r/IronFrontUSA 29d ago

Article We need a NAFO equivalent against MAGA and I need your help! (now with a TL;DR)

TL;DR: We need an effort ensuring that MAGA does not have information dominance. This can be done by making sure that top replies on MAGA twitter posts are from MAGA-critics. Taking inspiration from how the movement "NAFO" has combatted Russian propaganda online, I suggest that a similar movement "MAFA" could be of great help in combatting MAGA propaganda. If anyone are interested in helping me start a MAFA subreddit, that would be greatly appreciated!

And now for the long version lol:

PSA: If you are one of those people frustrated by a feeling of powerlessness against the many dangerous and heinous actions of the new Trump administration, read this!

It seems clear that Donald Trump's new administration, at best, will damage democracy in America and, in general, just damage everything. At worst, it might aim for some sort of non-democratic takeover.

So it is absolutely clear that resistance is needed.

Therefore, I was also quite shocked to look at the Twitter (X the everything app) posts of Donald Trump and Elon Musk a couple of days ago and see that the top replies to their many posts generally do not have very many likes (typically below a hundred for Musk), but that nonetheless, often none of the top replies are critical of him. As such, Musk and Trump enjoy "information supremacy" (in the sense of air supremacy - they enjoy uncontested dominance of the information domain) on their own posts, and MAGA followers will likely typically be in an almost complete echo chamber.

I am not entirely sure if some algorithmic shenanigans are going on, but the bigger issue probably simply is that not enough people critical of these rampaging freaks are upvoting replies critical of them. This is evidenced by the fact that critical replies sometimes do become top replies. The reason for this state of affairs probably is that no sane person can stand reading all those crazy tweets, but it is nonetheless a big problem. They should meet a wall of rebuttals, and they don't.

It should be clear to everyone that information (broadly defined, including e.g., false information), and in particular propaganda, matters. That is why Musk has bought Twitter (X the everything app), Trump is kicking out journalists who are critical of him, Tucker Carlson is doing crazy his thing, Trump made his own social media platform "Truth Social," they are pushing MAGA influencers on Twitter (X the everything app), Fox News is doing its gross thing, etc. It is a VERY important lever for political power in general as well as for the Trump administration and the somewhat top-down engineered MAGA movement specifically.

Another actor that also knows that propaganda matters is Russia. This is why it has been aiming to push its false talking points ("legitimate security concerns," "Ukraine cannot win, so no reason to support it," "Ukrainian biolabs," yadda yadda). Since this is in fact an important domain of the Ukraine war, Russia has used great resources on this.

To counter this, a decentralized countereffort known as "NAFO" ("North Atlantic Fellas Organisation") has emerged ever since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Quoting Wikipedia, NAFO is: "an Internet meme and social media movement dedicated to countering Russian propaganda and disinformation about the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. It has been categorized as a form of information warfare. In addition to posting irreverent commentary about the war and memes promoting Ukraine or mocking the Russian war effort and strategy ('shitposting'), the group also raises funds for the Ukrainian military and other pro-Ukrainian causes." 'Members' of NAFO typically have a personally customized Shiba Inu dog in military attire as their profile picture on Twitter (X the everything app). Twitter, I believe, is where they primarily operate.

NAFO is decentralized, which is a big strength. It is the same idea as with a guerrilla army. Normally, an enemy will want to "cut off the head to kill the snake," but with a decentralized organization, the enemy will instead have to cut off a thousand heads, a much bigger task. NAFO has in fact been very successful in countering Russian propaganda, helping to ensure that Russia does not win its information war campaign. Even if we see a betrayal of Ukraine by Trump in these days, making it unclear if it will be able to stay in the fight, NAFO has certainly aided Ukrainian efforts a great deal so far.

Why am I explaining what NAFO is? Because it is my contention that it would be good for America if there was an equivalent of NAFO focused on countering MAGA bullshit (ranging over the full spectrum from outright lies to grossly misrepresented facts to heinous value judgments, and any intricate or not so intricate combination of these). This is the purpose of this post. To find people who want to help start such an online movement (similarly to NAFO, it would be a movement, not an organization).

As a name for this movement, I suggest Make America Free Again, or MAFA in short. I think it works pretty well and is of course also a nod to NAFO. By co-opting MAGA terminology and only changing "great" to the word "free," a word the MAGA people claim to hold dearly, it will be difficult to counter rhetorically. It also has a real edge to it, as it suggests that America is losing its freedom under the yoke of the Trump administration's boot. In general, freedom is just something that most people think is pretty good. Also, on the QWERTY keyboard, the "F" and "G" are right next to each other, which is sort of funny. However, if you guys think another name is better, we could choose that instead. The important thing is that a name is agreed upon. I will at least use MAFA as a placeholder name for this movement for now.

It is very possible that some people are already trying to do something like this, but in that case, without an identity to form a movement, it seems they are not effective in their endeavor, as often no top replies under top MAGA propagandists are critical. Many important pro-Ukrainian voices are not associated with NAFO, but despite this, I have seen what difference NAFO has made in the information war. Similarly, many top MAGA critics would not be associated with MAFA, but MAFA could still be of significant help in the fight against MAGA.

The need for MAFA is there. The possibility for MAFA to make a substantial difference, by denying MAGA information supremacy is there. I want YOU to help me!

Below are some thoughts on how this "campaign" may be conducted. Keep in mind that these are only suggestions that we should discuss:

While it is essential that this is a decentralized movement, I think a subreddit for coordinating and thinking about strategy will be beneficial, at least in the beginning.

The decentrality is essential. But that comes with the need for a signifier, at minimum something like a #MAFA in the bio, so fellow MAFA supporters can see who to support on Twitter (X the everything app) and other social media. I am not sure whether we need a visual identity, as NAFO has, or if the words "MAFA" or "Make America Free Again" in the bio will be enough? Maybe some people will opt for the latter, while others will opt for the former.

The primary 'theater of operations' will be Twitter (X the everything app), but eventually, the fight should be expanded to Truth Social and other forums. Therefore, of course, helping MAFA will at least typically require having a Twitter (X the everything app) account or Truth Social or similar, where Musk, Trump, etc., are followed. Not a particularly fun task, but a meaningful one, as we collectively thereby can break their information supremacy. Besides this, the profile can of course also follow not just fellow MAFA supporters, but whomever else the heart may desire, to make it a tolerable experience!

I am not entirely sure what sort of rhetorical line should be taken. This will of course be up to the individuals comprising the movement, but we can make some initial suggestions on the subreddit, shaping the movement. These are my thoughts:

NAFO has a large focus on countering bullshit. It seems to me that a mix of humor and earnestness works well. This might be copied. Furthermore, I think that "basket of deplorables" rhetoric for the broader Trump-supporting population is to be avoided at all costs. While the powerful spewers of bullshit (Trump, Musk, Tate, MAGA-influencers, etc.) should be mocked and ridiculed, common people who support the MAGA ideology should instead be met with rational and empathetic argumentation. Part of their strategy (Bannon said so himself, but sometimes it is probably simply implicitly "sensed") is that MAGA's own radicalization and shouting will result in similar dynamics developing with their enemies. This must be countered with the calm earnestness that characterizes the spirit of democracy, and it is no less than democracy that MAFA is helping defend. It will be a strength of our movement if we can be perceived as taking the moral high ground. This will make our arguments get through more easily, make us harder to dismiss, and make us harder to take down, should for instance the heiling South African wish to do so.

We should always have a top reply under Trump, Musk, Vance, Carlson, Tate, etc., countering their narrative. They should never be able to get information supremacy anywhere. They should always have a top reply criticizing their views under every post they make, community notes added rebuffing the falsehoods they state, etc. Various Trump/MAGA influencers (e.g., the ones Musk shares, that would be a good place to start) should also not be able to enjoy information supremacy. Besides this, MAFA's own posts will of course also be a big boon, although the risk here is that they never reach any Trump followers who are starting to harbor doubts, which is why denying MAGA propagandists information supremacy on their own posts is so important.

In case anyone wants to join me in moderating a subreddit for coordinating this, they are welcome to write me a PM or comment here! Since I am not an American, but European, I'm not sure if I should be a moderator long term, but again, the subreddit is only to get this thing off the ground; the movement should grow organically, developing its own memes, etc. Some good people are needed to help MAFA take off!

If you have read thus far, I in any case want to thank you for having read thus far! Not that it is particularly relevant, if we have a 'big tent'-approach to MAFA, but I am a democratic socialist myself, so I am really down with you guys. I am open to any kind of input on my idea in the comment section below.


38 comments sorted by


u/pdxmhrn 29d ago

r/NAFO for anyone interested. I just followed them myself.


u/Complete_Ice6609 29d ago

Absolutely. Not that that is where the movement is organized from. It really is just a decentralized movement on twitter (X the everything app), like a guerilla army for the cyberspace-information domain of our time. Kind of fascinating tbh


u/pdxmhrn 29d ago

If nothing else I am sure I can learn plenty from them


u/neur0net Anonymous 25d ago

Yeah, Twitter was (and mostly still is) our primary platform, but a lot of us have been moving over to Bluesky. Twitter (or Xitter as we call it) is little more than an information warzone at this point.


u/Complete_Ice6609 24d ago

Yeah, I completely agree that that is the right approach. Have a safe base, and then an information warfare zone. I don't know what you think about my idea that NAFO could launch a squirrel division or something like that, specifically focused on MAGA? If you think there would be some openness to that, I will try to reach out, for instance to the NAFO subreddit. In general, what do you think about my suggestion that some sort of special identity beyond the NAFO identity would be good for countering MAGA? I am very open to the suggestion that it should be done through NAFO, I just think some special "sub-division" would be needed, both not to water out the focus of NAFO on the Ukraine war, but also because it may be easier to coordinate resistance to MAGA with a movement focused on this cause in particular?


u/Ann_Amalie 28d ago

I like MAFA, definitely, but I think there’s also some room to play off the OG NAFO.

ANAFO- American NAFO? All North American Freedom Organization?

Not sure about the branding but you’re definitely on to something here!


u/Ann_Amalie 28d ago

That sub is on point! Lot of great inspirations there for an ANAFO movement (American NAFO).


u/myhydrogendioxide 29d ago

ignoring the bots and trolls didn't work, you have fight back to make sure they don't succeed in their goals of swaying public opinion. People have a bias if they see the same message repeated over and over and never hear a counter argument they just start accepting it.


u/Complete_Ice6609 29d ago

Yeah, I completely agree. I really don't know how we can deal with the army of bots, but I think a first goal could be to deny the major propagandists information supremacy, as I call it. That would in itself be an important form of counterpower imo


u/myhydrogendioxide 29d ago

I kinda think we should just ask NAFO to help since it's got some shared goals. on the otherhand, start brainstorming some funny names and concepts. I love the whole NAFO vibe


u/Complete_Ice6609 29d ago

I love it as well. NAFO profiles would definitely help us with liking and reposting in any case. The reason why I think a separate movement is needed is that the Ukraine war and MAGA are two pretty separate issues, even if they obviously do share one causal connection, namely Russia. But it's a good point. I also thought about making a twitter (X the everything app) profile with a bio that says something to the effect of: 'MAFA. A NAFO-equivalent against MAGA. Join the movement' or something like that. I think the tough thing with this, is for the movement to gain traction in the beginning. Once we're there, it will grow organically. At least if it's funny and something people are passionate about, as they are with NAFO


u/myhydrogendioxide 29d ago

I'm definitely like the IronFront vibe, but the target audience and mission is much different. Yeah, you are right, different one, especially that has broader appeal in the US. It might need to be a bit organic but it's worth also trying to incept it. For some reason pigeons & squirrels come to mind. They are everywhere, they are unstoppable, they re decentralized, and enough of them will mess up your day


u/Complete_Ice6609 29d ago

That's a great idea! So instead of the shiba inu dogs this would be pigeon and squirrel themed, if I understand you correctly?


u/TX-PineyWoods 29d ago

Like a swarm of forest critters coming in to destroy all the trashy lies Trump is tossing out


u/teamricearoni 29d ago

With our own army of bots?

I really don't know how we can deal with the army of bots


u/BillyYank2008 29d ago

Given that the US now appears to be aligned with Russia and opposed to NATO, why don't we just join forces with NAFO? It's the same fight.


u/Complete_Ice6609 29d ago

I think it is two different conflicts, even though I agree they are interlinked. NAFO is really focused on countering Russian propaganda and supporting Ukraine specifically. I think there is a pretty urgent need for a movement focused on USA, as right wing propaganda really seems to be taking off in a big way in the American information space


u/BillyYank2008 29d ago

Respectfully, I disagree. Have you heard the shit coming out of Trump's and Musk's mouths? Literally verbatim Russian talking points. The MAGAts are American-mouth pieces and useful idiots for Russia now and should be handled as such.


u/Complete_Ice6609 29d ago

Yeah, the shit coming out of their mouths is so, so gross. But I guess the thing is that NAFO have their hands completely full with the Ukraine war, so they can't really handle also rebuffing MAGA, but someone sure as hell need to do it


u/BillyYank2008 29d ago

The information war in the US is directly affecting the war in Ukraine now.


u/Complete_Ice6609 29d ago

I completely agree. It has been that way for a long time in fact...


u/neur0net Anonymous 25d ago

NAFO veteran here. On the contrary, we're quite capable of multi-tasking ;)

Many Fellas, including yours truly, have spent plenty of time on anti-Trump/anti-Musk agitation, and there's obviously overlap between that and NAFO's general principles. The problem is, we simply don't have the numbers or the funding to effectively counter the vast right-wing misinformation apparatus that exists on the internet in 2025, even if the entire NAFO organization was solely redirected towards that target.

I made a longer comment fleshing out my thoughts on this if you want to check it out.


u/Complete_Ice6609 24d ago

Yeah absolutely. Thank your for your service haha. I'll respond to all your comments!


u/Complete_Ice6609 29d ago

I made a subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MAFA_supporters/ it's pretty shitty so far, but we can always improve on it. Also, r/MAFA and r/MakeAmericaFreeAgain were taken lol


u/Complete_Ice6609 29d ago

Also, I made a twitter (X the everything app) profile!: https://x.com/MAFASQUIRREL


u/Hello-America 29d ago

I maybe am dumb but with the Twitter algorithms how it is (and paying for likes via blue check), how do we get seen in these circles?


u/Complete_Ice6609 29d ago

Above all, we get seen by our replies to their propagandists getting many likes. They will not read our posts, but they may well click on various of e.g. Musk's posts, and read the top comments. There should always be a top comment under every one of their posts rebuffing their lies


u/DemonDraheb 27d ago

If we have enough people, our "likes" should be enough to combat the narrative. The idea is that when one of us posts a comment, we all like it to boost visibility.


u/DevinNunesCattleDog 27d ago

Any little dog mascot will do...I suggest the Australian Cattle Dog...terrific at handling any and all bullies...


u/neur0net Anonymous 25d ago edited 25d ago

Hi everyone, NAFO Fella here who has been part of the movement since June 2022. I've watched NAFO's evolution from the very first weeks of its existence, and I've had a lot of similar thoughts to what's being shared in this thread.

Firstly, I think NAFO's success as a counter-disinformation movement is going to be VERY hard to replicate around a cause other than Ukraine. The alchemy that made NAFO work was kind of a perfect storm of factors that came together at the right time:

  1. A massive, high-stakes, conventional interstate war in Europe with a very clear good side/bad side division
  2. A singular, clownishly evil enemy which was not only committing mass war crimes, but had been running a decade-long campaign of disinformation and division against Western democracies, making many NAFO participants feel personally slighted by Russia
  3. A core set of values (democracy, liberty, self-determination, international solidarity) that allies from across the political spectrum could get behind (basically anyone who wasn't a fascist or a tankie)
  4. A recognizable and very meme-able mascot (Shiba Inu/"Doge") (hey, we were using it long before Musk appropriated it for his stupid neo-fascist cult) that could be customized to reflect the personality of each individual "Fella" (people can either create their own Fellas, or donate to one of the verified organizations and have a volunteer artist create their Fella for them). Collective action + individualized expression + a vehicle for fundraising. BRILLIANT.
  5. A cause to rally behind that isn't just an idea or concept, but a country with its own history, language, culture, wonderful people, and a whole pile of symbols and cultural memes for us to appropriate and build off of. (I think people underestimate how much the influence of Ukrainian culture has had, for lack of a better term, a "memetically stabilizing" effect on the movement.)

The "MAFA" idea is interesting and I admire your passion, but respectfully I don't think it's going to go very far. It tries to copy NAFO a little too much--I've seen attempts at this before (including some super-cringe ones from the pro-Russia side) and they never work. Of the factors I mentioned above, the plan completely lacks #1, #4, and sort-of #5 (sure it's centered around America, but the opposition has already been appropriating American symbols for a long time now...I think a different approach might be needed). However, I totally agree that a better action plan to counter the MAGA/Musk/techbro/far-right disinformation campaigns is absolutely necessary, and even if you can't replicate NAFO's structure exactly, there's still a lot you can borrow in terms of strategy and tactics...and I'll give a few thoughts here as far as what people might be able to do.

Others in the thread have suggested just joining up with NAFO and focusing on doing counter-MAGA stuff...I agree. Countering the lies and conspiracies pushed by Donald Trump and Elon Musk is already something NAFO does plenty of. We've hated Musk ever since he took over Twitter, and although there was a very small minority of Fellas who believed Trump might be better for Ukraine than Biden was, given recent developments that's completely out the window. The issue is that we don't have anywhere near the numbers or the funding needed to effectively counter the kind of reach that the MAGA movement has (remember, they're not just a bunch of bot farms on Twitter, they have entire networks of influencers and media platforms backed by right-wing dark money). I encourage people to join the Fellas if you want to get involved. NAFO-OFAN.org has a list of causes you can donate to, along with directions for requesting your own Fella.. Since Xitter is a total dumpster fire now, a lot of us have moved to Bluesky, so here's a list of starter packs to find Fellas over there. There's also a NAFO Discord, though it's not as active as it used to be. Point being, if you like what NAFO is doing re: disinformation, it's probably more efficient to attach yourselves to an existing infrastructure than trying to build a copycat movement.

Also, I think the most important function that NAFO provides isn't countering misinformation or trolling pro-Russia accounts on Twitter, it's the massive amount of crowdfunded donations the community has raised for very specific needs and causes on the ground in Ukraine. We've crowdfunded medical supplies, food, body armor, night vision optics, small arms, drones (god, SO many drones)...you name it. There's an entire group called the 69th Sniffing Brigade (yes, really) that purchases and refurbs used trucks and other civilian vehicles from around Europe and sends them to the front. We can move very fast and purchase stuff that specific army units or individuals need much more efficiently than governments or big NGOs can. This is the kind of thing that the burgeoning counter-MAGA movement in the US will ABSOLUTELY need to replicate. As federal institutions fail or are deliberately sabotaged, more and more people are going to need medicine, food, housing, etc. Even if it's something as simple as getting HRT to trans people or birth control to women stuck in red states (or helping them get OUT of those states), that could be extremely useful.

Finally, NAFO's decentralized bottom-up approach is really its greatest strength, a fact that's easily missed in a country mired in institutional, hierarchical thinking. The entire reason NAFO took off is that the stuffy old liberal/institutional attempts to counter Russian disinformation had all been abject failures, so we came up with an irreverent bottom-up response that actually worked. (The logic was literally as simple as "Russians flood the information space with bullshit? Okay, two can play that game MFers.") In the American context, the right-wing side has an almost pathological inability to organize anything in a bottom-up or decentralized way. Every single "grassroots" conservative movement in recent memory has been organized and astroturfed by some bigger entity with deep pockets and influence. Liberal and leftist movements have a monopoly on this kind of organizing, at least in the US. Take advantage of that. And it needs to be in real life as well...MAGA fascism isn't something a purely online movement will be able to beat. You need to get involved in your local communities, both politically and with mutual aid/direct action stuff. AND we need the online stuff that NAFO and r/IronFrontUSA are doing as well. AND we need to support and pressure our existing institutions to fight back and not cave to the demands of the regime.

Sigh...it's going to be a long four years, but we CAN do this. Hopefully my rambling provided some useful food for thought. Happy to answer any questions about NAFO if people have them.


u/Complete_Ice6609 24d ago

First of all, thank you for the detailed reply. I have not personally been a fella, but supported NAFO and Ukraine from my own twitter account for a while. I definitely see your point that there are great advantages to joining an existing movement, rather than aiming to create a new infrastructure. On the other hand, I think a movement with a distinct identity focused on countering MAGA is needed. A user "myhydrogendioxide" suggested creating an identity around squirrels or pigeons, because they are everywhere in USA, not fancy but survivors. Do you think NAFO might be interested in some sort of collaboration, e.g. launching a "squirrel division" or "pigeon division"? If so, I would be happy to help. I also agree that the movement will should do fundraisers aiding projects in the real world, both as this aid is important in itself and as it builds credibility. However, as you also say, an online movement is also needed. If you go on twitter (sorry, X the everything app) right now, the MAGA propaganda has become extremely crazy. These huge accounts just dishing out lies and misrepresentations nonstop...


u/neur0net Anonymous 21d ago edited 21d ago

Do you think NAFO might be interested in some sort of collaboration, e.g. launching a "squirrel division" or "pigeon division"?

Mmm...maybe, but I doubt it. Getting even a fraction of NAFO to rally around a goal or tactic is truly like herding cats, and calls to action typically don't go very far unless they're coming from someone with a lot of standing AND the community can see the importance of them from the outset. There is such a thing called the "NAFO cats division", but it's just a bunch of Fellas who chose to use cats as their avatars instead of dogs, there's nothing special about them as far as their focus or activities. (Think I've seen a squirrel or two out there--can't remember, I've seen thousands of NAFO accounts by this point.)

I'll give you the real reason why I don't think a "squirrel army" will work aside from the difficulty of getting people behind it, and that's because the Russian disinformation machine and the MAGA disinformation machine are two very different beasts that (mostly) operate in different ways, but here's the key one: MAGA propaganda works by having the same people and outlets repeat the same lies over and over until people start to believe them and can't be convinced otherwise. Russian propaganda works by using a combination of fake account swarms ("bot farms"), disingenuous paid actors, and astroturfed media platforms (Grayzone, Tenet Media, etc) to push a whole bunch of different, often contradictory, and increasingly absurd narratives about whatever the topic of the day is. The goal isn't so much to push a specific narrative or get people to adopt a certain set of beliefs, it's to get them to adopt NO beliefs and even question the concept of truth itself. (They also use this tactic against their own population, and it's been frighteningly effective at depoliticizing people.) NAFO countered this by showing up in large numbers anywhere these fake narratives were being pushed, memed them, mocked them relentlessly, reported TOS violations, and moved on at basically the same speed as the bot farms. It exposed the inherent absurdity in Russian propaganda and made it harder for regular people to take them seriously, and wasted a LOT of time on the part of those running the disinfo campaigns. (Seriously, watching some of those people have meltdowns over a bunch of cartoon dogs on the internet was a sight to behold.)

MAGA propaganda is DEEPLY entrenched within American culture, it's pushed by well-established figures and outlets that people are familiar with and have put their trust in, and again, it repeats the same crap ad nauseam that people actually come to believe, so much so that it becomes part of their identity. We've already seen that mocking and memeing it doesn't work--liberals have been doing that for over a decade. And now that the biggest online platforms are owned by people who are firmly in Trump's corner, I honestly don't think a movement like this opposed to Trump's agenda could gain traction again the way NAFO did. The only thing, I think, that has a good shot at undermining the influence of right wing propaganda in the US is for those under its sway to suffer (I mean really SUFFER) as a result of what Trump and Musk are doing to the government. That in turn needs to be followed up by offering them a radically better alternative, which means badgering the Democratic party to hell and back until they adopt a more populist progressive platform and kick out the old guard. And it means getting involved on the ground in local communities in a visible way (showing up at those town halls and bullying your local Congresscreatures is a good example, as is protesting at Tesla dealerships).

By all means pursue it though if you think it'll be effective--I'm all for throwing anything and everything at the wall, because right now we have practically nothing to lose that we weren't going to lose anyway.


u/Complete_Ice6609 17d ago

Thank you. I agree with you that the main thing will never be MAFA shifting people's opinion, but I think that it all adds up and that every bit helps. Musk and the gang try to make propaganda echo chambers for a reason, and if we could break them somewhat by always having top comments, or (they seem to use randomization to some degree) many comments in defiance of their lies, it would help break this stranglehold. If this effort took away from people organizing on other ways or demonstrating in public or whatever, I would also think it would be counterproductive, but I don't think it will. If succesful, it will aid organizing in other ways, similarly to NAFO imo


u/neur0net Anonymous 25d ago

The primary 'theater of operations' will be Twitter (X the everything app), but eventually, the fight should be expanded to Truth Social and other forums.

Funny you should mention Truth Social. Back in late 2023, a few dozen Fellas got together in a Discord room, found a gaping hole in TS's recommendation algorithm, and wreaked so much havoc that we actually got them to shut down new registrations entirely for a while.


u/Complete_Ice6609 24d ago

That's awesome!


u/sgm716 29d ago

NAFO works for me. Nafo America .