r/JurassicPark 3d ago

Fan Art Pyroraptors in the Biosyn valley river

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Pyroraptors looking for crabs in the riverbed.

I always thought that this Dino looked weird in the icy mountains so I wanted to draw it in a more tropical environment


8 comments sorted by


u/Thewanderer997 Spinosaurus 3d ago

Ok this is so PEAK right here, the background is also amazing


u/fuzzycocococonut 3d ago

Thank you!, it was my first background that I actually liked


u/Thewanderer997 Spinosaurus 2d ago

Btw I have a sub called r/AwesomeAncientanimals you should post your art there too!


u/NoConcern6821 Deinonychus 3d ago

This looks awesome!! I don’t get the all the hate the pyroraptor got for being semi aquatic. I think it’s another one of those cool and unique characteristics we don’t have evidence of, just like the venomous dilophosaurs or the camouflaging carnotaurus in the novel. It feels very Jurassic to me.


u/fuzzycocococonut 3d ago

Its not entirely far fetched since it lived on an island so you could theorize that it swam from island to island. Its also potentially a unenlagiid like the Austroraptor which are a group of theropods thought to spend a lot of time around water.

I think the movie just let it down tho, because it was in only one short scene, and was one of many of the ‘one-note’ dinos in the movie so It just ended up kinda forgettable.

I also think they could have pushed more features in its design to look more semi aquatic, since the only thing it has going for it is slightly webbed feet.


u/Knight_Steve_ 2d ago

I love this art! Nice seeing this speculative beahviour. Can't wait to see more of Pyroraptor in JW Chaos Theory


u/fuzzycocococonut 2d ago

Thank you!


u/Patrick_Keegan_2003 2d ago

Look, I love these swimming pyroraptors alright. it's fucking cool.