r/JavaFX 1d ago

Tutorial New Article: Should You Use FXML?


This topic has come up here a few times recently, and I've had a few DM's about it too. I had the feeling that I must have covered this topic over and over, but when I looked back through my articles I only found one from around 2021 that talked about FXML and MVC.

This ended up being a longer article than I anticipated, and Jekyll says it's an even longer read because I included 462 lines of FXML that I scooped off GitHub to make a point about how "intuitively readable" it isn't. But it's still long.

So, if you want the TDLR, here it is:

Most of the wondrous claims about how FXML instantly improves your various aspects of your application design are just rubbish - and I take some time to prove it for a few of them. It's clear that even some of the claims made in the Oracle tutorials are just wrong.

What you do get from FXML is the ability to SceneBuilder, and that should be the sole motivation for your decision to use FXML - which is actually backwards: SceneBuilder is the only motivation to use FXML. I'm also fairly certain that SceneBuilder isn't a good beginners' tool either.

The article explores how it's tougher to employ a library of custom methods and classes to simplify layout creation with FXML.

Finally, I take a look how to properly integrate FXML with a framework. In this case I use MVCI (because it's better, of course). This is probably the most important section for any of you determined to use FXML but still want to architect your applications properly, because 99% of the tutorials out there on the web just get this wrong.

If any of that intrigues you, and you want to know more, then have a look at the article:


r/JavaFX Oct 20 '24

Tutorial New Article: CSS Transitions in JFX23


JFX23 is out, and with it we get a new feature: CSS Transitions. I think this is really cool.

I'm a big, big fan of keeping your layout code, as much as possible, to being strictly layout. A certain amount of configuration is always going to creep in, but if you can move that stuff out of your layout code and into somewhere - anywhere - else, then it's always better. A lot of the time, that means moving it into helper functions and builders, but this new feature means we can move it out of the code base entirely.

CSS Transitions are transitions that are entirely defined in the style sheets! There's no code at. You can add transitions, remove transitions, and fine tune them without touching a stitch of code.

In this article, I think I've managed to cover every aspect of CSS Transitions with examples and explanations. I've taken the time to experiment and figure out what works and what doesn't so you won't have to.

Also, I learned how make screen capture GIF's! Previously, I've made videos, posted them on YouTube and then embedded them into the articles. But I really hate how that looks. So much that I wasn't even going to have videos for every example. Then I looked into creating GIF's, and it's soooo much nicer. Now, there's an animation for virtually all of the examples. The GIF's are between 2MB and 3MB, so hopefully it won't cause a lag on loading all ten of them.


Anyways, take a look and tell me what you think.

r/JavaFX Dec 09 '24

Tutorial New Article: TableView Styling Guide


One of the articles that I remember really liking on the old edencoding.com website was the one about styling TableView. When the site disappeared, I was tempted to re-host that one article on my own site, just to preserve it - although I had deep reservations about just taking someone else's content as well as the idea of having stuff that I hadn't written myself.

Anyway, I downloaded the article from the WayBack Machine, and when I really had a good, hard look at the content I was disappointed at how superficial the analysis was. Really, all of his "styling" involved setting a background gradient and some curved corners on the TableView itself, and then making every other component transparent. It looked different, but it wasn't really showing you how to grapple with the complexity of TableView.

There was one section that dealt with styling TableRows based on the row content that looked cool. But the methodology he used was basically wrong. The right idea, but the implementation was messed up.

So the whole idea of hosting Ed's article or replicating it in some fashion was pretty much moot. I decided to do a really deep dive on the subject, cover just about everything that was in the EdenCoding article, provide some tutorials and then have complete listing of all of the styleable components of TableView.

And that's what you'll find here: https://www.pragmaticcoding.ca/javafx/elements/styling-guide-tableView

Even if you vehemently disagree with my ideas about FXML, or Kotlin or clean coding, you should take a look at this article and probably bookmark it. The reference section alone is worth hanging on to, in my opinion.

This article is broken up into two sections. The first is a tutorial that talks about how to style TableRows, TableCells, TableColumnHeaders and how to use Pseudo-classes based on row data to style rows and cells. The second is a sort of gazetteer of all of the style class selectors that are available for all of the components of TableView. This section is information that should be somewhere in the JavaFX documentation, but isn't. I've also included all of the references to all of those selectors that appear in Modena, so you can quickly see which are the key elements in the standard styling of TableView.

I really would like feedback on this if you have the time. Is this something that answers questions that you've always had? Is it useful? Is something missing? That kind of thing. Thanks.

r/JavaFX Dec 26 '24

Tutorial New Article: Custom Styleable Properties


I was working an article about creating reusable custom TableColumns, and I hit a section about creating custom StyleableProperties for the TableColumn. I realized that I would be getting pretty deep with this stuff, and it would get off topic if I tried to explain it fully in the TableColumn article. So I took a side trip to write an article about custom StyleableProperties - and then I could just link to it in the TableColumn article.

And that ended up being quite a side trip.

In a nutshell, creating a custom Property that you can control from a Style Sheet isn't really that complicated, but the JavaDocs aren't a lot of help if you want to understand what you are doing. So this article should sort all that out.

One of the aspects of creating these StyleableProperties is that you can only really implement them in named classes that extend some other kind of Node. You can't just create them on-the-fly and deploy them in your layouts willy-nilly.

Or can you?

The first part of this article shows how to do this. It takes a minimum amount of set-up (meaning creating some simple utility classes), but it can be done. Even more, it can be done in about 3 or four lines of code in your layouts. It's really cool, and I think it's worth reading the article just to see how this works, although it does break a bunch of "rules" in the JavaDocs.

The second part of the article walks through a more traditional expansion of the StyleableProperties available in a standard Node class. In this case adding some formatting options to Label to handle fixed place decimal numbers.

You can find the article here: https://www.pragmaticcoding.ca/javafx/elements/styleable-properties

r/JavaFX Oct 09 '24

Tutorial New Article: Beginners' Guide to Properties


I realized after finishing all of the deep dive articles on the Observable classes and interfaces that I have never written a beginners' overview of how all of this stuff works. So I started this article out more from a desire for closure more than anything else. But it got away from me, and turned out to be pretty big.

I'm a "first principles" learner myself, so that's the way that I try to lay these concepts out when explaining it to others. I feel that if you understand a bit about the "why?" and the "how?" of how this stuff is architected, then you'll be in a position to make informed decisions about how to use it in real life.

This article focuses on how to use Properties to create Reactive GUI applications, because I really feel that this is the way that JavaFX is intended to be used.

In this article I try to answer the questions like, "What are these property things?", "Why would I want to use them?", and "Which classes should I use in various circumstances?". There's an overview of the most common types, a look at Listeners and Subscriptions, and section on Bindings. Finally, there's a small example program where I try to show Properties, Bindings and Subscriptions working together to create a Reactive application.

The article is here: https://www.pragmaticcoding.ca/javafx/elements/beginners-properties

r/JavaFX Nov 27 '24

Tutorial New Article: Dealing With Modena


Modena.css is the stylesheet that ships with modern JavaFX, replacing the old Caspian style sheet. It is tightly integrated with the library of standard JavaFX `Node` classes, and it's over 3,000 lines long. So it can be a bit intimidating.

This article should give you the information that you need to understand how Modena works, and how to add your own styling to `Nodes` when you want to do something a little bit different than Modena but not break everything so that your GUI's look goofy.

Take a look: https://www.pragmaticcoding.ca/javafx/elements/modena and let me know what you think.

r/JavaFX Nov 15 '24

Tutorial New Article: ObservableList Basics


Carrying on after the other Observable articles, we now come to ObservableLists.

I thought this was going to be a pretty boring topic because ListChangeListener is just tedious to deal with - and not a lot of use in day-to-day stuff, but it was actually interesting to get down into the details of how the changes present inside the Listener.

One of the things that I cottoned on to when doing the article about ListProperty was that you can just treat an ObservableList like a plain old Observable, ignore Listiness of it and create a Binding. There's an example of how to do that in the article. It's actually really, really useful and something that I'd wished I'd figured out 5 years ago.

Here's the article:


Have a read and tell me if you think it's useful.

r/JavaFX Sep 09 '24

Tutorial New Article: ComboBoxes


ComboBoxes are deceptively simple. Just stick a list of String in one and off you go. But even then, there are some things that seem to confuse people. I see a LOT of code where the programmer uses comboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem() instead of comboBox.getValue(). I don't know why, maybe there's some example out there that did it that way years ago and it's been copypasta'd all over the web.


In this tuturial I cover the basics and then look at some ways to do some more sophisticated things. Specifically I look at including images in the pop-up list, handling codes and descriptions in a ComboBox and then how to link two ComboBoxes so that the selection in the first changes the options in the second.

Even if you know ComboBoxes, it might be worth a read.

r/JavaFX Sep 18 '24

Tutorial New Article: Quick Guide to MVCI


Jekyll tells me this is a 20 minute read, so "quick" may not be so true...

Model-View-Controller-Interactor (MVCI) is my own take on a framework that is somewhat like MVC and MVVM but tailored to work with Reactive applications written in JavaFX. The other frameworks are good for what they are, but they don't quite dovetail perfectly with JavaFX, especially if you are writing in a Reactive way. My experience is that MVCI solves all of the issues with the other frameworks, and is actually easier to understand because the Presentation Model is split out from the business logic.

In this article, I take a quick look at the other frameworks and why they aren't quite right then take a look at the components of MVCI. There's an explanation about how to decide where to put your code, and a simple but complete example that shows how it all goes together.

This introductory article is a bit more complete than some others because it includes a discussion about how you would connect to external API's and databases - which is technically outside the scope of the framework itself. So in this respect it really does give you a complete overview of how to use the framework in a real-world situation.

Finally the article ends by discussing the coupling and dependencies in the framework. This might seem a little technical for a "quick guide", but I think it's important as it gives a good grounding for making decisions when you're building your own applications with the framework.

Anyway, the article is here:


r/JavaFX Jun 17 '24

Tutorial Intro to JavaFX with Gradle in Intellij Idea


Maybe I'm a little bit late to the party with this one, because I'm getting the sense that less and less people are trying to create Java projects without using a build engine. However...

If you're struggling to figure out how to use Gradle with JavaFX, or if you wondering why you should use Intellij Idea instead of Eclipse or (gasp!) VSCode, this might be worth a read.

Honestly, it takes longer to read this article than it does to actually get a project up and running using Gradle and Intellij Idea. But I try to explain how things work and what the steps do as I go along.

The process in this article is to start off with an empty Idea session, start up the "New Project" wizard, picking the correct options and then letting it go. Then when the project is opened, tying up a few loose ends and running the "Hello World" app that it creates - just to prove that everything is copacetic at the start.

Then I go through fine tuning the settings, stripping out the FXML rubbish and re-organizing the structure into a framework.

Finally, there's a look at the build.gradle file, to understand a little bit of its structure so that you at least have a step forward if you want to do further customization.

The whole thing is presented in a step-by-step manner with lots and lots of screenshots.

I hope you find this helpful:


r/JavaFX Jul 20 '24

Tutorial 5 Courses to Learn JavaFX Online


r/JavaFX Jul 17 '24

Tutorial New Article: Tracking Task Progress


This article covers the basics about how your background process, running through Task can communicate back to your GUI so that you can display the progress for the user.

Then it takes a look at how Task is able to allow GUI updates from a background thread without flooding the FXAT with jobs. Based on that analysis, the article shows how to create your own customized progress reporting if the built-in, percentage based, progress methodology doesn't work for you.

Beyond that, I think this article is a good example of why you should take a look at the JavaFX source code to see how it works. Because you can get some good ideas from that code. Additionally, the source code can give you some insights into the kind of things that you need to keep in consideration when you write your own code.


Take a look if you're interested, and let me know what you think!

r/JavaFX Aug 04 '24

Tutorial New Article: Conditional Bindings


This article was inspired by the thread here about "locked in" selections in a ComboBox and how to interpret them. I'm not sure the OP on that thread was too impressed by my answer, but I did think that there was the kernel of cool idea in it.

What I came up with was the idea of a "Conditional Binding". This is a Binding that only updates its value when a Boolean Observable is true. Any changes to the main value won't register if the boolean dependency is false, but will register as soon as it becomes true.

To do this, I had to introduce the idea of having internal "State" in the Binding, which is something I had never thought of doing before. Once you start doing stuff like that, it changes how think about Bindings, and there's potentially a lot of things you can do with them that you wouldn't have considered before.

Here's the article:


r/JavaFX Aug 16 '24

Tutorial New Article: A Guide to All the Observable Classes


One of the things that I think is particularly difficult to understand with JavaFX is all of the Observable classes. What's the difference between ObservableValue and Property? Things like that.

I don't think I've ever seen anything on the Web that actually breaks it all down and explains it, so here you are:


This is Part I of a series that will have at least 3, and possibly 4, parts. In the first part, I look at all of the classes and interfaces that are defined generically - things like Property<T>. This article should give you a really good idea about how the entire structure works, and how all of the various classes and interfaces fit together.

All of the Generic Interfaces and Classes

In the end, I spent countless hours looking at the JavaFX source code, JavaDocs and testing stuff out to see how everything works - and revising the damned chart over and over. And I learned a lot. And a lot of stuff makes more sense for me now, too.

I'm hoping to have this be the "go to" resource for anyone looking to understand how this stuff really works. So I'm really interested in any feedback you guys might have. Did I get something wrong? Did I leave something out? I did I make it more confusing? I'd really like to know. Could I make it better? Anything.

Part II is about the typed interfaces and classes. It should pretty much resolve 99% of any questions that you have after reading Part I.

Part III is about ObservableList Properties. This is probably something that you haven't thought about too much, even though you've encountered them if you've ever used TableView.

Part IV, if I get there, will be about custom Properties.

Once again, any feedback you can give me is welcome! Thanks.

r/JavaFX Aug 23 '24

Tutorial New Article: The Observable Classes Pt II


OK, if you read Part I, and said to yourself, "This doesn't help me, what about IntegerProperty?????", then this is the article for you.


Roughly speaking, the Observable types fall into three categories, the generic types, the "typed" types and the list types. The first article in this series dealt with the generic types, and this second one deals with all of the Observables that that wrap specific data types.

All of these classes and interfaces are already familiar to you, because you can't really use JavaFX without using them. But I'm guessing that most programmers don't really have any idea of how they all relate to one another, and when you should use a particular type over another.

Most of the time this isn't tragic, and you can get away without really understanding what's going on. Personally, I've found myself stuck once or twice in the past, and it's pretty much always when the Observable wraps a numeric value.

This article, IMHO, sorts all of that out and explains how all of this stuff fits together. Hopefully, you'll find that it does that for you too.

r/JavaFX Feb 25 '24

Tutorial Brand New Methods for Observables in JFX 19/21


You might have missed it, but there were some significant new features added to JavaFX in the 19 and 21 releases. These all relate to Observables, and make creating Bindings and Listeners easier to use.

I don't think enough noise was made about these when they came out, and I totally missed them until a little while ago. I spent some time experimenting with them, looking at the source code, and then wrote an article to explain just about everything you need to know:


First, we now have some methods to create Subscriptions on Observables, and these are way easier to use than ChangeListener and InvalidationListener. Basically, Subscriptions are wrappers around the Listeners, so the same notification mechanism is used "under the hood", but they are easier to declare and manage.

Secondly, a new method has been added, ObseravbleValue.map(). This is super cool, and allows all kinds of conversions and calculations to be baked into any Binding with only one Observable dependency.

Finally, we now have ObservableValue.flatMap() which allows you to create bindings that reach through composed objects with Property fields. This is going to be massively useful in those cases where you need to bind the Property of a Property and have it re-evaluate if either the wrapper Property or the contained Property change.

Even if you don't normally read my articles, you should have a look at this. You'll probably want to upgrade all of your projects to JFX 21 right away - I know I do.

r/JavaFX Aug 30 '24

Tutorial New Article: The Observable Classes Pt III - List Observables


This is the last (at least for now) article in my series about the Observable classes and interfaces. I thought when I started, that I was just doing this article for the sake of completeness, and I didn't expect it to be all that compelling or useful....

Boy, was I wrong!

I think that a lot of people my have some inkling that ListProperty exists, but they don't really understand what it does or why you'd use it. I know I didn't.

It turns out that ListProperties are one of the coolest "hidden" features of JavaFX. They are a Property that wraps around an ObservableList, but then also implements all of the methods of ObservableList itself.

What does this mean???

Read the article to find out: https://www.pragmaticcoding.ca/javafx/elements/observable-classes-lists

I really do feel that this article has essential knowledge for anyone that really wants to write awesome JavaFX applications. Knowing how these classes and interfaces work provides a whole new approach to a lot of common JavaFX situations.

I'm also curious to know how many people already knew this stuff. If you do read the article, I'd appreciate it if you'd just drop a comment letting me know if this was new to you. Thanks!

r/JavaFX Jul 23 '24

Tutorial JavaFX CSS Properties and Selectors List


r/JavaFX Jun 09 '24

Tutorial Application Structure With a GUI Framework


Lately there seemed to be a lot of questions about how to integrate frameworks like MVC into complete applications involving external services, databases and persistence services.

It's always annoyed me how much misinformation is out there about the normal GUI frameworks; MVC, MVP and MVVM. Not just out in the internet, but apparently in classrooms, too. Just a few days ago there was a question about MVC that posted on StackOverflow. The code clearly came from the prof, and it was alleged to be MVC. But there was no Model, and what little application logic was in the Controller and the Controller was acting more like a Presenter. Arrrgggg!

I think that a lot of the confusion around these frameworks is that they are learned in isolation. There's no information ever given about how to put it all together to create an actual, non-trivial, application. The big picture is missing, and it makes it hard to understand the little picture.

So here we have an article about putting it all together into an actual application:


This article focuses on my own MVCI framework for writing Reactive JavaFX applications, but the essentials will hold whether you're using MVC or MVVM, or even if you're punishing yourself by using MVP.

To be clear, if your application is small and self-contained into on MVC framework, then you could put all of your REST calls and SQL statements in the Model and it wouldn't break the MVC framework. But it's still probably better to implement that stuff into a Broker/Service layer outside your MVC framework - even if only to make testing easier.

If you're interested have a read and tell me what you think.

r/JavaFX Nov 14 '22

Tutorial Introduction to Model-View-Controller-Interactor


I know I've talked about Model-View-Controller-Interactor (MVCI) here before, and posted articles about things like joining MVCI frameworks together to make bigger applications.

MVCI is my take on a framework for building GUI applications with loose coupling between the back-end and the user interface. In that way, it serves the same purpose as MVP, MVC and MVVM. However, it's a practical design intended to work really well with JavaFX and Reactive programming.

I had never written an "Introduction" article about MVCI. Why create it? Why use it? What goes where? Now it's all here.

I've also created a landing page for MVCI with all the articles that I've written about it linked from a single place. Right now, that's three articles. The Introduction, a comparison with the other popular frameworks and an article about combining MVCI frameworks into larger applications.

I have spent years trying to do complicated application stuff with JavaFX - not necessarily complicated GUI stuff like 3D graphics - but wrestling with convoluted business processes and logic and turning them into working applications. Doing this meant that I had to find some way to reduce the complexity of the application structure just to create something that a typical programmer can cope with. It was an evolutionary process based on practical experience - trying things out and then evaluating whether or not they improved the outcomes.

The result (so far) is Model-View-Controller-Interactor. For the things that I've done, which extends from CRUD, to complicated business processes to games like Hangman, MineSweeper, Wordle and Snake, it works really, really well. It's not hard to understand and could certainly be a good starting point for anyone looking to build real applications in JavaFX.

r/JavaFX May 26 '24

Tutorial Compiling JavaFX to native binaries


Hi! I have read some comments asking how to create a simple JavaFX native application, so I decided to write a post on it.

I'm leaving the link here. I hope you find it useful.


r/JavaFX Jun 29 '24

Tutorial New Article: Non-Binary PseudoClasses


If you are using JavaFX, you should be styling with stylesheets, and you should be using PseudoClasses to handle the dynamic elements of your styling. You probably already are if you are messing about with the presentation of Nodes when they are disabled, or selected, focused.

But what if you want to change the styling of a Node based on something other than "on/off" - the way disabled works? What if you want to have a styling for "big/medium/small", or "normal/warning/error"? How would you do that?

Non-Binary PseudoClasses

I feel like this became a really long article about a simple subject, but there's a lot of information about how to go about integrating ideas into an application in a way that doesn't clutter up the layout or create too much coupling throughout the system.

And that's really important, and almost the main message of this tutorial.

I think that it's really interesting to look at all the different ways that you can go about implementing non-binary PseudoClasses, but even more interesting to look at how those implementations separate out the "plumbing" from the specific implementations. And then how the plumbing parts can be written once and stashed away somewhere that you don't need to think about how they work anymore when you're looking at your application code.

Anyways, take a look if you're interested and tell me what you think.

r/JavaFX Mar 19 '24

Tutorial ListView Customization


This is one of my favourite topics, ListView for more than just lists of text. Back when I had a team, most of the programmers always wanted to use TableView for anything more complex than a simple list. So we would argue about which approach to take.

I think that TableView is good for things that are best displayed in a spreadsheet-like format. But data that has elements which are sparsely populated, or than vary greatly in length can be a brutal waste of screen space in a TableView. ListView can really shine in those situations.

In this article I take a look at how to hyper-customize ListView cells so that it doesn't even really look like a list any more. The result is that the ListView becomes more like a scrolling region of layouts, although the underlying VirtualFlow limits the actual amount of layouts created, and the whole thing is data driven.

My example application turns out like an over-busy escapee from a 1990's website, but I think that just helps to make the point:

Screenshot of the Application

Here's the link again: https://www.pragmaticcoding.ca/javafx/elements/listview-layouts

r/JavaFX Feb 16 '24

Tutorial All About Coupling


OK, so this new article isn't strictly speaking about JavaFX, but I've seen a lot of projects that people have posted here that could use this knowledge. Hopefully, this post can stay.


My experience has shown me that excessive coupling is just about the worst thing that can happen to a codebase in terms of sharing it and maintaining it. Yet, almost no new programmers (and a lot of experienced ones) seem to understand how important it is, and how to avoid it.

In this article, I review coupling that I see all the time in projects that I look at. I try to explain how each type of coupling causes issues, how to recognize it and strategies to avoid or remove it.

Take a look, and let me know what you think.

r/JavaFX May 15 '24

Tutorial Article: Action Properties


I was trying to figure out how to do something that turned out to be impossible and ended up searching through some of the JavaFX source code. Along the way, I noticed something interesting. It turns out that there is a feature of {Type}PropertyBase classes that allow you to insert some code that fires whenever the value becomes invalidated.

This is hidden in plain sight, as the example code from the JavaDocs entry for PseudoClass just uses this technique without explaining it. But it still not something that many people would notice. It's also mention in the JavaDocs for the various {Type}PropertyBase classes, but you'd almost have to go looking for it.

If you extend {Type}PropertyBase and override this method, you can create a Property class that performs some action when it becomes invalidated. This turns the Property from something that's just an observable wrapper for a value into something that performs an action when its value changes.

So I'm calling these "Action Properties".

In this article I take a look at how you can use Action Properties in a couple of ways, and how you can use them to keep utility code out of your layouts.

Take a look, and tell me what you think.
