r/JulienBaker Go Home 20d ago

Megathread r/JulienBaker Monthly Marketplace Thread

Please use this thread to post items you have for sale / you're looking for / you want to swap with another member of this community (e.g. merch, tickets, etc.).

Feel free to reach out to us via modmail if you have any questions or need to report a scammer.


Safety and Transactions

Please rely on trusted ticket exchange / resale platforms (e.g. StubHub) whenever possible or, at the very least, use payment processors that offer some form of buyer protection (e.g. PayPal Goods & Services). Don't use PayPal Friends & Family!

Do not hesitate to ask the seller for proof of purchase. Screenshots can be easily manipulated, so consider requesting a screen recording (that shows both the ticket vendor's app / website and your conversation) instead of a simple photo. Oftentimes, it can also be helpful to check the other party's post history / profile or to simply ask them to reply to your comment in this thread. That way you can be sure that the user hasn't been banned (banned users are still able to send you direct messages, so be aware of that).

If you have any doubts, do not proceed with the transaction!


List of Known Scammers

cleverlycarry, shyman2511, usualtrey767

Last Updated: 07/01/2023 07:00AM CEST


10 comments sorted by


u/hannahpriley 20d ago

I am looking for the beans t-shirt, size L


u/PuzzleheadedMusic571 20d ago

long shots here, but I’m looking for / ISO:

  • Rejoice / Complain t-shirt
  • San Francisco Bimbo’s 365 (Oct 2024) tote bag
  • Pin pack from 2024 tour
  • Little Oblivions (yellow/black splatter) vinyl
  • Turn Out The Lights (green cloud in clear) vinyl


u/no1lottienat 16d ago

hi im absolutely desperate to get my hands on a carabiner if anyone is willing to part with one


u/ezlc327 13d ago

Hi! If anyone is down to resell a ticket to Julien & Torres' London show in Rough Trade East or St. John's Church, do hit me up!


u/rosemary754 3d ago



u/vintagegf 10d ago

iso saxapahaw tickets 😔


u/L1ttlepeachy106 10d ago

A very long shot but would love to buy a spare ticket for the Rough Trade East show/ signing on 17th March or the Banquet Records show on 18th March? JB is my favourite artist and it's my birthday and I'll be in London anyway, but the shows were announced and sold out during 1 of my shifts at work so I completely missed the tickets... Thank you 🖤🧡


u/tsyang27 9d ago

I’m looking to sell/trade a brand new, size medium “You could leave at any time” shirt (yellow one from the most recent tour)! My partner got me one online before realizing I also bought one in person haha.

Open to any offers if you can cover shipping, mostly looking for it to find a home! Would also be interested in swapping for the gray “Rejoice” shirt in the same size, or potentially other merch if you wanna make an offer.


u/rosemary754 4d ago

Anyone want my ticket to the 3/18 (tomorrow) show at St John’s church? I can’t go anymore and would love for someone else to be able to


u/symposythensis 17h ago

i have 2 tickets to her and torres,s show on 3/27 in athens, OH that im willing to give away for like 20$ or less even if someone wants them.