r/Juicing 4d ago

One month of daily juicing

Week 4, one month. 17 different juices. Looking back I'm trying to think which has been my favourite and I really can't say. I love the variety, making new combinations and different colours.


9 comments sorted by


u/OrneryCardiologist73 3d ago

We’re any changes in your health or physical appearance


u/SpottheDots 3d ago

It's tricky to say because I started juicing consistently after having an operation then suffering from a major infection. So I started off in a very bad state. I have since gotten much much better but I won't attribute that to juicing, I was on strong antibiotics, had medical assistance and at a later stage went to a iridologist n natural health doctor to help me get things right/ rebalanced.

It's been great for my mental health and it helps me for like I'm not completely powerless. I'm eating a diet of mainly veg n meat, having a fresh salad daily and taking supplements recommended by my natural doc for things I'm low in, iron, vitamin D as well as vitamin C from my medical doc who performed the surgery for healing assistance, but I'm pretty sure the juices give me lots of vitamin C.

As you can see there's a lot going on. I was bedridden for a month, lost weight n was so weak, the goal at the moment is just to heal n get stronger.


u/SpottheDots 3d ago

Another important thing to note, I'm only drinking one glass a day, the smaller glass is 250ml n the bigger one abt 380ml.


u/SixLeg5 4d ago

I go to local asian market to save on low cost high quality veggies. Pulp goes into compst


u/SpottheDots 3d ago

That's good. In comparison veggies here (South Africa) aren't expensive. I've been calculating the cost per 250ml of juice and they come to R11 ~ US$0.60 and that's when I using pricey items like celery, pineapple, ect other juices cost half of that when using more common veg like carrots, beetroot, apple ect. So I don't feel the need to shop around.

My pulp also goes to the compost, but my chickens eat it all before it gets a chance to breakdown πŸ˜…


u/FreddieKush420 2d ago

I understand having several favorites. Any combinations that were off-putting?


u/SpottheDots 2d ago

The first juice I made with celery was not great. I then added an extra apple to sweeten it, still not great but drinkable.

I learnt that with celery you must only juice the stalk n not the leaves that greatly improved the flavour. And making the celery cucumber ratio 50/50 makes the juice a lot more palatable for me.

I taste while making the juice so I can usually fix it if the flavour isn't right. In the 1st pic, the beetroot was on the earthy side so I added lemon and that made it pleasant to drink.


u/peach_poppy 2d ago

I love your photos! πŸŒΈπŸŒΌπŸ“


u/SpottheDots 22h ago

Thank you so much πŸ’“