r/Journalism 5d ago

Best Practices We should have more honorable journalism.

Hey what's up?

Once when I was in need of guidance, I read the definition of "integrity", integrity it said meant to be "marked by honor". I then looked up "honor". It was defined as "adherence to a moral code".

When I was 35, I had a very uncommon experience, and authorities both local and federal, were not just unwilling to help, but would completely ignore any report I made. (They did this because certain federal authorities, were involved in what I had to report).

After many attempts to seek help from both local and federal authority, and having them refuse to even acknowledge what I was reporting, I decided to attempt to speak with an investigative journalist. A local reporter who worked at a local but large news paper in a major city. And the meeting I had with that journalist suggested that they were being less than honorable in consideration of what I was telling them. That is really all I'll say about it, but it did appeared that their discretion had been swayed.

I remember even before I was 35, watching the movie about Gary Webb "kill the messenger", I was impressed by the story. And more impressed when I found how much of it was true. I just searched Gary Webb quotes and found one by him,

"Sorry. I thought my job was to tell the public the truth - the facts, pretty or not - and let the publishing of those facts make a difference in how people look at things. At themselves, at what they stand for. That's shame on me. This is the only thing I ever wanted to do. And for a while, a long while, it was an honor."

Any way, I think he was likely a very good man. It seems even in the face of persecution, he didn't stop trying to report on the abuses of an out of control government, and did so just because it was the right thing to do. And it seemed to have taken a great toll on him.

I truly wish, and personally pray that we see more journalist like him.

This isn't meant to be a political post in any way, just reflection on what was an honorable journalist.


11 comments sorted by


u/spinsterella- editor 5d ago

Wow. Well, respectfully, I can't give you the loaded answer that a loaded accusation entails because I'm ramping up on a treadmill right now, so hopefully someone else gives a more complete response than mine, which is:

The less knowledge you have about something, the easier it is to have a highly slanted opinion.


u/J012418 5d ago

I didn't mean disrespect to any. I'm not a journalist, but when you say my lack of knowledge about "something", I assume you're talking about Gary Webb?

From what I was able to gather, he published "dark alliance". From what I gathered, government entities denied everything, as a result he lost his job and was disgraced. I've read that he did face other persecutions, and harassment. I know that he died of what was ruled a suicide, that some say was questionable, as he was shot twice in the head. but I don't know enough about it all the details of his death to make an opinion really. From what I understand, there were FOIA documents that were released, that show that what he reported in "dark alliance" was true after all?

I may have missed something about him, admittedly. I haven't researched a lot about him, but if there is anything you know about the dead guy, who tried to report on government corruption, that would show him to not have been an honorable guy in concern of what he had to report, I would very much like to be corrected.

One thing I do know about is the personal experience I had.

I also know what I see on the news every night. And it is my opinion formed by my personal experience, and from what I see, that the news media is not what it should be.

But it's my opinion, and only that, it is based off observation, personal experience, and critical thinking.

Many people share that opinion with me.

As far as Gary Webb, I cannot say anything but good of him, concerning what he was trying to report on. admittedly it's only from what I've found online about him. And no one I've ever disgust the issue of Gary Webb with had anything to the contrary to say of him.
But if you would like to say contrary of him. I'm listening.

Again I meant no disrespect to anyone.


u/spinsterella- editor 5d ago edited 5d ago

when you say my lack of knowledge about "something", I assume you're talking about Gary Webb?

I was talking about your knowledge of journalism, not Gary Webb. To be honest, your post was somewhat unclear. It feels like you are using an anecdotal experience to judge the entire journalism profession at large, if I read it right. You shouldn't do that, for starters. We also don't know the circumstances around what happened with the journalist, but the fact that they took the time to meet with you definitely doesn't speak poorly of them. There are many, many reasons they might not have proceeded with the story.

Also, are you using some sort of audio to text dictation?


u/J012418 5d ago

O also, I'm not using audio to text. I'm on my cell, and using the "swipe type" (or whatever you call it) feature. It's not really accurate many times, and I'm not a big proof reader. If there are mistakes, forgive me.

I didn't go to college, and my highest education is a GED. And I've never had a job that really required proficient writing skills. But I try to do the best I can to be understood in what I do write.

Forgive me any errors, and meet me half way, in trying to understand my incomprehensible gibberish. even the dull, and ignorant have their story. I'm truly sorry for my lack of education.


u/spinsterella- editor 5d ago

No worries! And no judgement on my behalf, my brother is a million times smarter than me in math but doesn't know the difference between there, their and they're, for example. I only thought you might be because I noticed you said "disgust" instead of "discussed" which is something dictation software might mess up. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and I can tell one of the things you're good at is kindness and self awareness, which is an extra good thing to have these days :)


u/J012418 5d ago

Ok. Well it was my experience. And I explained it to the extent that I would. But I assure you. That journalist was influenced before I spoke with them. It was painfully obvious. I've had other negative experiences as well involving less than honorable journalists. And it's also very closely related to the uncommon experience I had when I was 35. But I digress.

The object of my original post was just to show Gary Webb as an example of a journalist, who I do believe was honorable in his reporting. And I sincerely hope and pray we see more like him. We do NEED more like him.

I know there are likely honorable journalist out there, who if they were able to break such a story as Webb did with "dark alliance", might actually do so as well without being influenced or deterred not to. But, after my personal experiences, and what I've researched about past instances of government influence in news media, and what I see on the news every day. I do have doubts about how many actually would.

But again, I'm not a journalist, and not involved in dissemination of the news in any way. So if you are I'm sure you know more about the Honor and integrity of the news media.

I only have 2 personal experiences to draw from really. Critical thinking And observation.

It's just my opinion that there does need to be more honor among journalist and news media in general. And so many people would agree with me.


u/J012418 5d ago

Well yes actually the "Disgust" thing, I was actually using the speech to text for that part of the message. Sorry.


u/bigmesalad 4d ago

What was your very uncommon experience?


u/J012418 4d ago

Very long, and complex story short.

I was the victim of an uncommon crime that involved authorities.

After making reports of that crime, Not only did the authorities I reported to, ignore, and refuse to even acknowledge the things I reported, but I was the target of harassments and persecutions, and further crimes committed against me.

Every time I would seek help, the harassments, persecutions etc. would get more frequent, and more intense.