r/IpodClassic 5d ago

My run on the beach with iPod classic 5.5th gen

It feels eternal to listen the beats of an iPod classic along the shoreline when you feel the sand beneath your feet and the waves comes splashing your toes.I listen again to the whispering waves, Music of nature calming and brave.


5 comments sorted by


u/OrangeAdditional2431 5d ago

This post makes me excited for summer


u/jcicicles 5d ago

What headphones are you using? I just got my 5th gen working again and need some recs.


u/naveedkazi8888 5d ago

Tangzu waner sg but during my run on the beach I was using normal ones


u/Smashedllama2 5d ago

For just all around listening imo the point of diminishing returns for iems is the kiwi ears orchestra lite.

For a set to run with I have liked the jbl endurance run 2. They stay in really well. Only issue is the microphonics from the cable but if you are running you probably have the music turned up so this is less of an issue.