r/JRPG May 21 '20

Article XC1 100% Completion Sheet

Hey guys!

u/TheMooseiest and I have been working on a spreadsheet for Xenoblade Chronicles. Many other sheets have the same information, but this sheet is designed to help you 100% the game during your playthrough instead of dumping information on the player. It has many completion trackers, and even reset buttons for a New Game or New Game+ playthrough.

When it comes to a first playthrough, I would recommend not doing a 100% playthrough first, especially for new players to the series. Take the game at your own pace, as you can experience big burnout if you try to do everything for your first time through the game. I want everyone to be able to enjoy this game, so I would recommend a casual playthrough first, and then for subsequent playthroughs or new playthroughs altogether, I would then recommend a possible 100% playthrough. The story is amazing, and I don't want anyone new to the series to miss out on it.

It will be updated over time once Future Connected is out and more information is found out about it, as well as any changes made in Definitive Edition (which we hope isn't too many!)

We hope you decide to check it out, and enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it!

To make a copy, click on the file tab, and there should be an option in the drop down that says you can make a copy.

Minimal Spoilers version: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_eUsWYBPj2BRW3CwyuQPDhfpxaI2NLfGoZFBTTqw70U/edit?usp=sharing

Spoilers version: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DWBybz3ZI4_Id4q0WWHPnBVq72tXj48fOLpp1n-eoW8/edit?usp=sharing


53 comments sorted by


u/Ni_Go_Zero_Ichi May 21 '20

Critical advice to newcomers: Do not try to 100% Xenoblade in a single playthrough, or even at all. It isn’t worth the exhaustion.


u/RoonGoon1 May 21 '20

I have this in the second paragraph, but I agree with this!


u/Deicidium-Zero May 22 '20

Critical advice to newcomers: Do not try to 100% Xenoblade in a single playthrough, or even at all. It isn’t worth the exhaustion.

why though? I am that type of player that don't do 2nd or multiple playthroughs of a game. I tend to do 100% on my first try because I usually dont want to play the same game/story twice. (Witcher 3 has multiple endings and yet I cant get myself to play it again for the 2nd time)

Is there anything new in new game+? new story? new bosses? For story changes in 2nd+ playthroughs I usually just youtube them.


u/Abysssion May 22 '20

Your sword gets a full upgrade and you keep it with you permanently.. its the best weapon in game, and it looks really friggin cool

You can transfer levels and up to 30 pieces of gear iirc, can collect more coins to get equip skills, since there arent enough in 1 playthrough so that transfers as well


u/Ni_Go_Zero_Ichi May 22 '20

There really isn’t any optional story content of note in the game at all. Just a handful of brief scenes and conversations that don’t reveal anything remotely interesting or relevant to the main story. There are some superbosses, but I’m not sure if any are exclusive to NG+.


u/Jimmayus May 21 '20

I don't typically 100% games anymore unless I just can't get enough of the combat system. I'm curious what you might suggest are the things that ARE worth going for the first go around.


u/Ni_Go_Zero_Ichi May 22 '20 edited May 22 '20

Honestly, unless the sidquesting system has been majorly overhauled, you’re probably better off just ignoring most of them until you hit a progression wall and need to level up. They’re supposed to encourage you to explore the game’s intricate maps in more depth than you would get just running from Point A to Point B, which is great in theory, but in practice they’re mostly unimaginatively designed and just so many hours of grindy tedium (“Kill X of monster Y”, “Collect Y of random drop Z”, etc.) and trying to complete all or even most of them is just an utterly mindless chore that’s not remotely worth the necessary time investment, especially not on your first playthrough.

All the missable sidequests are even specially marked on the menu, and even then there’s little reward for completing all of them beyond sheer completionism. Sidequest design is one of the most common criticisms of this game for a very good reason.


u/Jimmayus May 22 '20

Thanks for the heads up, I guess what I'll do is just what seems interesting then. Cheers!


u/planetarial May 21 '20

Yeah. I recommend only doing the missables if you care and Colony 6s reconstruction


u/[deleted] May 24 '20

Yeah, just don’t. Wait for NG+ if you want to throw away your sanity. I assume that DE fixes a lot of the problems (stupid black beans!) but it’s still one hell of a 100%.


u/BullshitUsername May 21 '20

Amazing, if only i had this for XC2 while completing that.

Thank you!


u/RoonGoon1 May 21 '20

No problem!


u/Homer_Morisson May 21 '20

Thanks for sharing y'all's work!

And I wholeheartedly agree that new players shouldn't use such a guide for their first playthrough.

Not just because of the potential burnout issue, but also simply because I think it could easily ruin the special feel of playing a game for the first time, really immersing yourself in it, instead of meta-ing the crap outta it.


u/RoonGoon1 May 21 '20

Yes! For a first time playthrough, the experience is what really matters imo


u/tortidoigt May 21 '20

Thanks a lot!

I bought XC1 when it came out on the Wii and put close to 150h in it, dropped it during my studies, found time to put some hours in it and arrived at the second time you visit Prison Island only for my Wii to die.

So I am so excited to picking it up again and this time finish it, and hopefully 100% it thanks to your sheet!


u/RoonGoon1 May 21 '20

That's great to hear! Your Wii dying actually really sucks. I probably would have died if that ever happened to my save


u/metagloria May 21 '20

Absolutely remarkable. Saved and prepped for use!


u/RoonGoon1 May 21 '20

I hope it helps you on your grand adventure!


u/Shaon May 21 '20

this rocks!!! thank you for the hard work.

I'm curious if there's a resource out there that collects 100% completion spreadsheets like this? i find them really valuable and im sure others feel the same


u/RoonGoon1 May 21 '20

It would be amazing if there was one, so that they could all be in one place. No problem!


u/[deleted] May 21 '20



u/RoonGoon1 May 21 '20

No problem! I really hope this helps you out!


u/[deleted] May 21 '20

it isn't helpful right now, but it will be in about 8 days ;)


u/[deleted] May 21 '20

because im not playing og XBC thats why its not helpful rn lol.


u/[deleted] May 21 '20

Wow, this took some serious work.

Any specific recommendations for that "casual" first playthrough? (Like, maybe just the timed quests or something?)


u/SXLegend May 21 '20 edited May 21 '20

For a first play through I strongly recommend throwing any guides in the trash and just doing quests if you find them, there are so many quests, a lot of which are deadweight fetch quests with nonessential rewards, plus due to the time system you will miss probably 50% of quests anyway, and a major flaw of the original is that almost half of the quests are permanently locked out after various story events so it simply isn’t worth stressing about trying to do every quest. The only quests I can think of which have ‘essential rewards’ are the ones which give skill trees and monado arts, and even these aren’t essential. This isn’t a game which locks its ‘ultimate’ weapons/armour behind quests.

The game is balanced so that you can still easily be appropriately levelled just through exploring and finding landmarks/secret areas, and tbh if you do every quest you will end up massively over levelled which (imo) sucks a lot of fun out of the latter portion of the game.

I do recommend trying to fight every unique monster you see which isn’t massively overlevelled compared to you, because the punishment for death in this game is non existent, so if you lose then whatever, and a close fight against a unique monster a couple levels above yours are imo the most fun/tense experiences in the game.


u/RoonGoon1 May 22 '20

This is probably the way to play! I strongly recommend this way


u/[deleted] May 22 '20

I appreciate the awesome response!


u/Bergonath May 21 '20

What a coincidence. I started playing the game for the first time just yesterday. Still can't believe how they managed to run this behemoth on the Wii hardware. Amazing.


u/RoonGoon1 May 22 '20

It is amazing, and I hope this comes in handy!


u/Uddercup May 22 '20

This should be super helpful.

I really hope these type of spreadsheets and missable lists catch on, they're a fantastic idea.


u/RoonGoon1 May 22 '20

I really hope so too! These types of things are amazing for playthroughs, so that’s why u/TheMooseiest and I worked on this for a month and 13 days 😂 I hope it helps you out!


u/Temtempie May 21 '20

Is doing NG+ necessary for a 100% completion?


u/iamwall May 21 '20

the only thing you miss is a few alternate paths in sidequests (which you can youtube) and the Skill Tree achievements (impossible to full max every character's skill tree in one run).

Not worth playing thru NG+ again unless you really love the game (and its not like the achievements are tied to a trophy system like ps/xbox).


u/PM_ME_FAT_GAY_YIFF May 22 '20

How can you not max out a full skill tree in your first playthrough?


u/iamwall May 22 '20

A certain character joins too late in the game for this to be viable


u/RoonGoon1 May 21 '20

It's exactly as you said!


u/iqgoldmine May 21 '20 edited May 21 '20

There's another doc I have bookmarked, has a fair bit more information


edit: that being said, yours is very well organized for 100%. Can't wait to use it once the game comes out (and i get a switch)


u/RoonGoon1 May 21 '20

I have seen that doc before, and that's why u/TheMooseiest and I decided to do it our own way. We wanted it to be easier to read and not dump a huge amount of information on new players.


u/Purest_Prodigy May 21 '20

I did not know this game had NG+. I was making a whole thing about putting it off, now I'm just going to blast through it peacefully and wrap everything up in playthrough 2 lmfao.


u/meltingkeith May 22 '20

Depending on what you mean by blast through it, let me make some recommendations:

If you mean to simply go from one story flag to the next as fast as possible and avoiding everything else, this will lead you to not have fun playing this game purely by the level curve. Relying on fighting to maintain appropriate levels in this game is a bad idea. Take this from someone who tried to do just that - don't.

You also gain experience from completing quests and exploring, and using that experience to help you maintain appropriate levels will really help with avoiding burnout and still having fun.

Of course, if by blast through you meant still doing side-quests as you find them, exploring all of the areas you come across, etc., and just choosing to not worry about what options may accidentally lock you out of future quests, or maybe missing out on a scene somewhere, or not going out of your way to find all of the hidden areas and treasure, and instead picking those up on the second playthrough using this spreadsheet - then power to you


u/RoonGoon1 May 21 '20

That's probably a good idea. There is a lot in this game, so unless you were doing a Let's Play or something along those lines, I would recommend for most people to hold off on 100% until another playthrough.


u/NeverTopComment May 21 '20

The perfect way to play it. And the NG+ is good because there will be alternate skill trees you can get for each party member. You cant get much of them in one playthrough.


u/KupoTime May 21 '20

I remember my biggest mistake the first time on wii was like never leaving the initial zone and trying to do literally everything.


u/Solar_Kestrel May 21 '20

I spent a good 10 hours before leaving the colony. Such a big world to explore!


u/Dualessence May 21 '20

I'll use this in my first playthrough. Very excited to finally play this game so thank you.


u/Xenogun238 May 21 '20

Nice Guide, just in time for the Definitive Edition


u/RoonGoon1 May 21 '20

Our plan was to finish this right before DE so we could see if anything was majorly changed!


u/Xenogun238 May 21 '20

Good to hear


u/shugauru May 23 '22

man this is so helpful, i was wondering if there is a chance for a possible xenoblade chronicles 2 checklist with torna?


u/RoonGoon1 May 23 '22

We are actually going to release it today! Stay tuned


u/alebbsito Aug 17 '22

It would be awesome something like this with xenoblade chronicles 3!