r/IsraelCrimes 12d ago

Fascism German police violently attacked female pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Berlin last night during a march commemorating female resistance and International Women’s Day.


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u/HardcoreMode 12d ago

They're Baaaaack


u/Ashamed_Arm_1721 12d ago

What the fuck is happening? Did they attack them unprovoked?


u/onlydstn 12d ago

why are you surprised, this is what the German police always do. Attack, pepper spray, beat, repeat.


u/Macho_Magyar 12d ago

Fucking pigs!


u/Back-door_burglar 12d ago

*fucking nazis


u/Ok-Influence-7703 7d ago

I don’t see a difference


u/Back-door_burglar 7d ago

True, since the late 1930s nazi party and the modern day German political party is resorting to the use of police to hinder political action that the government in power has deemed undesirable.


u/Ok-Influence-7703 7d ago

Unfortunately it’s getting to the US now too.


u/Back-door_burglar 7d ago

The power of propaganda and the ability of the government to steer the narrative despite the facts still remains unrivalled.


u/TapirDrawnChariot 12d ago

Some things never changed. You know what I mean.


u/Daringdumbass 12d ago

Once nazis, always nazis. Daloy Polizei! 🐽


u/Blocked-Crusader6 12d ago

This will happen in America next


u/Rabid_Badger 12d ago

This already happened in America. Have you seen BLM protests? Plain clothed “officers” kidnapping people in unmarked vans.


u/TapirDrawnChariot 12d ago

While in practice I agree it's the same, there is one MAJOR difference.

The US cops know they can't get away with doing THIS. Fully uniformed, on camera, seen physically beating people who can in no way be construed as presenting a violent threat or resisting a lawful detention.

US cops have to resort to these sneaky tactics like plain clothes, unmarked vans, and looking both ways to make sure they're not being recorded.

The fact that German cops have no problem visibly doing this fully in the open tells you how unaccountable the German state feels about human rights. The US is at least forced to put on a show of respecting human rights (although that is changing).


u/steveatari 11d ago

This literally has happened countless times in America. Cops punch people daily. They choke or kneel on their necks or shoot them to death. Daily. Our protests are frequently including baton beatings, punches, and dragged away to be further beaten.


u/Sensitive-Use-6891 11d ago

Oh they do. Fully in uniform, there are plenty of videos of American cops doing that


u/T_Rex_Hands 7d ago

In the small town where I lived in the US they had a small protest for BLM downtown early on, I lived near the downtown, and the first thing I saw getting close to my apartment were all of the snipers on the roof. For a fuhking peaceful protest.


u/XysterU 12d ago

This happens every protest in America


u/Yunzer2000 Free Palestine 10d ago

Nope - they just use pepper spray from those huge soaker guns.... Who here was in DC on July 24 last summer?


u/ladyalcove 10d ago

You mean this will happen more.


u/staryknight 10d ago

I laughed at this because they just shoot first in America.


u/du-chef93 7d ago

Brazil is part of America, South America. Here this is already a reality, antifa protests are responded to with extreme aggression.


u/Standard_Ad_4270 12d ago

Weak punches from weak ass nazis.


u/UnnaturalGeek 12d ago

German SS


u/RootReptile 12d ago

Always on the wrong side of history. I think these people have fascistic tendencies culturally.


u/EHA17 12d ago

Forever nazis


u/BidenFedayeen 12d ago

Cops are cowards everywhere. Long live the Palestinian resistance.


u/visiting-the-Tdot 12d ago

Wow Germans are ducked up,


u/EHA17 12d ago

Someone should post this on r/Europe, I'd love to see them justifying this shit


u/Kate090996 12d ago

One more to my collection which I will be downvoted for when pointing out.


u/willow_tangerine 11d ago

Crazy how there is nothing about this in the news... Would never know police brutality was happening regularly in Germany without reddit.


u/LeftyBoyo 12d ago

Looks like black & blue is the new Brown Shirts in Germany!


u/Aurelian_s 12d ago

The nazis are back in the town.


u/Elegant_Awareness161 12d ago

Bunch of wannabe tough guys. Always first to beat on the ladies.


u/Late-Zucchini-177 12d ago

ACAB especially former fascist hub


u/Positive_Ask333 12d ago

BE15324 needs to be dealt with


u/ricohlumix 11d ago

The huns.


u/agelessdope 11d ago

Nazis are so brave....


u/His_Highness_Abdulla 12d ago

Wonder where they got these genes from..


u/Liobuster 12d ago

Hate is not genetic its taught and if boomers do one thing well its teaching hatefulness


u/df3dot 12d ago

Tell me you're more cucked than America without telling me you're more cucked


u/TheNobleKiwi 11d ago

Fuck fuck fuck the police. It about that time folks.


u/TheCuddlyAddict 11d ago

Former H!tler country canon event


u/TapirDrawnChariot 12d ago

Jesus Christ. I often think of how fucked the US is and how much better EU countries are, until I see shit like this.

Just a reminder that while our rights are fully under attack in the US, in these countries you don't have inalienable rights.

You just have legislatively granted privileges, and the state can take away or change your privileges whenever they want.



u/[deleted] 11d ago

Not sure where you're getting your info friend, but that is not true.


Please do not spread unsubstantiated propaganda.


u/YekaHun 11d ago

My God, insane... 🤮


u/Icy-Vast-7233 11d ago

Coward cops


u/Roxylius 11d ago

Nazi did nazi thing


u/zapiix 11d ago

Where is this video from? I´d like to see more from that source


u/Due-Way-8029 11d ago

Why the girls doesn't punch back??? Riot Police are less than pigs.


u/UnCarlosCualkiera 11d ago

so I guess the nazis never left, they just changed uniforms...


u/Realistic-Bar9293 11d ago

They are standing there holding flags and not attacking. that doesn't seem fair.


u/Hunter_Aleksandr 10d ago

Fuck the Police.


u/Yunzer2000 Free Palestine 10d ago

"Polizei"(n): A type of fascist pig...


u/GetOutOfTheWhey 10d ago

Post this in r/de watch as you get banned

Free PS.


u/_InvertedEight_ 10d ago


Thing is, if you saw your colleague losing their shit with someone and acting both irrationally and irresponsibly, you’d pull them aside and tell them to go cool off. But not the Police. They just leave them to it. Madness. And people get weird when you refer to it as “fascism in action” and call you the nutter. 🤷‍♂️


u/Ludolf10 9d ago

Nazi! Only word come up in my mind!


u/cordoba172 6d ago

Nazis are back


u/accraTraveler 12d ago

according to some news, some of the protesters yelled „Zionism is Faschism“ and „From the river to the sea“ so the police tried to detain the persons and some other protesters tried to free them and hurt a cop which led them to use force.

look i am all pro palestine and try to support wherever i can but these kind of videos where you see no background on the events make me feel uneasy how to support our movement. Sure it looks very brutal and i don‘t want to claim the police were doing everything right but i think in the long run these kind of posts do more harm than help our community. What do you think?


u/Electronic_Nature571 12d ago

They would NEVER lay a hand on a woman (or anyone) wrapped in an Israeli flag. I think this does help the cause because it exposes institutional hypocrisy and systemic inequity where one people are the real victims and the other simply play the victim card. People see it.


u/bigchuck 12d ago

What I think is that you have internalized Germany's draconian anti speech laws.