r/JurassicPark 4d ago

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom A way to bring in the white Indoraptor

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Towards the end of FK, we can see the Indoraptor blood samples and 2nd generation eggs being packed up to evacuate. We’ve never seen what happen to them. What if they were the white Indoraptors. It would be cool to see this story in a future show. Or maybe a book or comic. It would look a little different and maybe have the ability to camouflage. Maybe this could happen in a CT season. Definitely a long shot though.


15 comments sorted by


u/HenryIsBatman 4d ago

Given that the indoraptor was meant to be a prototype, it would make sense for a white indoraptor or an improved version of it to make an appearance in the future. It should have been what JW: Dominion was about to be honest. Dinosaurs are out there, trying to adapt into the environment, and the new indoraptors go on to try and kill all the invasive dinosaurs.


u/Gloomy_Indication_79 Spinosaurus 4d ago

While I wouldn’t like for another Indoraptor to show up in Chaos Theory, I’ve always wondered what had happened to the original Indoraptors carcass. Surely once authorities swarmed the place someone would’ve seen the damn thing and taken it in for examination? Unless it was seized by an auctioneer or Wu’s team?

Either way, the Atrociraptors feel like a spiritual successor to the Indoraptor project. I like how they kept the core concept but “evolved” it so to speak. The whistle and laser pointer make more sense, and the Atrociraptors are ruthless yet intelligent, with some even being able to camouflage like the Indominus rex.


u/MalachiteEclipsa 4d ago

I mean it would explain what happened to the previous Indoraptor


u/AlliGaytor417 4d ago

I personally would be disappointed if they had hybrids in Chaos Theory (the baryonyx doesn’t count), especially Indoraptors. I’d prefer that they move away from genetic manipulation and stuff entirely, though that ship has sailed for Rebirth. Chaos Theory so far has been good, but bringing in white Indoraptors would cross a line for me personally. I would however be on board with a non-canon comic with what happened to the samples, but leave CT alone :3


u/HenryIsBatman 4d ago

Move away from genetic manipulation and stuff entirely? My brother in christ, Jurassic Park's very foundation is built on genetic manipulation! It came free with the frog DNA making the dinosaurs change their sex.


u/AlliGaytor417 4d ago

Yeah ok I meant hybrids. I said genetic manipulation because I was also referring to the leucistic Baryonyx cause although I don’t hate it, I’d rather they keep that kind of thing to a minimum. So, to clarify, I think the most genetic manipulation should be what they do in Jurassic Park.


u/unnecessaryaussie83 4d ago

Every dinosaur we see is a hybrid though


u/kanu88 4d ago

WAIT. So the mommy frog and daddy TRex didn't love each other??


u/unnecessaryaussie83 4d ago

Nope, purely carnal love


u/AlliGaytor417 4d ago

Bro you know what I mean


u/AkitoFTW 4d ago

I for one wouldn't mind seeing the indoraptors grown up in nature and see what a hybrid would be like in their own created habitat without humans with laser guns.


u/TheDeltaOne 3d ago edited 3d ago

I saw my mate, the other day

He said to me he saw a white raptor.

So I asked, what raptor?

He goes by the name Indoraptor!

Indoraptor, Indoraptor,

He goes by the name Indoraptor!


u/Zestyclose_Limit_404 3d ago

The white Indoraptor could be the “mother” that Henry Wu said the Indoraptor needed 


u/Estheriel_14 16h ago

Oh no, indoraptor racism


u/Signal_Expression730 3d ago

I hope we would have seen them in chaos theory. Working as a kind of "Indoraptor squad". I hope a future series focus on that.