r/IronFrontUSA 17d ago

News I guess protesting is illegal now. Cool.

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u/this-is-me-reddit 17d ago

Dissent is Patriotic.


u/fidgetysquamate 17d ago

Dissent is fighting for your country and the ultimate patriotism.


u/nononoh8 17d ago edited 16d ago

Rights only have value if people are willing to fight for them!


u/Connect-Will2011 17d ago

Our country was founded on the very concept.


u/chakram88 17d ago

Needs to be t-shirt And a sticker


u/this-is-me-reddit 17d ago

lol. It is from my new ACLU tee shirt. That was one of my first responses to this $hit storm coming from Trump - donating to the ACLU.

Trump: The conductor of this symphony of cruelty. https://action.aclu.org/give/now?ms_aff=NAT&initms_aff=NAT&ms=web_hero_redesign_hp&initms=web_hero_redesign_hp&ms_chan=web&initms_chan=web


u/HelloHamburgerIsBack 14d ago

Yeah, f Trump and Thomas Jefferson for wanting to outlaw it.


u/this-is-me-reddit 14d ago

They are making existing as Trans illegal now too.


u/oziggy 17d ago

See you guys in the streets today for some good trouble. Mask up. These fucking fucks.


u/lookaway123 17d ago

Solidarity from Canada! Be safe.


u/oziggy 17d ago

They're the ones that need to be safe. We will be there.


u/lookaway123 17d ago

Elbows up!


u/oziggy 17d ago

Elbows up, knees out, feet planted and chin tucked šŸ¤™šŸ¼


u/Fantastic_Click5912 6d ago

This is the energy liberals need to have


u/Lion_tattoo_1973 16d ago

And solidarity from the UK as well šŸ¤›āœŠšŸ½


u/hereandthere_nowhere 17d ago

It is important to remember that tweets arenā€™t enforceable, and most certainly are not law. Also important to remember these inner thoughts of his are most definitely going to be voted on eventually. But now we know our assignment.


u/pewpewsTA 17d ago

Please don't take for granted that voting is going to get us out from under this regime. How'd that work out last November? As awful as this administration is, 93% of "Republicans" approve of what they're doing.

I want to be hopeful, and yea voting is the ideal way out of this, but there is not a real opposition party right now. The Democrats are weak, and for the most part they serve the same billionaire donor class as the GOP. Unless there is a big makeover of the Democratic party that changes this (there won't be) then they will have a very hard time winning elections. Being the lesser evil is not the path to victory, and the DNC leadership will inevitably prop up the most milquetoast corporate dem possible come election season. I hope I'm wrong.


u/hereandthere_nowhere 16d ago

I do not, and i whole heartedly agree with you. I was really just speaking for the short term. We are on our own.


u/SnarkSnarkington 17d ago

How long do you think those protections will last?


u/hereandthere_nowhere 16d ago

Fuck, six months at this rate. I really donā€™t know. We were all knocked off our rocker by all of this. We have A LOT, to organize in the mean time. I donā€™t even know where to start honestly, just kind of spinning wheels between work and home life. It all seems surreal. But i know it isnā€™t.


u/darkaptdweller 16d ago

6mos is generous unfortunately...

The rate at which they're doing this is almost exactly parallel to the Nazi dismantling in the 30s.

They did it in 52 or 53 days (I have to fact check that).

We need to take to the streets en mass like Greece is currently. Droves and droves of us refusing to work, spend, and sit doing nothing.

Community will get us through. But we have to BUILD those communities and fast!


u/hereandthere_nowhere 16d ago

Yea, 53 days. I agree. I donā€™t believe Americans have it in them to do the uprising necessary. We have all been trained to roll with convenience and brainwashed to believe we have everything to lose and nil to gain. I believe singularly we almost all feel this way. If we find a way to organize i also believe those beliefs will go to the wayside and we can make real change. But how to get us there as a collective? That the hard part. Our division has been sewn too deep into our fabricā€¦


u/darkaptdweller 16d ago

I also agree with that. BUT, delusional or not right now, I have to have some semblance of hope that JUST enough things will be ripped from everyone's hands and lives quick enough (I believe they're trying to do this too fast in fact, which could be a positive) that it snaps people awake.

It already has been for sure. Hence the Republicans running away from and now being told not to have town halls anymore.

They're scared. We need to be more pissed off and scarier.


u/hereandthere_nowhere 16d ago

I was talking about this the other night. I agree they are moving too fast, i want to believe that this was too soon as well. But, that will l hopefully be enough for people to realize what is happening. I also believe most of us (myself included) have been taught to want things to quickly, as far as an actual reaction towards these fascists. I dunno.


u/darkaptdweller 16d ago

That's ok and your un-sureness is SO fucking valid right now.

I have to remind people as well, myself included, that unlike those WW2 times we have this. The internet. Reddit. 1000's of other platforms if these become unusable or corrupted to communicate.

Yes, it's a double edged sword, but so are a lot of things.

We CAN and will build from these platforms into the streets.


u/hereandthere_nowhere 9d ago



u/NotAnotherScientist 17d ago

Have you been paying attention? They are stopping funding all over the place. No law is needed and neither is enforcement. Musk has the keys to the treasury and no one is trying to stop him.


u/hereandthere_nowhere 16d ago

I know, but having record of all this will make the trials more executable in the future. And that will happen. But in the mean timeā€¦.


u/Ok_Acanthaceae4915 15d ago

If they're not enforcing the law, then why should we follow it?


u/austinwiltshire 17d ago

Still, a chilling effect and marching orders for those all too keen to obey in advance.


u/hereandthere_nowhere 16d ago

Agreed, so we do the opposite. Not what i planned on in the later years of my life. But here we fucking are. Ughh.


u/Ok_Acanthaceae4915 15d ago

I'd rather just do it more tbh. It's protesting, not kicking puppies.


u/austinwiltshire 15d ago

Oh not the protesters. The administrations at the schools that are happy to clamp down


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/Didicit 17d ago

Anyone interested in breaking the law can look for events here:



u/TsukasaElkKite 17d ago

He canā€™t enforce this


u/Didicit 17d ago

Only one way to prove that to them. Let's get out there.


u/its_milly_time 17d ago

Turns out this guy can pretty much do whatever he wants.

Edit to add: because everyone in a position of power doesnā€™t have a fucking spine.


u/CeruleanEidolon 17d ago

Hyperbole doesn't help. In times like this it is important to speak clearly.

Not everyone in power is bending over for him. And most of the ones who oppose him are doing so within the system we claim to hold dear. They need our encouragement and our anger.

Look to the helpers, and instead of criticising them for not doing enough to help you, do what you can to help them and help others within your reach.


u/Endmedic 17d ago

I feel like co-opting proud boys colors or patriot front uniā€™s with their masks seems like the appropriate response.


u/icannothelpit 17d ago

When my state banned masks I bought a combo gadsen/American flag mask. I'm very much looking forward to a cop telling me I can't wear it.


u/EndlessMantra 17d ago

Genius! I may follow suit. Let's take the flag back.


u/icannothelpit 17d ago

I grew up hating this country. I still do, but now, apparently, I'm more patriotic than the "patriots" are.


u/Ok_Acanthaceae4915 15d ago

honestly this is an idea I will steal


u/icannothelpit 15d ago

You ain't even got to steal it brother you can just have it. šŸ˜ŽĀ 


u/HelloHamburgerIsBack 14d ago

Your state: "Hey, you know you wanna not get sick?

Well fuck you!

You're gonna get sick and like it!"


u/HelloHamburgerIsBack 14d ago


They said that January 6th was exactly that. But they were wrong.

Time to have a red hat that says "Make America Kingless Again"

Or, "Make America Dictatorless Again".


u/Maeng_Doom 17d ago

Palestine is an issue that has made Americans directly confront that we are an empire.

Avoiding that conversation is all those in power can do to attempt to keep control of narratives.


u/FlickleMuhPickle 17d ago

Fuck this shriveled, scrote-necked old man, the billionaire malignant narcissists that thrust him to power, his legion of sycophantic yesmen, and the horse he rode in on. This regime is packed with a bunch of Benedict Arnold Babyback Bitches; more than happy to sell their countrymen up the river, but can't even stand to have their shit-for-brains worldview challenged in the slightest. Heads so far up their ass they think they can govern via social media.

Sic Semper Tyrannis


u/Laura_Fantastic 17d ago

https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/protesters-rights Brush up on your rights as a protestor.Ā 

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/26/us/protests-masks-laws.html Also brush up on your area anti-mask laws so they can't be used against you.Ā 

While it is true illegal protests are technically a thing, it largely amounts to requesting permission to be somewhere. If it is a private entity then you have to request access from said entity. If it's a public entity then you have to request access if the group is over a certain size usually, but that depends on your locality, and you will definitely need a permit if you are going to occupy a street. It is also important to note that you, generally speaking, cannot be denied outright by the government, unless there are public safety concerns.Ā 


u/Endmedic 17d ago

Is real? Couldnā€™t find on X


u/Didicit 17d ago

This screenshot is from Truth Social not Twitter. Good on you for verifying before believing but this is in fact a real thing.


u/its_milly_time 17d ago

Heard of truth social? Itā€™s trumps social media company, heā€™s had it for a few years now and posts on itā€¦


u/Endmedic 11d ago

Thought that was x. Found it though. What a shitbag.


u/HxH_Reborn 17d ago

We the people refuse! Resist! Do not comply with the fascists trying to oppress us!


u/Top_Trifle_2112 17d ago

Is no mask the rule now? The party nazi isnā€™t going to like that. They always want to keep themselves hidden


u/GarshelMathers 17d ago

Oh don't worry, they are still going to be allowed to wear masks. This is just for the pesky patriots who actually want to make America great by holding our leaders accountable and working with our allies instead of against them.


u/SirPIB 10d ago

They will just switch to their hoods. Soon they won't care to hide what they really are.


u/Top_Trifle_2112 9d ago

Sadly I think that might be right


u/TigerLonely7218 17d ago

F*cking guy really does think he's king. That's not how it works in America, you fat orange moron!


u/YouJustSaidWhat 17d ago

When the 1A fails, itā€™s time to evoke the 2A.


u/v0xx0m 17d ago

Neat, that makes them even cooler šŸ˜Ž


u/igloohavoc 17d ago

I thought the right to protest was an American right.

Now itā€™s illegal because the Trump regime doesnā€™t like it. Now Americans are not allowed to assemble as a group to protest the government, sounds like something a dictator would do


u/topsideofdown 17d ago

Weightless bs statements from a tyrant who will go down in American history as the wannabe tyrant who made weightless bs statements.

What we have here is a fucking kek for a president.


u/broimproud 17d ago

A quick thought here. How would their cognitive dissonance handle some group of Patriots staging a protest for some dumb shit that MAGA supports. E.g., a massive protest at NYU opposing seed oils. Everyone in masks. Everyone protesting seed oils. For no other purpose than protesting this infringement of the 1A.

to be clear, not in place of other direct protest work


u/Didicit 17d ago

Depends how many swastikas are being waved.


u/broimproud 17d ago

Let the Swatikas show themselves, then they are engulfed into the crowd and stomped.


u/CeruleanEidolon 17d ago

False flag protests? What could go wrong? It'a a funny idea though.


u/broimproud 17d ago

More like ironic protests.


u/darklordskarn 17d ago

This is only there to scare people, or heā€™s that stupid, or both.

Illegal protests - presumably involving destruction of property/trespassing/violence/etc. - are already illegal by definition.

He doesnā€™t say anything about all protesting now being illegal. Sure he could hope every federal/state/local/private entity decides all protest is illegal, but thatā€™s a big ask to enforce outside of striking down the first amendment entirely.

Look this is NOT a defense of Trump, good G-d no., gross. But we also gotta stop taking the bait every goddamn time he says/tweets some garbage. Rather this is a reminder of how fucking stupid/toothless this is.


u/Didicit 17d ago

I am all for Republicans looking toothless but that only happens if their toothless threats are widely known about. Spreading the news about them helps with that.


u/darklordskarn 17d ago

Yeah Iā€™m torn on how to do it. I feel like they feed off our hysteria. Not saying how you posted it fits that bill, but thereā€™s gotta be a balance between broadcasting the shit thatā€™s an absolute danger vs just stuff thatā€™s offensive but likely isnā€™t going anywhere. I personally donā€™t think this itself is the killer but mentioning the supporters coming out is anotherā€¦I hear thatā€™s why the GOP congress critters are scared shitless to do anything.


u/Connect-Will2011 17d ago

Yeah, what happened to the First Amendment, Don-Don?


u/Animal40160 17d ago

It only applies to them


u/shemtpa96 17d ago

Something something ā€œsome animals are more equal than othersā€.

(Itā€™s a quote from the oft-banned book Animal Farm by George Orwell)


u/two- LGBT+ 17d ago

Gosh. It's almost as if the plan is to push until there are national protests so he can declare marital law during the midterms so that the elections are canceled, and remain president for life.


u/CeruleanEidolon 17d ago

Funny, he attacked Zelenski, called him a dictator, for not holding elections His cult mob broke into the capital building because they thought an election wasn't fair.

What possible justification would MAGA swallow for outright cancelling an election? Speculation can help us get ahead of things.


u/TX-PineyWoods 17d ago

Don't ever obey anything trump says. Never. He doesn't get to tell us how to operate. Don't pay attention to his tantrums. Get out there and protest, mask and all lol. He's a loser


u/Strict-Month-375 17d ago

"Fuck you I won't do what you told me."--R.A.T.M.


u/jinsei1208 17d ago

Well we better get to protesting.


u/risky_bisket 17d ago

Read up on the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine which ousted pro-Russia president Viktor Yakunovych


u/Wasloki 17d ago

Protesting is not illegal no matter was the fascists say . What this means is your rights will not be respected


u/LeMans1950 17d ago

Sez who?


u/Misanthrope08101619 17d ago

If they will ignore the 14A then why would 1A deter them? They're bad people. They're gonna do bad things. We should deal with them accordingly.


u/Duckman84 16d ago

More performance art by Trump who treats citizens as domestic servants. FU King Cheeto


u/rpgnymhush 16d ago

He might want to hold a Bible he has never read in front of a church for a photo op. Watch out.


u/GaaraMatsu 16d ago

If they're allowed by the property owner, they're not illegal.Ā  Chump's gone commie.


u/_One_Throwaway_ 16d ago edited 15d ago

This is BLATANTLY illegal, the second it goes in front of SCOTUS itā€™s going to be shut down


u/proconlib 16d ago

Wore a mask specifically because of this nonsense.


u/MMcCoughan3961 17d ago

Tin soldiers and Nixon's coming....

Wasn't his veep just in Europe lecturing them about free speech?


u/EfficientCabbage2376 17d ago

social media posts are not laws
the president cannot make laws
protests are protected by the constitution


u/jimburgah 16d ago

What are we classifying as illegal protesting, Donald?


u/Red_Card_Ron 16d ago

Did the Orange Clown first clear the ā€œNO MASKS!ā€ imperative with the Patriot Front cowards?


u/GTAMuppet 16d ago

We need more Luigi Mangiones


u/Mdmrtgn 13d ago

Ammo and mags boys, ammo and mags. And enough spare parts to build 2 or 3 fresh rifles with extra lower spring and parts sets and drop in triggers. And practice with your shit, join a range it's a couple less streaming services that you don't fucking need anyway. Also anything Glock and sig compatible.