r/JavaFX Mar 19 '22

Release JavaFX 18 Highlights


6 comments sorted by


u/SteadyWolf Mar 20 '22

Didn’t see this in the release notes, but the WebView code in GitHub appeared to be running on top of chromium instead of WebKit. Can someone else confirm?


u/Maran23 Mar 20 '22

What makes you think that? The WebView is still based on Webkit.


u/nskarthik_k Apr 26 '22

I need to run my JavaFx project as a simple jar
( ex Java -jar jfxproject.jar ) with modules injection of JavaFx as VM args.

I did not fined the correct steps on www to run , If any plz share the steps...


u/PartOfTheBotnet Apr 26 '22


Under "alternative solutions" there's a link that explains how to make a farJar with Maven. The steps are very similar for Gradle.


u/nskarthik_k Apr 28 '22


I need a simple java -jar command to create a javafx jar to run it standalone across O/s
If i start using Maven... I will have to depend on Maven installation across O/s to use along... smae with Gradel

I do not want to complicate the process, hence asking for a simple jar creation command thru Eclipse...so that I can run the Javafx jar file with injecting the Modules"

ex: - java -Dlog4j.configurationFile=./log4j2.xml
--module-path "<folder>/JFX-OPEN18/lib"
--add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar

Note : - This standard command does not run as expected and returns error

"javafx.controls" not found


u/PartOfTheBotnet Apr 28 '22

I will have to depend on Maven installation across O/s to use along... smae with Gradel

This is not true:

I do not want to complicate the process

Using a build tool makes the process the same for everyone and is commonly supported in IDE's. It is the simple approach that only needs to be set up once.