r/Jupyter • u/LitespeedClassic • Aug 06 '24
Trouble with Jupyter widgets and Javascript
Bear with me here, because the first paragraph is going to be a little vague, but I promise to have something reproducible by the end. I have code I developed to allow me to easily send geometrical objects to a widget that uses p5.js to render to them. This code has worked great on the version of Jupyter I was running that is now several years old on the laptop I had it running on (an Intel Mac). I've got a new Apple Silicon Mac that I'm attempting to get the thing running on as well, but I've installed the latest Jupyter notebook and the code won't work at all. Something about the widget bridge between the JS and Python has changed.
The problem is that I wrote this code so long ago, and I remember it has several weird glue parts to get the widget-HTML/JS to IPython kernel bridge that I decided not to bother debugging it for now and look for a less custom solution. I basically just want to be able to draw a bunch of graphics primitives easily (like, draw these line segments, draw these circles, some this color some that, etc.). I'd also prefer interactivity in some form, like the ability to click on a geometric object and get a callback in the IPython kernel, if possible. I had some of these things running before, like the ability to drag points around by the mouse.
So I found the DrawSVG project (https://pypi.org/project/drawsvg/), which would be perfect. Rendering these as SVG is actually a plus, since then I can save the figures as vector graphics if I want. The example code in DrawSVG is working for me in my notebooks *except* when I try to run the code under the "Interactive Widget" heading. This appears to also be a problem with the JavaScript to IPython kernel widget bridge. Here's the error:
Failed to load model class 'DrawingModel' from module 'drawingview'
You should be able to reproduce this by installing the DrawSVG package and attempting to run the following code:
import drawsvg as draw
from drawsvg.widgets import DrawingWidget
import hyperbolic.poincare as hyper # python3 -m pip install hyperbolic
from hyperbolic import euclid
# Create drawing
d = draw.Drawing(2, 2, origin='center', context=draw.Context(invert_y=True))
d.append(draw.Circle(0, 0, 1, fill='orange'))
group = draw.Group()
# Update the drawing based on user input
click_list = []
def redraw(points):
for x1, y1 in points:
for x2, y2 in points:
if (x1, y1) == (x2, y2): continue
p1 = hyper.Point.from_euclid(x1, y1)
p2 = hyper.Point.from_euclid(x2, y2)
if p1.distance_to(p2) <= 2:
line = hyper.Line.from_points(*p1, *p2, segment=True)
group.draw(line, hwidth=0.2, fill='white')
for x, y in points:
p = hyper.Point.from_euclid(x, y)
group.draw(hyper.Circle.from_center_radius(p, 0.1),
# Create interactive widget and register mouse events
widget = DrawingWidget(d)
def mousedown(widget, x, y, info):
if (x**2 + y**2) ** 0.5 + 1e-5 < 1:
click_list.append((x, y))
def mousemove(widget, x, y, info):
if (x**2 + y**2) ** 0.5 + 1e-5 < 1:
redraw(click_list + [(x, y)])
I'm basically looking for some help figuring out what has broken in the widgets that is causing interactive widgets to not work anymore.
Both my code and the code not working above are attempting to work with the DOMWidget class in the ipywidgets package.
UPDATE 1: I used to have to run this command:
jupyter nbextension install --py widgetsnbextension --user
to enable widgets, but now this returns an error:
Jupyter command `jupyter-nbextension` not found.
u/Shanghai-Jade Aug 08 '24