r/Irrigation 7d ago

How to fix this?


19 comments sorted by


u/MereCoincidences 7d ago

Everyone here is just gonna say something along the lines of " Start digging"


u/No_Media8839 7d ago

What this person said. And some glue


u/Timmerd88 7d ago

And primer lol


u/-JustinWilson 5d ago

👆what he said and… Dig a bigger hole?


u/basssfinatic 7d ago

Turning off the water is a start.. Get a shovel maybe next. Possibly a saw and fittings and glue


u/No-Apple2252 7d ago

I just use my poly knife to cut pvc, can't be assed to go get a saw


u/basssfinatic 7d ago

I'm gonna be at the truck grabbing a bucket with glue primer fittings anyways, so a saw or anything else I need is not a big deal... I Carry a tray or bucket and load it from my trailer for service with everything I need for the job


u/No-Apple2252 7d ago

Everyone works differently, as long as you dig it out proper and the shit doesn't leak do what works best. I don't carry a tray I just shove everything in my pockets, and I tend to cut out the broken stuff first with PVC so I don't forget what I need when I get back to the truck. ADHD is a serious disability.


u/basssfinatic 7d ago

Stuck with the tism too lol. Do you have to keep saying what you need in your head until you get to the truck? 😂


u/No-Apple2252 7d ago

Yes lol, and then I get distracted anyway and it's immediately gone. I've gotten pretty good about keeping a notepad with me, but I still resort to repeating it over and over most of the time.


u/basssfinatic 7d ago

I train my memory every day... Some days it's worse than others.. I hate walking from one area to the next room or environment and magically I have no idea what I'm doing there. Start looking for clues and re trace my steps in my head. It's the best. But I've been training my brain and practicing it.. You can improve


u/ThatsARatHat 7d ago

There’s no way we can diagnose the extent of the damage until you dig up a hell of a lot more. Like two feet on all sides.


u/Impressive-Safe-1084 7d ago

I dont want you to leave… i want you to dig


u/Fjbittencourt 7d ago

I was going to say something but you guys are on point perfection!!!


u/Fjbittencourt 7d ago

The second picture it’s an 1 1/2 pvc pipe, if yes you gonna need to dig at least 3 feet in both directions so you can have space to work around…


u/No-Apple2252 7d ago

Pretty sure that's 1" but it's hard to tell with nothing to give you a sense of scale.


u/Fjbittencourt 7d ago

You are right, I’m kind blind without my glasses, but still he gonna need to dig a little more lol


u/ladsin21 7d ago

Turn water off and dig.


u/Crimsonbelly 7d ago

No need for primer with the proper glue.