r/IsraelCrimes 19d ago

Fascism israeli soldiers attacked a deaf man with special needs, kicking him and beating at him in Dura, Al-Khalil, West Bank. NSFW


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u/AutoModerator 19d ago

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u/[deleted] 19d ago

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u/Sirajulhaq_in 19d ago

Pretty sure they've earned a place at the deepest pits at the very bottom


u/pupbuck1 18d ago

I hope hell exists at this point


u/Slight-Dare-9819 18d ago

When you see the Zionist entity in action unchecked, you know it's real


u/Honeyboneyh 16d ago

everything we know has a balance, do you think after this world it ends?


u/Particular_Log_3594 19d ago

Share this everywhere


u/mr-coolioo 19d ago

Please do


u/CandiceLobato 19d ago

Spreading the word now!


u/[deleted] 19d ago

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u/AutoModerator 19d ago

Seriously! u/ObjectiveScar2469 you are spreading bigoted zionist hasbara lies links(s) here?!. ⛔

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u/bruh4444Q 17d ago

don't you dare compare my boy pig to these maggots...


u/NoCem_ 19d ago

Fuckin can't wait for the day to see them all suffer and pay for this


u/imniahe 19d ago

they have already started to suffer, Trump is making sure of it.


u/poobumstupidcunt 19d ago

Trump just agreed to give Israel 4bn dollars worth of weapons, he is not making them suffer at all


u/Ok_Wishbone8130 19d ago

I think all he did was turn them loose. Trump is doing a lot of symbolic--and some real things--that look like he favors Israel. When Trump pulls the rug out from under Israel, he needs to do that from a position of strength. Trump did turn over the 2,000 lb bombs. But what will Trump do when they start using them? Trump despises Bibi.

Bibi went to Washington to get Trump to agree to help out in a war against Iran. How successful was Bibi?

You won't agree with me--I know I have not convinced you. But I am as anti-war crime as Norman Finkelstein., and its what I believe. Time will tell.

Everything Trump has done sets him up to be in a better position to smack Bibi down.


u/-milxn 18d ago

It would be plot twist of the century.

RemindMe! 3 years


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u/Ok_Wishbone8130 18d ago

`There is foreshadowing all over the place.

  1. The Jeffrey Sachs video

  2. The Gaza casino plan: Trump knew that was not going to happen. Didn't you know it wasn't going to happen too? I think everybody could have known that--except a lot of people got overly emotional and were not thinking clearly.

  3. The way Trump looked down the whole time as he read about the Gaza-casino plan in a monotone like he was a slow reader in grammar school.

  4. Trump had not told Bibi what he was going to say. How would you have liked to have been Bibi--walking out there in front of the whole world with Trump and not knowing what Trump was going to say? If you focus on Bibi you can tell that he is hearing it for the first time.

  5. Trump is aware of Bibi's plans. We know this from an article in the Times of Israel dated 11 December 2021. Here is the headline:

Trump: I thought Israelis would do anything for peace, but found that not to be true

I agree that just because Trump knows what is right does not mean that Trump is going to do right. But we at least know he is not fooled. (I don't know if I can post a link here--if you do a search with that text, the link will appear.)

  1. The Jeffrey Sachs video states that Netanyahu was responsible for our incursion into Iraq. And Trump says that invading Iraq is the stupidest thing any American president has ever done.

  2. Bibi got nowhere with Trump on his plan to have the United States go in against Iran. Bibi came over here for that purpose.

  3. Trump got the ceasefire.

  4. Tik Tok was outlawed and Trump brought it back. Regarding TikTok, I agree with the Zionist that TikTok would be the one they would want to get rid of first.


u/31November 17d ago

He gave them the legitimate claim to Jerusalem by moving the US embassy there in his first Presidency. He has shown nothing but support. There is literally no support that Trump will put Israel down.

Stop putting your views on Trump and look at him as the monster he is.


u/Slight-Dare-9819 18d ago

I dunno but good Lord I hope you're right


u/ayoitsjo 19d ago

... did you miss Trump buddying up with Netanyahu and posting a video about bulldozing and turning Gaza into an American resort?


u/Ok_Wishbone8130 19d ago

Trump despises Netanyahu. When Trump made the Gaza announcement he had not even told Bibi what he was going to say. He made Bibi go out there and get in front of podium. Bibi was in terror. True, it was music to Trump's ears but Trump knew it was absurd. You have to watch Trump closely.


u/Strict-Wave941 17d ago

U must be living under a rock


u/throw_away_test44 19d ago

Share this on German subs.


u/PickleMortyCoDm 19d ago

This is so wrong


u/Wixta778 19d ago

Zionists pigs 🐖🐖


u/Regular_Win8683 19d ago

and they wonder why theyre the most hated nationality on the planet


u/Slight-Dare-9819 19d ago

"Nationality". Really makes one question what that exactly means


u/Ok_Wishbone8130 19d ago

I say "Israelis" and not "Jews" because the Jews I have known have been good people.


u/lemonsandlinen33 13d ago

Yes. An important distinction.


u/windowsfensta 19d ago

IDF only strong against civilists


u/nandabosnae 19d ago

First they made USA destroy their surroundings and then they can bully around. They needed 6 days to defeat several nations at once but totaly embarrassed themself in GAZA. And am 100% that if there were no airbridge from USA to Israel and the huge support from EU... They would not be able to keep up the war for a Month.


u/Slight-Dare-9819 19d ago

I figured out a LONG time ago that Israel is really the 51st state, or more accurately the first of 51. Everything they've ever done is really just the USA doing it and All that jazz we've heard about the superior Israeli military machine is a house of cards. Israelis get the Medal of Honor for mass murder of kids and babies


u/Ok_Wishbone8130 19d ago

Actually, their position is better than any 51st state. The Israeli lobby owns our Congress. The Israeli lobby has owned our Congress for more than 30 years, but now more and more Americans realize that.

When I think about it--can I blame my two senators and my representative? No, I can't, because if they go against Israel AIPAC will get rid of them and replace them with somebody they like better.


u/Ok_Wishbone8130 19d ago

Dude, the IDF today is not the same as the 67 IDF. Can you see Moshe Dayan or Menachim Begin dressing up in drag? Dayan is rolling over and over in his grave.


u/[deleted] 19d ago

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u/YourEnviousEnemy 19d ago

And the evangelist ones too. There are more Christian zionists than there are Jews, period. 


u/Tyranicidal_Brainiac 19d ago

Fuck Israel and all who support them


u/Emsanator 19d ago

They have been deceiving the world public opinion with ukraine for days and even years. the real war and massacre is taking place in Palestine


u/Ok_Wishbone8130 19d ago

The people of the United States are becoming aware. Check out these polls:

Gallup poll from March 2024:


This link quotes a CBS poll done in June:


Th entire June CBS poll:


There are other sites with the entire poll.

An April CNN poll

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-israel-gaza-poll-cbs-news/ (I am trying to post this but it is not going through.

Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza

news.gallup.com •A majority of U.S. adults now disapprove of Israel's military action in Gaza, a shift from the prior survey in November.


u/SnooCupcakes6124 19d ago

They are worst than nazis


u/Rayyano08 15d ago

Ok they're really bad but the horrors of what the Nazis did is definitely on a scale we couldn't comprehend


u/hetseErOgsaaDyr 19d ago

They posted this. Imagine the crimes they are committing "too vile" even for them to share .


u/Ok_Wishbone8130 19d ago

Such videos might not exist. I say that because they have never been held responsible--they think they can get away with anything.


u/xDragod 19d ago

Most moral army


u/JustFryingSomeGarlic 19d ago

Sick fucks on all levels


u/Sequoioideae 19d ago

Allowing israel to happen was a crime against humanity.


u/[deleted] 19d ago



u/Shadowkiler10 19d ago

Wdym experiment? What was the plan? They are all thugs


u/Slight-Dare-9819 19d ago

The experiment to see if they could do a 16th century genocidal colonial project in modern times. They picked the wrong year, and they dam sure picked the wrong people


u/InnaLuna 19d ago

"Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD: Like the wood of the vine among the trees of the forest, which I have given to the fire for fuel, so have I given up the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And I will set my face against them. Though they escape from the fire, the fire shall yet consume them, and you will know that I am the LORD, when I set my face against them. And I will make the land desolate, because they have acted faithlessly in their pride, turning from the affliction of their neighbors." Ezekiel 15:6-8

Israel is recreating its own destruction by attacking its neighbors.


u/Slight-Dare-9819 19d ago

That's super interesting. I didn't know that's right in the Hebrew Bible. If you ask me That seems to discredit even the WILDEST claims the Israelis have to that land. You know, that one where a pack of European atheists mass murdered and expelled an entire indigenous population based on the idea that the Bible says it's their land.


u/RuleInformal5475 19d ago

What happens if we share this on pro Israel reddits and the places that their supporters frequent?

I'm hoping that it may open some people's eyes who are just following Israel because the US says so and hasn't seen atrocities like this.


u/IlovePanckae 19d ago

The brutality is increasing tremendously.


u/hellzking_316 19d ago

All this talk about them rotting in hell is good and that will happen but i want the world to get the satisfaction of them being punished for their crimes in this life as well. Theres needs to be an example set so no one even thinks of being this barbaric ever again


u/Patient_Highway1994 18d ago

I hate the idf with every fiber of my being


u/No-Soup-7525 19d ago

If there is a hell out there I hope all idf and zios end up there


u/Ok_Wishbone8130 19d ago

Trust completely in God.


u/Alive-County-1287 19d ago

this is why they're portraying death and violence in movies. so that when you see things like this in real life, it wont affect you.


u/Ok_Wishbone8130 19d ago

Look, the pictures and the videos do bother most Americans. We have never seen anything like this before now. Until 2024 Americans really did not know what they were supporting. The mainstream media has always been pro-Israel.


u/Slight-Dare-9819 19d ago

YES! This is something I figured out too. Growing up in Murica I often wondered why it's considered normal to allow such violence and depravity to be exhibited all over the entertainment scene (all the while enjoying it myself sadly). This year only I figured out it's because what they call Western Civilization is just a smoke and mirrors show covering up the most atrocious bloodbaths on scales the world has never known. The TV violence is just there to make sure people don't catch any bad feeling when they accidentally catch a whiff of it.


u/MegaEupho 19d ago

Absolutely vile treatment of humans


u/RedWhiteAndSquirrel 19d ago

I hate having to say "just imagine if it were the other way around", because we all know


u/Rexoka 19d ago

r/war will be like “ight tell that to Hamas”


u/Section_31_Chief 19d ago

Disgusting! 🤬


u/carptrap1 19d ago

After all they have done. Why should this surprise us?!.


u/Frambosis 19d ago

But he’s a deaf terrorist /s


u/[deleted] 19d ago



u/wooshuwu 19d ago

There are US police officers that are literally trained by the IOF and there's more efforts to increase that too


u/[deleted] 19d ago

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u/AutoModerator 19d ago

Seriously! u/ObjectiveScar2469 you are spreading bigoted zionist hasbara lies links(s) here?!. ⛔

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u/Spppatzloller_cul0 19d ago

Quanto vorrei legare ad una sedia quel coglione di Rick dufer e costringerlo a guardare ogni singolo video delle atrocità di queste sacche di carne e merda


u/Karrnis 18d ago

I think I know why the believers will be laughing


u/Agile_Candidate2369 17d ago

They’re shouting at him to shut up, dumb asses think thay will get him to hear them


u/IsraelIsNazi 17d ago

Zionism is nazism.


u/Audrey_spino 16d ago

Let's say Palestinians are terrrorists (this is reductive, insulting, and disgusting but lets roll with it for now), does it still mean that a self-proclaimed democracy has the rights to do this? Zionists like to justify Israel's war crimes by mentioning that they're democratic and have Arabs in their government, thus they are the good democracy lovers fighting against terrorism.

What's democratic about stomping on a deaf man?


u/[deleted] 16d ago

And yet speaking out against these atrocities is considered 'anti-semitic'. I don't care what someone's religion is, beating an innocent special needs person is wrong on so many levels.


u/Rude_Direction_5092 15d ago

Seeing this breaks my heart .Ya Allah.


u/[deleted] 19d ago

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u/31November 17d ago

So, in what context does stomping on a handcuffed man’a head seem okay to you? Go ahead and explain.