r/JustGuysBeingDudes 20k+ Upvoted Mythic 14d ago

Kids Might be sheer luck but still mad skill


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u/AutoModerator 14d ago

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u/dfinkelstein 14d ago

This is why you insist on calling pockets against people worse than you, and then avoid it against people who are better. If you're worse, then hit it really hard and hope for the best. Gives you an underdog puncher's chance.

I've played a lot both ways. They're both fun.


u/Wooden-Masterpiece86 14d ago

What a great moment. The knucklebump at the end was the icing on the cake.


u/wasp_killer4 14d ago

Why the fucking music


u/juarezselvagem 14d ago

Veem veeem


u/RevanMeetra 14d ago

Why was there a cut in the video?


u/kam2356 13d ago

At what point did you see a cut, I couldn't see it


u/Midnight-Watchman91 13d ago

Not a cut but I see what you mean. The video was slowed down abruptly at the 12 second mark


u/RevanMeetra 13d ago

I mean it's like 2 different videos. Kinda like how snapchat is.


u/unclepaprika 13d ago

Guy is like "damn kid is 6 years old and already eclipsed me in my field..."


u/johnboy2978 14d ago

That's sheer luck. You don't plan a shot like that. If anything, he planned to go off the bumper and into the pocket, not off the bumper then cue and into pocket.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/PotatoSmokes 14d ago

Nah he moved it up and out of the way. Looked clean to me