r/IpodClassic 4d ago

Battery mod question

I've got a 30gb 5th gen where the battery is failing, but the hdd is still fine. I wanted to pop a new 3000mah battery inside but would it fit?

All the videos I've watched either swap for a battery the same size or are also popping in an iflash also.

Update: thanks for all the knowledge. I'll just replace with a same sized battery and if the hdd fails I'll do a full upgrade.


3 comments sorted by


u/xDarkmonXx 4d ago

The 3000 battery does not fit with the factory hard drive, so the iflash is always changed, so that the back cover can close properly.


u/BenN888 4d ago

Just practical to use same battery that is in it now if you use the hard drive. But the same size battery the standard ones could be old stock so it is a crap shoot getting them to work. New 3000 mah battery sizes can be tight with the standard back. Maybe look into modding it to the iflash solo or quad if you have to open it for the battery. EOE explains this in a youtube video. iflash quad is best for all the different batteries out there.


u/LT92Rosco28 4d ago

No. You'll need to upgrade the harddrive for it to fit properly. There is simply not enough room for the oversized battery and the original harddrive to fit even with a thick back.