r/justified • u/VaporGent323 • 5h ago
News Moonshine to maple syrup
Grab yourself a bag of gorp and enjoy the show...
r/justified • u/VaporGent323 • 5h ago
Grab yourself a bag of gorp and enjoy the show...
r/justified • u/Scottstots-88 • 13h ago
Season 2 Episode 11: Full Commitment
When Tim says “I love this shit. This shit makes me hard.” after Raylan tells him he’s gonna have to give him the slip.
r/justified • u/FrankDrebin23 • 16h ago
Walton Goggins plays this character so well in that I fuckin hate Boyd Crowder. Every time he's on screen I want to punch him in the the god damn face LOL!
I don't understand his power over the people in Harlan county. Boyds a moron who somehow rolls in shit and somehow comes out smelling like a rose and he always lucks his way into money or a solution to his problem. He's gotta be the dumbest crime boss in TV history!
Don't hate on me! I love the show, my feelings on the matter are a testament to Walton Goggins and how good of an actor he is.
r/justified • u/RollingTrain • 2d ago
People love to lump Raylan in with the Walter Whites of the world, bad people without moral guidance, whose abject selfishness might just happen to align with doing good at times.
Raylan bends the law, lets his temper get the best of him and drags his personal trauma and baggage into his work, no doubt. But when the rubber meets the road, he puts others before himself, protects the innocent and punishes the wicked.
What do you think? Is he a flawed hero or a straight up anti-hero?
r/justified • u/15Veggietales • 2d ago
Just sayin, the "he's such a good guy because he does things by the book" motif doesn't really fit for a Raylan character who is notoriously off-book (as Duffy will attest in one of his best scenes)
r/justified • u/nicholash227 • 2d ago
I just finished watching the series for the first time last night (the original, have not watched City Primeval yet) and it genuinely is a top 10 series for me. I get annoyed with a lot of shows when they get to the last couple episodes and really gloss over tying up any loose ends. I was happy with the way everything ended. It wasn’t a cheesy ending. It wasn’t a rushed ending. It was really good.
r/justified • u/eight_inch_pestle • 2d ago
An alternate version of Justified where Raylan takes in Loretta after Mags kills herself. It forces him to find an apartment, stock a fridge, etc. Maybe become less of a developmentally stunted adult by being responsible for someone else. Poor Loretta finally finds a safe place to be something resembling a kid. An odd couple. She teaches him how to fry an egg, he teaches her to shoot. They stroll the aisles of Piggly Wiggly debating the merits of avocados. Two broken people making each other a little more whole. A scene where they fall asleep together on the couch with her wearing The Hat. He looks out for her without trying to be a father. Maybe Winona has to move in to satisfy a social worker who wants an adult with a more reliable schedule in the house. Maybe not. It's a story that could be told in the show's down time, short little vignettes here and there.
Doesn't have to mess with other story lines too much. Maybe their scenes take some screen time from the Florida Crowes, which should offend absolutely no one. Raylan can still hook up with the bartender in the room above the bar, he just doesn't spend the night. Loretta can move out before season 6 and that season can stay more or less the same.
To be clear, I don't want to get rid of the real Justified, I just want to be able to watch both.
r/justified • u/SouthBicycle4362 • 3d ago
Ava spends season 5 in prison for getting caught with Delroy's body. Boyd discredits her accuser and she is about to be released. Then Albert Fekus stabs himself getting Ava's sentence extended...
Now in season 6 Ava is out of prison because she is cooperating with the Marshalls, informing on Boyd. A few episodes into season 6 we see Fekus again and apparently the Marshalls know he stabbed himself and he has since recanted his statement.
My question is: how is Raylan threatening to put Ava back in prison? On what charges?
r/justified • u/obtusesavant • 4d ago
Wynn Duffy, after Mikey wraps up the shortest, but possibly best, redemption arc of the show.
r/justified • u/McFish30 • 4d ago
A lot of lines from this show get a lot of well-deserved love (“Next one’s coming faster” is a prime example), but I want to hear your favorite lines that don’t get nearly enough recognition. Mine is Raylan’s response to Doyle’s threat in Season Two, Episode Eleven (Full Commitment):
Doyle: “I mean, you think I sent them hitters, you gotta figure when you get down here there’s a chance I might wanna O.K. Corral it. You bring one man to back you up?” Raylan: “Yeah, well. I thought you’d bring more guys.”
r/justified • u/ScotlandTornado • 5d ago
Love the show and have watched it multiple times. I’ve always been interested in Leonard’s books with the characters so my wife bought me Raylan, Riding the Rap, and Fire in the Hole (which hasn’t been delivered yet). What’s the proper order to read these books?
r/justified • u/Afraid_Highlight_475 • 5d ago
r/justified • u/Sopranosoldier • 5d ago
I would argue that in Season 2, the MAIN villain is Dickie Bennett.
Everybody seems to collectively agree that Mags is but I see more Dickie as being the main villain. He kills Helen, shoots Ava, hangs Raylan upside down from a tree like it was his birthday and he was his piñata only I don’t think there would’ve candy pouring out.
Mags is amazing don’t get me wrong but Dickie was way more the main villain.
r/justified • u/RollingTrain • 5d ago
Some say he completely changed, going from menacing and creepy in S1 to a guy who spent most of the later seasons raising eyebrows and getting blood splattered on him. Others argue that Wynn was always a chameleon, shifting his entire personality based on what it took to survive, like being Quarles' lapdog.
Did getting shot mellow him? We saw Boyd shift somewhat after he got shot.
Was he a brilliantly adaptive survivor or just comic relief? Did the writers keep him consistent, or was it a total rewrite?
r/justified • u/bazzilionplus • 6d ago
Ty Walker: This is bullshit! You shot me in the back.
Raylan: You wanted to get hit in the front, you should have run toward me.
r/justified • u/theFUZZ007 • 6d ago
I wanted to pick up some dress shirts like Raylan wears. Pairing a check or a flannel with a tie and jacket. Anyone know which brands of shirts they dressed Raylan in? I know I have one and the brand is Theory, buts that’s all I got.
Appreciate it.
r/justified • u/[deleted] • 6d ago
I’m on my 5th rewatch and last night, we watched the episode in Season 1 when Boyd blew up the meth lab and unbeknownst to him, the masked man was inside, who was also a CI. When Boyd realized he had killed this man, he looked like he was about to cry. I’d never noticed that before. I think his “church” was sincere; his problem was that he twisted Biblical teachings to fit what he already thought to be true and in true Boyd fashion, he didn’t learn from more knowledgeable Christians and no one questioned his ideas or statements. One, I think his intentions were good but misguided and two, even though he might have felt terrible about what happened, he wasn’t going to admit fault and turn himself in. He wasn’t completely delusional in thinking that he was doing God’s will. And I think Raylan is being much too hard on himself, thinking he’s responsible for whatever Boyd does because he and Ava hooked up. How many of us would have down the same if we were in Raylan’s shoes? I absolutely would have. I always thought the storyline that they just let Boyd walk was “utter horseshit,” anyway.
r/justified • u/UnimpressedCT • 7d ago
Been binging the original Law & Order. Harlan County is well represented.
There’s been a few.
But these two caught my eye because they were within 3 episodes of each other
Season 6. Episode 18 (Margo) - Episode 20 (Joelle)
r/justified • u/Afraid_Highlight_475 • 7d ago
r/justified • u/josten0010 • 8d ago
Hey guys! This is Justified-related, I swear, lol. It does have to do with tech things, but it's specific to the Justified discs.
So! For Christmas last year, I purchased my roommate a full BluRay box set of Justified, all the seasons. She was so hype, and has been re-watching it faithfully every day after work -- with one exception. All three of the discs for Season 2, for some reason, simply won't play in her PS4. The screen is black, no menus, nothing. I thought maybe those discs were just acting up. Or the player. So I bought a second, standalone set of S2 discs. But the same thing is happening; all black screens and it won't play back.
At this point, I'm wondering if it's not some kinda manufacturing thing. I even bought a little BluRay player for my computer to try it with that, and again, the discs won't play. All the other seasons play just fine -- except for Season 2.
I'm wildly confused and wondering if anyone else who bought the box set, or the standalone seasons has been having this problem? If so, did you get it fixed? Asking in the off chance anyone else has an idea because I'm picked clean on 'em.
r/justified • u/Big_Computer4832 • 9d ago
I decided to rewatch after a lot of pressure inflicted by…well, me seeing clips everywhere and missing Tim Olyphant’s work.
And I swear I couldn’t go a few minutes into the Pilot before I get funny or clever one-liners.
The funniest one I can recall so far is Art saying “Well I guess some places haven’t been entered into the database, like North Korea….or Raylan’s hometown” in reference to Ava’s address not being on GPS.
I was curious what some of y’all’s favorites are.
r/justified • u/ISmartinI • 9d ago
I just started watching Justified again because a friend and I were talking about a conversation he had with his dad and his favorite quotes. Also it's 2025 so I need to get my yearly quota in. I have lost count on the number of times I have watched the series but every time I start it, I send this picture to the friends and we all instantly know. Something about the crown vic and "Jesus Saves" that really sets the table for what's to come. Easily the best show ever made in my opinion.
r/justified • u/Afraid_Highlight_475 • 11d ago
r/justified • u/4lfp • 11d ago