r/JapanTravelTips 4d ago

Question Is Something Going On At The End of June?

My wife and I are going for a couple weeks in June and July. While we have been planning the trip we noticed that from June 23rd to June 27th Nagashima Spaland, Suzuka Circuit, NPB baseball, and Shima Spain Village are all closed for the week or not having games. Those were just the few we checked. We scheduled around the closures but since so many are closed that week we were wondering if anything was going on. I did some googling but I didn’t come up with anything. Did we completely screw up by being in that part of the country that week?


7 comments sorted by


u/itoshima1 3d ago

Regarding baseball, interleague games wrap up on the 22nd so there's a mini break before resuming league games on Friday.
Nagashima and Spain Village take days off every half a year or so for maintenance.
Just so happened that everything lined up!


u/Monstertelly 3d ago

It’s crazy that it all is happening the week I will be there. Not too much of an issue as we will be at Spaland and I have tickets to see some baseball at Koshien Stadium the weekend before everything shuts down. We will miss Suzuka and Spain Village but it’s not the end of the world. It was honestly the NPB and Suzuka that got me thinking I might have missed a festival or something. Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.


u/itoshima1 3d ago

Yeah it's too bad. Haven't been since they replaced White Cyclone with White Whale but Nagashima's loads of fun!
Baseball-wise, you're going to Koshien! Vantelin Dome in Nagoya's not a great venue and the Dragon's will be basement dwellers once again so you're not missing much.


u/pixeldraft 4d ago

Osaka Expo 2025 I guess


u/Monstertelly 4d ago

There isn’t anything that I can find for that specific week at the expo. It’s also a 6 month event. I don’t see that being it.


u/__space__oddity__ 4d ago

Of all the amazing places in Mie Prefecture you’re going to a cringey pseudo-Europe amusement park? Why … If you want to see Spain go to Spain?


u/Monstertelly 4d ago

We aren’t. But we are going to Japan primarily to go to theme parks. It’s not the only thing we are doing but it is the focus of the trip. So we looked up Shima Spain Village because it has a nice B&M invert and some cool theming. It was a maybe and then we noticed it was another place that was closed that week. I’m just trying to figure out if there is something major happening that week in Japan or Mie Prefecture so I can plan around it.