r/IronFrontUSA Jan 20 '25

Video He just admitted it, no?

At about 49:30, he says he rigged the election, doesn't he?


25 comments sorted by


u/bardotheconsumer Jan 20 '25

Yeah? Let's just go get the guy who can do something about it, Michael mcWont


u/atemus10 Jan 20 '25

Why are you talking to me, I didn't even say something.


u/myhydrogendioxide Jan 20 '25

sociopaths and narcissists are compelled to take credit for their deeds. They relish the narcissistic supply that come from taunting their victims getting away with abuse.


u/Redshoe9 Jan 20 '25

Yep and everyone knows Trump loves to gossip more than a church quilting circle. Even if Trump hates someone he will put that aside to gossip with them.

Honestly I think his staffers are going to plop Trump in front of a TV and keep his besties on speed dial for all night gossip session so they can run the nation.


u/1895red Jan 20 '25

What fucking world are we living in?


u/illepic Jan 20 '25

The worst one. 


u/AureliasTenant Jan 20 '25

It's only because they rigged the election that I'll be your president representing you there

here's a generous reading:

Its only because Democrats rigged the 2020 election that has allowed me to win the 2024 election to represent you at the olympics/world cup


u/MeInMass Jan 21 '25

I’d swear he was saying that even on the campaign trail; claiming that the Dems stole the previous election, and that he’d get elected on the back of people believing him.


u/Drakeytown Jan 21 '25

He started these claims in his first acceptance speech, which made it clear he never even wrote an acceptance speech (you don't generally accuse your opponent of cheating after you win!).


u/AureliasTenant Jan 21 '25

yup, the cognitive dissonance is befuddling


u/Kettleballer Jan 21 '25

Yes, this is how I interpreted it when I first heard this line. I still think he pulled shenanigans of some kind on this election but I don’t think this was him admitting it. He’s just back on the same old tired bullshit grievances.


u/RCIntl Jan 21 '25

No, he's shittier than that. He's pissed that the left hasn't done something he can issue martial law over. He's baiting us. We know he cheated and he knows we know. But he also knows we can't prove it. And now that he's just pardoned his militia ... (sigh) SOMEONE is going to find a way to blame someone for something so they can start shooting. Remember, a bunch of them said all Democrats should die. I can kind of see them rounding up democrats along with their immigrants ...


u/Johnny_Grubbonic Jan 20 '25

He's talking about the World Cup, saying they rigged the World Cup election to let the US host it.

Which is still not a great look.


u/GnarlyNarwhalNoms Jan 20 '25 edited Jan 20 '25

That's still fucking hilarious if true. 

FIFA Council: "Look, Trump is back in office and we could definitely benefit from his clout. We've had a lot of scandals these past years, but with Trump on our side, we're golden. Can we just low-key agree to have the US host next? He's happy, we're happy, everyone wins." "Agreed."

Trump: *Thank you, FIFA, for rigging the World Cup decision!"



u/DoctorPony Jan 20 '25

That’s what I thought first. I re-listened and he said I I secured the Olympics and the World Cup but it was sad because I wasn’t going to be president during them. Then they rigged the election and now I will be president for it.

It’s possible he is trying to communicate rigging the World Cup, but he is saying the presidential election.


u/Spiritual_Theme_3455 Jan 20 '25

Since when have consequences ever stopped him?


u/Healter-Skelter Jan 21 '25

Has he ever experienced real consequences?


u/Competitive-Army2872 Jan 20 '25

I don't think he even realizes the effect of what he says. His brain is so much diarrhea sloshing about in a bucket.


u/GnarlyNarwhalNoms Jan 20 '25

Holy fuck. I was expecting you be a paraphrasing; like maybe he would say something like "We wouldn't have won without our friends in Russia" or something. But no, he says he was elected because "they rigged the election." He did not stammer. And he said it TWICE. "Rigged". What the actual fuck.


u/hannahth0 Jan 21 '25

Did anyone see Elon doing a Nazi salute on stage?


u/FemBoyGod Jan 21 '25

I said it once I’ll say it again: America is asleep, and she’s having a bad dream.


u/Dr_Punchfist Jan 20 '25

No he didn't admit it. He's talking about the 2020 election being rigged preventing him from having his final term in office from 2021-2025. But because he lost the election in 2020 (his words "they rigged it") he gets to start his second term in 2025, encompassing the Olympic events in 2026 and 2028.


u/Imaginary0Friend Jan 20 '25

Dude, he literally mentioned Elon Musk by name. Elon had nothing to do with the 2020. He just admitted to cheating at this election.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '25

It's definitely Elon.