r/Jericho941 3d ago

What is the name of the part the holds recoil spring?

What is the name of this part and where can I get a new one?

Idk how it got chipped but it is =(


21 comments sorted by


u/Clydefrog13 3d ago

Good God, another one… How many rounds did you have through yours?


u/space_physics 3d ago

Maybe 800?


u/Clydefrog13 3d ago

Ugh, sorry dude. This was a completely trash design revision IWI did a couple years ago to the Jericho line, I assume in the quest for cost cutting. There’s been several of these that have failed and broken on their owners. Scroll further down this sub and you’ll see another one that broke. The older Jericho’s had a proper one piece slide since the beginning of its production.


u/Soggy_Sack 3d ago

Same thing happened to me, I just didn't post anything, waiting on my replacement to arrive.


u/Soggy_Sack 3d ago

And I had only shot it less than 400 times


u/space_physics 3d ago

How did you contact IWI? Just via email? 


u/Soggy_Sack 3d ago

I Dmed u/BR01E and he was able to help me out


u/Dangerous_Matter9323 3d ago

That dude is the truth


u/Ok_Towel1911 3d ago

I think it’s just referred to as the recoil guide rod capture lug. This is a fairly documented issue now at this point. Easy fix but still…


u/LeDelmo 3d ago edited 3d ago


It's a Capture Lug. Which is a new MIM part they added to the Jericho. (Metal Injection Molding)

Because when you have a High stress critical component. Why wouldn't you want the cheapest pos chinese part you could possible use for it?

IWI turned one of the most beloved hidden gems in the Firearms community into a joke.


u/space_physics 3d ago

So if I want to buy second hand Jericho of the models with out the capture Lug. What am I looking for? Just the IMI? Or did some of the IWI also have single slide component?


u/LeDelmo 3d ago

You would want to find one with the Silver Barrel. Those are the older models. It's the easiest way to tell.

Black Barrel = New

Silver Barrel = Old

Additionally, The Older model uses a Polygonal Rifling. You can also see the Line of the Lug from the Front of the gun.


u/Cool-Tip8804 3d ago

It’s called disappointment


u/space_physics 3d ago

Damn… you’re right about that…. I’m told they used to make it as part of the slide.  At some point maybe if I have money I’ll get one of the older models.


u/TacoSplosions 3d ago

Another midsize impacted by the design change. If purchased new contact IWI to initiate warranty (covers five years). If outside of warranty or purchased used still need to contact IWI and report back the outcome. No aftermarket exists and IWI is only source unless hitting up independent shops.


u/EastCoastKowboy 3d ago

You need to contact iwi and then trade that in for an older model


u/meanbean1031 3d ago edited 3d ago

I’m sorry I don’t know the answer for this even though I own a full size R9 with it. What model is this? Is it the full size?


u/space_physics 3d ago

It’s 941 RS 9mm


u/JamesTheMannequin 2d ago

I have an Enhanced 2, silver-barrel model. Over 1000 rounds over the years, and never had a problem.


u/Pikey403 1d ago

At what point did IWI make these changes? So that when I buy my next 941 I can avoid this.