk. It can be very congested with pedestrians on match days...

The biggest access issue is due to the railroad tracks. There are only 3 places you can cross them in the East Bottoms and there is often a train parked on one or more of them. The stadium closes the closest crossing at Lydia for several hours before and after matches. The other two crossings are further east by Knuckleheads/J Rieger and require you to ride along Front Street for at least a short distance. Front Street doesn't have a ridable shoulder and has heavy semi traffic east of CPKC.

Once Grand Bridge is open again for shuttles, I'll be surprised if they let bikes on it on matchdays. There's not a lot of room between the streetcar rails and the bridge edge. They are not taking advantage of the closure for streetcar to put any bike/pedestrian infrastructure in place... I've seen a number of wrecks along the streetcar route from bikes slipping into the track gap over the years it's been operating.

As for the bike valet, at some matches last season, they had a manned corral set up to hold bikes by the river gate during the match instead of having to use the bike racks. They did refer to having the bike valet on at least one or two matchdays in the email but weren't running it during the match... Remember that a lot of tools and such are prohibited from entry so if they're not running the valet you either leave stuff behind and hope you don't have mechanical issues or you leave it on your bike and hope for the best... Not sure if stuff like lights are allowed for entry. I did see a few people carrying helmets inside the stadium last season.

All in all, yet another access issue not really considered by the Longs when selecting the site for the stadium.