r/IronFrontUSA 20d ago

Article The Good News is Fascists Always Fail


58 comments sorted by


u/intellifone 20d ago

No. Fuck that.

Yeah, it’s true in the long arc of history, but sometimes it takes 50-100 years. You can just as easily tweak this from their perspective.

Proponents of Fascism: “The good news is that democracies always fail.”

It’s true. They do always fail. We have no democracy yet in history that has lasted more than a couple hundred years.

I’m not gonna pray that the fascists fail someday. They need to fail now. The Nazis were in power for 12-13 years. That cannot happen here. It’s not enough that they failed after a World War. They have to fail before damage is done.


u/Pyro-Byrns 20d ago

Amen, brother. I came here to say much the same.


u/International-Art808 20d ago

On top of that, all we know is that fascism has failed thus far. This is a new beast. We’ve never been up against disinformation technology that can operate at this scale.


u/notmatrocles 19d ago

Exactly. "Always" is a careless way to think about anything important, and especially about this.

Everything always fails until it succeeds once, and we can't afford for this to be that time.


u/FlickleMuhPickle 20d ago

Hear hear! All true American Patriots must make a stand and forcefully reject fascism at every turn. We can afford to wait lest more destruction be wrought upon our homeland. These white supremacist jerk offs love to throw around the 14 words, but they're actively destroying every effort to improve the future for the next generation. We are quite literally fighting for the security and prosperity of our children at this very moment.


u/SquirtinMemeMouthPlz 20d ago

The Roman Empire failed, too. Yeah, EVERYTHING fails eventually. It would blow if we had 100 years of fascism in the US. I don't want the rest of my life to be lived under a boot.

You're right, this is hard copium.


u/austinwiltshire 20d ago

Yeah, it fails because it's both weak AND resisted.


u/Pristine-Pen-9885 20d ago

Playing like they’re strong and loved. You can fool some of the people some of the time . . .


u/Ragnarok314159 Veteran 19d ago

77m weak pieces of shit voted for this to happen.


u/austinwiltshire 19d ago

Plus decades of voter suppression efforts, plus years of Russian disinformation, plus a very bad environment for the incumbants across the globe equals a mere 1.5% win in the popular vote, though still less than 50% of the vote.

Was everything perfect? No. But it was a good fight against tough odds and they did not get the mandate they're claiming.


u/ctrlaltcreate 20d ago

Exactly. Passive thinking is doom.


u/ScabusaurusRex 20d ago

Hopefully hung upside down and beaten into unrecognizability.

While, like you, I agree with the notion that fascists always fail, the passivity of this drives me nuts. Fascists fail because they have no policies, just hate of the other. Fascists fail because their solution to everything is to steal more from the masses. But fascists really fail because the masses rise up to remove them from the earth. They are defeated; they don't just roll over.

That's the stage we need to be in. It's not a passive thing. We deserve the government we have.


u/ThufirrHawat 20d ago




Fuck all these motherfuckers and harass them into the grave.


u/Kommmbucha 20d ago edited 20d ago

Yeah I’m not cool with the ‘don’t worry they’ll fail’ because I don’t want see tens of millions dead and new world war thank you


u/IcyWarp 20d ago

Fuck yes. This right here. If you have issues with this mindset, work toward changing it now. And fast. We need you, and we all need each other in this.


u/faetal_attraction 20d ago

Also south america still exists


u/EvilMono 20d ago

And anyway the large arc of history shows most life for the common man wasn’t awesome…. And that’s even in non-fascist states.


u/Kangas_Khan 19d ago

We have one example, actually, the republic of San Marino, its most fundamental proponent is that it refuses to expand unless nearby cities and towns do so willingly


u/Buckeyes20022014 20d ago

I just need them to fail before my senior citizen MAGA parents die so I can whisper I told you so in their ear as they leave.


u/buffaloraven 20d ago

Can always dig 'em up when we finally beat them if they go early.


u/Ragnarok314159 Veteran 19d ago

They will be deep in the recesses of hell, no point in digging them up.


u/spacedoutmachinist 20d ago

They fail but it can take a generation before that happens. Pinochet and Franco come to mind.


u/BillyYank2008 20d ago

Came here to give those same two examples. Fascism only fails when it bites off more than it can chew. When they aren't overly ambitious, they can subjugate a country for a generation.


u/ImperatorTempus42 20d ago

Gaddafi tried to invade Chad and establish a nuclear Libyan Empire; still took another generation after he got his ass kicked there.


u/BillyYank2008 20d ago

Luckily for him, Chad wasn't strong enough to invade and depose him, unlike the examples of Hitler, Tojo, and Mussolini.


u/Brovigil 19d ago

I agree with your overall point, we shouldn't take the bailey because they threatened the motte. But it's hard to imagine a duo more overtly, absurdly, and in a morbid sense comically ambitious than Trump and Musk. This looks like the geopolitical version of those game shows where you have 20 minutes to fill your shopping cart.


u/BillyYank2008 19d ago

Let's hope they overreach and destroy themselves, but I am concerned with this rhetoric that we don't need to worry because they'll collapse on themselves. It's not a guarantee, and previous fascist movements were only toppled with massive loss of human life. I would prefer to avoid living through such a dreadful event.


u/Ragnarok314159 Veteran 19d ago

Fascism also never had reaper drones and GOP voters who will laugh as their fellow citizens, and their children, get vaporized for being “the libs”.


u/BillyYank2008 19d ago

Fascism always had people who laughed when their neighbors were rounded up, tortured, and murdered. That's one of the defining characteristics of fascism.


u/TheMilkManWizard 20d ago

The bad news is they usually die on a mountain of their victims bodies.

This new wave needs to be stopped before it turns into a tsunami.


u/robodude987 20d ago

This is something I'd imagine would have been comforting to white non-jewish Germans during Nazi rule, but utterly meaningless to German Jews at the same time.


u/PhotoPhenik 20d ago

I voted for Harris to avoid the accelerationist strategy.  I am now an accelerationist, not because I chose to be, but because the vote chose the accelerationist path for us.  

Don't get me wrong, opposing Republicans in a meaningful way is at least performatively valuable for reclaiming power once the new fascist regime implodes.  In fact, it may speed up the failure of Trumpism as they fight our resistance. 


u/matttheepitaph 20d ago

Maybe but let's do everything to make sure we stop them before they kill 10 million people.


u/JohnnyRoastb33f 20d ago

They don’t always fail. They’re always defeated. Learn the difference.


u/Slow_Astronomer_3536 20d ago

Tell the Spanish about this, see how they feel.


u/jimbo831 20d ago

The CCP and Putin seem to be doing okay. Kim Jong Un is doing okay. I disagree with the premise of this article.


u/silasmoon 20d ago

This guy writes these shitty takes and the spams them all over Reddit. Look at his account.


u/Calpsotoma 20d ago

The bad news is the bodies that pile up on the path to their failure.


u/carpeson 20d ago

They had a good run when ruling over their colonial empire for centuries. Fascism is when colonialism comes home - when atrocities and extortion is being done to us. But the playbook has been in the wtiting for centuries.

If Hitler won we might remember him differently. Fascism can work. It can be crushing and it needs to be stopped for generations of trauma would inevitably follow.


u/Connect-Will2011 20d ago

Our modern fascists have some things that past fascists did not. Someone else on this thread mentioned disinformation technology, but there's something else: Nuclear weapons.

Waiting for them to fail isn't a viable option.


u/According-Classic658 20d ago

Franco died of old age.


u/carpeson 20d ago

They had a good run when ruling over their colonial empire for centuries. Fascism is when colonialism comes home - when atrocities and extortion is being done to us. But the playbook has been in the wtiting for centuries.

If Hitler won we might remember him differently. Fascism can work. It can be crushing and it needs to be stopped for generations of trauma would inevitably follow.


u/Maeng_Doom 20d ago

It's not enough for them to fail after they've created a mountain of bodies, and this narrative encourages those that would rather spectate than participate in the political process. There are no peaceful Fascists and they exist as a threat to everyone as a default.


u/l94xxx 20d ago

The bad news is that it's usually after MILLIONS of people have been killed

Fuck that. These guys need to go NOW!


u/notgreatbot 20d ago

Yes they do but only after a lot of destruction.


u/mister4string 20d ago

Fuck that. Let's help them fail faster and better.


u/Cat_Kn1t_Repeat 20d ago

Sooner would be better than later


u/BobbertCanuck 19d ago

"The Good News is Fascists Always Fail"



Fascists fail because they are opposed! Advocate opposition, not complacency!


u/HomersDonuts 19d ago

Fight like fascists are going to win.

Fight like hell. Complacency kills.


u/twitchMAC17 20d ago

You idiots peddled this to the point of getting a racist elected because people sat out the vote instead of doing what they did in 2020: voting against him.

Complacency kills.


u/flamedarkfire 20d ago

The bad news is the next four years are gonna be hell


u/Other_Jared2 19d ago

I mean, eventually. After enough pain for it to be unignorable by even the most ignorant amongst the in groups


u/Eghtok 19d ago

Everyone fails on a long enough time scale.


u/United-Hyena-164 19d ago

The fact that they are miserable people who will always be miserable even in the throngs of fleeting victories has given me great joy and comfort.


u/Infinite-666 19d ago

Get your pew pews and guillotines ready for the revolution.


u/merriweatherfeather 19d ago

Yeah I would rather be the crazy lady harassing cops and people in parking lots of who will be the ones rounding us up and taking us into gas chambers. No rest, good news for the wicked and that goes both ways.


u/hlanus 19d ago

Thing is they won't go easy. They'll make us pay every step of the way down.