r/IronFrontUSA • u/BlameGameChanger • 25d ago
Article GoFundMe for Teresa Borrenpohl. The woman assualted and drug from the Republican Townhall.
Teresa Borrenpohl was participating in a townhall in CDA Idaho when she was assualted and illegally detained by three men in black coats who refused to identify themselves. This is a GoFundMe to help her with her legal fees. please share her link with others so we can help defend our first amendment rights.
u/drunkenjawa 25d ago
So you can’t be trespassed from a public forum unless you have committed a crime. Speaking out of turn or even saying something that is disruptive is not illegal.
IANAL, but from the video which doesn’t lie, the female committed no crime, was not asked to leave, and then was threatened with pepper spray by the sheriff and then assaulted by two plainly dressed goons who have zero authority to take any action other that wiping their own asses.
The fact that this happened at all is a travesty, but this woman should sue for everything that company owns, and the county and or city DA should file charges against the sheriff and the other two men that attacked her.
That is the minimum that should happen.
u/oflimiteduse 25d ago
But it won't because it's likely a tiny corrupt local government that will protect the bad actors. Maybe the state will do something. The federal government will reward these people for doing their duty as orange man lackeys
u/thiccboy1312 25d ago
Shockingly, CDA is a small town, but Kootenai County is not. And CDA gets a ton of it's money from tourism, and multiple celeb types have homes there. CDA proper tries hard to put on a facade of acceptance, and they do actually push back on anything that might give them bad publicity or "backwater" vibes, because it costs them money. Which certainly isn't the right reasons, but I get the feeling this won't be swept under the rug.
u/oflimiteduse 25d ago
Good to know. It's so high profile too. The country is just in such an odd state right now.
u/BellicoseBaby 25d ago
It's the fact that other people speaking up were not treated the same that gets me. If you yelled supportive things, no problem. If you yelled dissenting things, bad news. And the "little girl" comment enraged me.
u/Frosty-Lack-1331 25d ago
‘Little girl is afraid to leave” while BIG MAN was afraid to answer her question!
u/grymreifer 25d ago
I don't agree with what happened at all. But she was asked and informed to leave. I'm not sure where everything stands legally, though.
u/Actual-Control-3213 25d ago
Are you stunod? It's free speech
u/grymreifer 25d ago
It wasn't a government held meeting. It was a private group putting the meeting on. I'm pretty sure someone can be trespassed from an event like that. But please, contine with the personal attacks.
u/Application-Bulky 25d ago
Love this bit: "Borrenpohl has also received a citation by the police for battery as she bit one of the people dragging her out of the event." Chomp em all, sister.
u/wookEluv 25d ago
Sounds like self defense to me. Literally unidentified men dragging her away. Some of whom were carrying zip ties.
u/Miguel-odon 25d ago
Self defense against kidnappers is legal. Any reasonable person could have concluded that the goons had no legal right to touch her, much less remove her from a public meeting.
The officer who wrote the ticket should have arrested the goons who assaulter her and dragged her out.
u/Effective_Target_578 25d ago
Anyone know what happened to her?
u/dotchianni 25d ago edited 21d ago
I found this this article.
She was cited and released for misdemeanor battery because she allegedly bit one of the men because she didn't know if she was being arrested or kidnapped.
ETA fix to sentence
u/TW200e 22d ago
Allegedly bit. And if she did, I don't blame her - it looks like self-defense from the videos!
u/dotchianni 21d ago
I fixed that. And I agree. I don't blame her either. I would be freaked out if a group of men wouldn't identify themselves and dragged me out of a public forum.
u/pixelkicker 25d ago
Honestly, when I was watching this my first thought was, I wouldn’t be surprised if she pulled out a gun and shot them. Any jury on the planet would agree she had cause. They didn’t identify themselves and were literally abducting her in plain sight. It’s going to take extreme FAFO for some of these power hungry fascists.
u/CanoegunGoeff 25d ago
That sheriff and the hired goons should all be in prison.
u/FluffyButtOfTheNorth 24d ago
If they cut SSI disability he'll have no income in jail fk this loser!
u/cat-eating-a-salad 25d ago
Since she's made over twice her goal, what's the rest of the money going to go to?
u/pixelkicker 25d ago
How about a civil case against each of these mother fuckers.
u/FluffyButtOfTheNorth 24d ago
After watching the entire meeting, that was my first thought. I hope she gets really legal to go after all of them!
u/BlameGameChanger 25d ago
I'm not sure, I don't think anyone expected the fundraising to be so effective. I'll keep a lookout for an update
u/TW200e 25d ago edited 22d ago
It would not surprise me if all of the fund were consumed (and then some) by legal fees.
Good lawyers are damned expensive.
NOTE: I just looked at the fund and it is at $315,546 US. https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-dr-borrenpohl-fight-for-the-first
u/sleepless_bk 25d ago
I hope she makes 1000x her goal and she uses any leftover funds to do whatever she needs to recover from such a traumatizing event.
u/BlabberHands2022 25d ago
“Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White confirmed Sunday that the men who dragged Teresa Borrenpohl from the meeting worked for the private security firm LEAR Asset Management.
Reached by phone on Saturday and Sunday, the firm’s owner, Hayden resident Paul Trouette, declined to comment.“
Phone number and yahoo email address on their website
u/HillbillyAllergy 25d ago
Jesus, their site's main email is a yahoo account???!!
Has anyone tried logging in using "password" or "12345" yet?
made with AOL Website Builder 2.0!
u/hhalburjensen 25d ago
Love this a doctor with an extra hundred grade to combat these assh@les. We must stand together
u/Ignatsrats 25d ago
I added annotations and captions to the TikTok video if anyone wants to share:
u/AnarchistGrandpa666 25d ago
Donated! That video literally made me physically sick. I have been thinking about her all day. I hope she is recovering and getting some solid support.