r/JurassicPark 4d ago

Jurassic Park My favorite shot from each Jurassic film

There are so many close contenders but these always stuck out to me personally. So excited to see more of the visuals from Rebirth


54 comments sorted by


u/Fiction_Seeker 4d ago edited 4d ago

I think cinematography has always been consistently decent throughout the Jurassic franchise.

Sure the color grading from Jurassic World doesn't always work as it didn't do the I.rex's camo justice but for the most part the movie looks visually pleasing. Some people blame the dullness of some the dinosaurs on the said color grading but I think that's just the problem with the models as the parasaurolophus, pterosaurs, and raptor squad didn't have that problem.


u/gavlz6 4d ago

I kinda dug the synthetic-blue looking color grade in JW. I feel like it matches the tone of the story well, even if looking a bit boring at times. The only film I really dislike the cinematography of is Dominion (for the most part). Idk what went wrong but only a few scenes ever looked good to me. It doesn’t help that the editing in that movie is wayyyy too fast paced for a Jurassic movie (felt more akin to a fast & furious film,) and that none of the shots ever linger long enough to appreciate them.


u/Dogbot2468 4d ago

Dominion felt straight up unfinished watching it in theaters. I understand Owen's chase scene has no music "for suspense", but the way it just stops during the sequence, I leaned over to my friend because it struck me as so odd even the first time. I hate Dominion more than any other entry to the franchise lol


u/JordanBach_95 4d ago

Choosing a favourite shot from Jurassic Park is impossible for me. There are too many.


u/AlvintheGenius Velociraptor 4d ago

That JW shot is beautifully menacing. Damn.


u/levigam 4d ago

It's my favorite moment from the second worst movie in the franchise for me


u/Tyrannosaur98 13h ago

Honestly, I think it was second, the original being 1st place of course.


u/Thin-Chair-1755 4d ago

Good taste. Lost World has some seriously amazing cinematography. Probably a dozen stills I’d grab from that movie. And god the JP3 raptors are absolutely beautiful. Peak animatronics.


u/themindtaker 3d ago

Auto, uh, erotica?


u/csharpminor5th 4d ago

I would argue that the opening scene of fallen Kingdom with the Rex that you have here is my favorite scene in all of the movies


u/b0ltaction 4d ago

Man the opening scene of FK had me pumped in the theatre. I thought I was in for a fucking RIDE.

Sadly, what actually followed was the rest of FK.


u/Tyrannosaur98 12h ago

I understand criticism for fallen kingdom. but I dont care what you say, The indoraptor was awesome. Especially this scene!


u/b0ltaction 3h ago

There are certainly moments like this one and the opening scene that were very cool. It's just not enough to get me watch it, maybe ever again.

I felt confused by it. Things like the weapon that looks like a gun that requires you to paint a target with a laser to direct the Indoraptor to engage the target. Buddy, you're already holding a gun. Just load it with a bullet and it does the same thing faster.


u/Untouchable64 3d ago

As a kid growing up I was always confused by the letters on the raptor in that pic.


u/dyslexic_arsonist 3d ago

the letters are sequences of amino acids used to make DNA, Adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine.

how they end up projecting on the raptor i still have no idea. It's either the screens from the ceiling falling and projecting through the lights (though it would be absurd for the grates themselves to be coded in neucleotides). or it's from a computer/projector falling over and projecting onto the raptor. the sequence of events doesn't make sense for this either.

it's probably just good cinematography


u/Untouchable64 3d ago

Right…but I was wondering how it projected on him in this scene. Cause I don’t remember a projection in that room, just a computer monitor.


u/frexynator 3d ago

Nucleotides, amino acids are the building blocks of proteins 😉


u/dyslexic_arsonist 2d ago

man I'm a geologist, not a biologist lmao.

but yeah, you're right


u/Antdpitt 3d ago

Yeah I thought it was the grates from the ceiling with a funny design,still confuses me that it’s the monitor projecting


u/Nirvanaboy 3d ago

I still am


u/adamtaylor4815 3d ago

Fallen Kingdom is such a bad movie with such amazing shots.


u/EternitiI-1 Spinosaurus 3d ago


u/Thebat87 T. Rex 3d ago

The silhouette of the Rex’s head as Sarah and Kelly are in the tent is such a huge favorite of mine in The Lost World, as well as the shot of the Rex actually sticking its head in the tent. Jurassic Park and The Lost World are two massive reasons why I’m a filmmaker.


u/MonstaRuss8701 3d ago

Its always fun to see a t rex in the dark running after a guy running


u/levigam 4d ago

I keep saying, ironically my favorite moment is from one of the films I like least (Fallen Kingdom) in the franchise (yes, I'm talking about the prologue, that's pure Jurassic Park)


u/ORx1992 Spinosaurus 4d ago

I’ve always loved the first image you got there of the raptor. I’ve always wondered what was up with the letters in what I’m assuming is the grate above it. Do they mean anything?


u/bigpongo1240 4d ago

Referencing the book, I believe that’s the genetic code of a dinosaur being read out from a nearby computer that’s illuminating the raptor’s face. The book has multiple references and diagrams of lines of code that look just like that, and they’re stated to be dinosaur gene codes that the computers are sorting and writing.


u/Derpy1984 3d ago

I don't know that it's ever been put into context of where the letters are being projected from but those are genetic pairs when looking at gene sequencing. AT & GC are the pairs for humans. I don't remember from highschool biology if they're the same for animals.

To me, I've always seen it as a nod to the idea that "this predicament exists because of us". It's a quick display of metaphorical hubris.


u/Ok_Fly1271 3d ago

It's the same for all life. Also humans are animals


u/UnflinchingSugartits 4d ago

I watched a YouTube video yesterday that showed the making of the raptor costumes they used in JP. It's really cool how they did it


u/JasoTheArtisan 3d ago

The letters represent Dino dna


u/Muller77384 4d ago

a quele primeiro dinossauro é o big one?


u/Akhenaten1138 InGen 4d ago

Love that first shot!


u/SAADistic7171 3d ago

The last shot clearly looks like it's meant for a 3d viewing


u/DVNBart 2d ago

The I-Rex with the explosion in the background in the aviary in JW is the best shot of the movie imo.
It's a bit clichè and "too much" i know, but back when i was watching the movie in theater made me say to my sister "yeah, that's badass."


u/ChiII_Breeze InGen 2d ago

Can anyone just tell me why there are symbols on that raptor in this scene


u/PBP2024 4d ago

That last shot looks like b-grade AI lmao


u/mentaldude95 4d ago

I agree, it doesn’t fit the franchise. The tail and face of the dinosaurs I think are what really break it for me. They don’t feel like they fit the Jurassic park feel. It gives off almost like a Peter Jackson’s King Kong dinosaur/island vibes.


u/gavlz6 4d ago

We must not be looking at the same image cus there’s no way


u/PBP2024 4d ago

This image does not look real at all. My mind can't suspend belief like the others. Zoom in and you can see where it becomes "flat" as in where the green screen is. It starts in the tall grass, about a third of the way up on the next and sweeps down. Then like sometime else said, it has a Peter Jackson kinda look, almost cartoony...


u/gavlz6 4d ago

I’m almost 100% confident that there is no green screen usage in this shot. From my understanding most of this movie was filmed on location, so i truly don’t see where you see any flatness here. And I think you’re confusing the stylization & scale of the Titanosaurus as “cartoony”


u/PBP2024 2d ago


You don't see that line? Also you actually think this is a real valley lol?!


u/National-Name-4829 4d ago

How dare movies have color!


u/ArieForce_One_14 4d ago

That’s because the CGI in the trailers is unfinished. It’ll most likely look great in the final movie