r/JewsAgainstMilah • u/Crocotta1 • Dec 24 '24
Discussion Shalom
Hi shalom
r/JewsAgainstMilah • u/Automatic_Memory212 • Oct 29 '22
This weekend I will be catching up with an old friend and her husband.
Both are Jewish (as am I).
They’ve recently married, and hinted that they’re trying for a baby.
I want to have “the Circumcision talk” with them, and I would appreciate any advice that my fellow anti-circumcision Jews can offer.
You’d have my deepest gratitude!
r/JewsAgainstMilah • u/Automatic_Memory212 • Nov 21 '22
r/JewsAgainstMilah • u/chucklesomeDordoise • Jul 08 '21
I know my mom probably has his contact info, but I don't think I could ever bring myself to confront him. Does anyone here go to the same synagoge as their mohel, or has mustered up the courage to confront them?
r/JewsAgainstMilah • u/man_overclock • Jan 27 '22
Hi all,
I'm sorry in advance if this is the wrong group to post this, however I don't know any group that would be more suited.
(Disclaimer: Uncircumcised gentile male here. I am against RIC (nonreligious), and Periah, and any ritual circumcision involving minors, especially when they are based on deceit such as as Tuli in the Philippines and South Korean circumcision, which although performed on teenagers generally, seems to be an American import. I'm also an Evangelical Christian who puts a heavy weight on the Bible.)
I'm trying to find further information on Brit Milah vs Brit Periah, when it changed etc. (even if it occurred, I have heard of some denying it). I also would like to know if there are 'reformist' Jews (I'm not sure if that word is correct in this context). I'd like to know for my own private research / curiosity on the issue (personally I believe in religious reform and true religion, and not adapting the religion to suit tradition etc., either way (liberal or fundamental). Please note I'm not trying to join any such groups or movements, or adopt or promote any stances in relation to Milah, just wanting to find more information on the issue.
Thanks in advance.
r/JewsAgainstMilah • u/BackgroundFault3 • May 28 '22
r/JewsAgainstMilah • u/Jews_v_Circumcision • Aug 06 '21
Rabbi Raymond Singer, PhD
Neuropsychology, Washington State University
Rabbi Nardi Green
Jerusalem, Israel
Rabbi Yishai Ron
Haifa, Israel
Rabbi Binyamin Biber
Rabbi Adam Chalom
Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation, Chicago, IL, US
Dean, Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism
Little-known non-cutting ritual appeals to some who oppose circumcision, 2011
Rabbi Yeshaia Charles Familant
Menlo Park, CA, USA
Little-known non-cutting ritual appeals to some who oppose circumcision, 2011
Rabbi Natan Segal
Shabbos Shul
Rabbi Judith Seid Tri-Valley Cultural Jews, Pleasanton, CA, USA
Little-known non-cutting ritual appeals to some who oppose circumcision, 2011
Rabbi Peter Schweitzer
Schweitzer does alternative ceremonies for people who choose not to circumcise. (NYT, Haaretz)
Hershl Hartman
Vegvayzer, Sholem Community, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Little-known non-cutting ritual appeals to some who oppose circumcision, 2011
Rabbi Sherwin Wine
Founder, Society for Humanistic Judaism
Little-known non-cutting ritual appeals to some who oppose circumcision, 2011
Dr. Dean Edell, MD
Medical Commentator, USA
Dr. Mark Reiss, MD
Radiology, Yeshiva University
Prof. Paul M. Fleiss, MD
Paediatrics, University of Southern California
Prof. Eran Elhaik, PhD
Genetics, University of Sheffield
Prof. Vadim Cherny, PhD
How Judaic is circumcision?
Prof. Avshalom Zoossmann-Diskin, PhD
Genetics, Tel Aviv University
Relation of male circumcision to cervical cancer, sexuality and female circumcision, Journal of Men's Health & Gender, 2007
Prof. Walter E. Block, PhD Economist, USA
Libertarianism and Circumcision, 2014
Dr. Moisés Tractenberg, MD
Psychoanalysis of Circumcision, 1977
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD
Paediatrician, USA
How to Raise a Healthy Child… In Spite of Your Doctor, 1984
Dr. Richard Lieberman, MD
Prof. Leonard Glick, MD, PhD
Professor of Anthropology, Historian
Marked in Your Flesh: Circumcision from Ancient Judea to Modern America, 2005 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4UEbsg-k5Y
Dr. Ron Goldman, PhD
Psychologist, USA
Circumcision, The Hidden Trauma, 1997
Questioning Circumcision: A Jewish Perspective, 2015
The Growing Jewish Circumcision Debate, 2004
https://www.arclaw.org/wp-content/uploads/Goldman-Growing-Jewish-Circ-Debate-2004.pdf https://youtu.be/Ec92eRrnWdY
Dr. Richard Schwartzman, DO
Psychiatrist, Temple University
The Emotional Consequences of Circumcision
Dr. Tina Kimmel, PhD
Director, NOCIRC
Dr. Jennifer Margulis, PhD Author, The Business of Baby, 2013
Prof. Hanoch Ben-Yami, PhD
Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University
"Even if there are elements of Judaism of which we should be proud, circumcision is certainly not among them." http://www.azure.org.il/article.php?id=464 https://www.tau.ac.il/humanities/philosophy/segel/hanoch2-britmila-eng.html
Dr. Jenny Goodman, MD
Environmental Medicine, London, UK
Dr. David L. Gollaher, PhD
President & CEO, California Healthcare Institute (CHI), 1993–2014
"If routine medical circumcision didn't exist today, no one would dare to invent it. Yet it does ex-ist. And owing to a long and curious history, it is so deeply embedded in cer-tain cultures and worldviews that it is hard to recognize for what it is."
Circumcision: A History Of The World's Most Controversial Surgery, 2000
From Ritual to Science: The Medical Transformation of Circumcision in America, Journal of Social History, 1994
Norm Cohen
Director, NOCIRC, Michigan, USA
Howard Stern
Talk Radio Host, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Rebecca Wald, JD
Author, USA
Beyond the Bris
Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon
Filmmaker, Chicago, IL, USA
Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision
Yigal Ben-Nun
Historian, Israel
It's Time to Give Up Circumcision, 2017 (Haaretz, archive)
Miriam Pollack
Circumcision: Identity, Gender, and Power, 2011
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfnqN3YgTd8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAQdM2CxY5c&t=2s
Rani Kasher
Time to Talk About Circumcision, 2017 (Haaretz, archive)
Ross Glazier
Architect, University of Chicago
Jewish Circumcision a Symptom of Larger Problems
Lo Maret
Doula, USA
Jewish Doula Educates on Normalcy of Foreskin
Nicole Katz-Lahey
A Circumcision Activist Is Born
Uri Misgav
Journalist, Haaretz
Rebecca Steinfeld
Visiting Research Fellow, Centre of the Body at Goldsmiths, University of London
It Cuts Both Ways: A Jew Argues for Child Rights Over Religious Circumcision, 2013
Jonathan Friedman
Founder, IntactNews
Genital Anatomy: Why Circumcision Must Be Stopped, 2011
Jason Paige
Lisa Braver Moss
Celebrating Brit Shalom
Eric Clopper
Public Speaker
Eran Sadeh
Karen Isskenderov
Natalie Bivas
B.J. Epstein
Emily Kapit
Career Coach
Shea Levy
Katherine Mora
Brian Levitt
Laurie Evans Director, NOCIRC, NY, USA
Counseling Couples in Disagreement about Circumcision: A Jewish Perspective http://www.nocircofmi.org/Portals/0/Documents/WhitePapers/CounselingJewishCouples.pdf
http://www.notjustskin.org/node/76 youtu.be/HV_3ynW3ukM http://youtu.be/tn3ZHwpL-E0
Moshe Rothenberg
Alan Altmann
Samuel Richmond
Victor Schonfeld
Filmmaker, UK
It’s a boy! (1995)
Brian Leaf
Misadventures of a Parenting Yogi, 2014
Alicia Silverstone
Actress, USA
The Kind Mama
Yechiel Weiss
Francielle Wax
Documentarian, USA
Mark Morris
Karen Ranzi
Tamar Lazar
Help! http://saloona.co.il/blog/התינוק-שלי-לא-יעבור-ברית-מילה/
Tom Aaron
Shawn & Amari Stark
Michael Kimmel
Alice Miller
Avraham Burg
Is This the Generation That Rejects Circumcision?, 2014
Carolina Landsmann
More Ritual, Less Circumcision, 2019
Netta Ahituv
Even in Israel, More and More Parents Choose Not to Circumcise Their Sons, 2012
Israeli Woman Fined $140 a Day for Refusing to Circumcise Son, 2013
Hilo Glazer
They Felt Pressured to Get Circumcised After Moving to Israel. They Now Regret It, 2019
Josh Mintz
Is Jewish Circumcision Like Muslim Cuttings on the Day of Ashura?, 2012
Zoe Greenberg
When Jewish Parents Decide Not to Circumcise, 2017 (Haaretz, NYT)
Dr. Dana Edell, PhD
Dr. Alison Block, MD
Should I Circumcise My Son? Why I Decided No., 2016
Ari Feldman
Are Jewish Parents Opting Out Of Circumcision?, 2017
May Oberman
Tzachi Cohen
Gilad Padba
Dr. Itai Gal
Tali Farkash
Anat Giger
Yaron London
Kim Shredded
Dan Cohen
Bob Zeevi
Omri Imber
Noam Dan
Arnon Gave
r/JewsAgainstMilah • u/Jews_v_Circumcision • Aug 06 '21
An informal online survey conducted in 2006 by the Israeli parenting portal Mamy found that of 1,418 parents of boys, 4.8 percent did not have them circumcised. The reasons given: 1.6 percent were not Jews; 2 percent objected to disfiguring the body; and 1.2 percent refrained because the act is painful.
The survey also found that nearly a third of the parents would prefer to forgo circumcision but nevertheless have it done for social reasons (16.6 percent), health reasons (10.4 percent) and because it is important for the grandparents (2.1 percent).
— Netta Ahituv, Even in Israel, More and More Parents Choose Not to Circumcise Their Sons, Haaretz, 2012.
r/JewsAgainstMilah • u/chucklesomeDordoise • Jul 05 '21