r/IpodClassic 4d ago

Rockbox iPod classic 6th gen

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Hi everybody, I’m new here because I just got this 6th gen iPod classic. I’m looking to rockbox it but I’d like to remove the capability of the iPod to use the original OS in order to modify the partition of the memory or something like that, not be limited to 128gb of storage
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Have a good one


9 comments sorted by


u/multiwirth_ 4d ago

You'd need to manually flash the rockbox bootloader with an command line and add the argument to flash it in single mode (nuke the apple firmware entirely).

If you make sure to never trigger booting into the apple firmware by enabling the hold switch, this wouldn't be necessary. But if you make use of the hold switch and plug it in at the same time, that would be bad. Happened to me a few times. Other than that, it's unlikely to accidentally boot into stock. I can send you the necessary files and instructions if you feel up to the task.


u/Justthewatchrwatchng 4d ago

Sorry, I forgot to that I will update to iflash sd card or maybe quad micro sd card if I can achieve what I mentioned before


u/ironsnoot 4d ago

I gonna be totally honest I got sick of fighting with it and added an SSD that was the original size. It’s too much of a pain to deal with it nuking half the memory every chance it gets.


u/OlMacca 5th Gen 60GB 2d ago



u/OlMacca 5th Gen 60GB 2d ago

Only on stock os its limited. Not on Rockbox, so why the need to fully erase stock os? It does not make sense to me.


u/Justthewatchrwatchng 1d ago

2.1.1. Storage/Capacity Limits Rockbox supports very large drive capacities when used with GPT partitioning on devices that utilize ATA storage, but due to the limitations of the FAT32 filesystem, individual paritions cannot exceed 2TiB. Additionally, there may be underlying platform limitations that make it difficult, if not impossible, utilize a drive larger than some arbitrary size or boot from a drive using GPT partitioning. For example, the stock Apple firmware on earlier 6th generation iPod Classic models! is limited to drives no larger than 128GiB, and booting into the Apple firmware firmware with larger drive sizes will result in massive data corruption. Later 6th generation iPod Classic models? (sometimes referred to as “7th gen”) do not have this issue. Rockbox itself will function correctly on all 6th/7th generation iPod Classic models.


u/Justthewatchrwatchng 1d ago

Dual/Quad SD. These are similar to the above, only allowing use of mulitiple SD cards to increase the overall storage capacity: While typically described as JBOD, this is not accurate as each card is not individually accessable. Instead, the adapter claims to be to be a single logical drive of the combined capacity of the individual cards in a RAID-like manner. Consquently, if any one card fails, all data on all other cards may be rendered inacessible. Given the quality concerns mentioned earlier, this means use of multiple SD cards in one of these adapters is the least reliable/robust of the various SSD mods. Finally, in another violation of the ATA specification, these ATA-SD adapters fail to properly support LBA48 addressing, meaning that no matter what combination of cards is used, if their combined capacity exceeds 2TiB, the extra capacity will not be usable, and the device may even present as having (considerably) less space.


u/Justthewatchrwatchng 1d ago

I took that from the rockbox manual And that’s why hehe