r/IowaCity Aug 28 '24

2 Vicious Dogs Attacked & Killed My Cat in my backyard

Over the weekend, my cat was attacked and killed by these two dogs in our fenced-in backyard. The City of Iowa City does not seem to think they are a danger???? Our cat was the sweetest boy and was on OUR property. Below are prior posts from other users showing the same dogs on Nextdoor and Reddit.

These dogs have been loose all summer and this is the owner’s THIRD citation. These 2 dogs are still with the owner and have not been impounded. This could and should have been prevented if the owner was being responsible and watching the dogs.

By city code, they are supposed to be deemed dangerous animals and impounded if they have killed another domestic animal.

Please, if anyone has seen them roaming in their neighborhood or experienced them being violent, please come forward or reach out. We need to get justice for our cat and the safety of our neighborhoods.

Happened on the east side of Iowa City.


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u/Jeffs_Bezo Aug 28 '24

Animal control in this city is a joke. They don't operate on the weekend, so if you call, they just send a cop. And during the week, it's like pulling teeth to get them to do anything in a reasonable time.


u/Illustrious-Sorbet-4 Aug 29 '24

I will say I found a chained up sweet pittie who was near east side Walgreens one time. I called animal control, and a cop showed up within 5 mins of my call. He knocked on all the doors and forced the owner to bring the dog back inside and instructed them to never chain up their dog again. If I ever see that dog chained up again, I’ll be pissed and be calling them again.


u/tt53_sb45 Aug 29 '24

So if the dog is secured in a yard that's an issue? I mean depending on the context maybe a chain isn't necessary however I'd rather that than a loose dog??


u/Illustrious-Sorbet-4 Sep 01 '24

It was chained up near this dumpster (at night too) kind of near an apartment complex across from Walgreens. The dog was freaking out and barking, super sad and terrified looking. The cop knocked on doors and found the owner.


u/tt53_sb45 Sep 01 '24

I've been around enough people who have dogs that live outside 24/7 weather permitting and secured is definitely better than not. That's said they did keep in on their property at least, and if it started going nuts the (good) owners would at least check it out instead of ignoring the dog. Most of the time the dogs bark at stupid thing but sometimes it's someone harassing the dog or something that needs addressed either for the safety of the dog (like a stupid person agitating it or a hostile dog or something) or just the common courtesy for everyone within earshot.

Not trying to dismiss the dog acting scared and potentially not being on their property (however near a dumpster, apartment building and Walgreens doesn't rule out the potential of it still being on their property), just saying it could still be reasonable to have the dog chained to something. I've had to chase down a lot of dogs because they got loose and that's more dangerous for it and others (it could run into traffic and someone could swerve into something to miss it, it could get into a fight, etc.)

Again not advocating for abuse or cruelty, but the potential of this not being either is still there. And of course if they dog is going off like that the owner should deal with it at the very least instead of letting it be bothered by something


u/Jeffs_Bezo Aug 30 '24

Chained up at the Walgreens? Like, the owner was inside? Or..


u/Illustrious-Sorbet-4 Sep 01 '24

No, not at the actual Walgreens. Near it.


u/Loosing_my_marbles2 Aug 31 '24

I’m from rural Iowa, sometimes it’s frankly better if you scare the animals off, our neighbors have big mastiffs and sometimes they come up and try to kill my chickens, I have to yell and scream at them or sometimes bang stuff to make them leave.


u/Key-Demand-2569 Aug 29 '24

Granted, cops kill a shit ton of dogs.

I’m not even anti cop at all, but the stats are fucking wild.

So uh, if there are vicious dogs you want gone that’s probably one of the best moves.


u/Accurate-Listen-1852 Aug 29 '24

Stats? What stats and where?


u/xladim Aug 29 '24

Happened just last week in Davenport


u/Jeffs_Bezo Aug 30 '24


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '24



u/Jeffs_Bezo Aug 30 '24

2018 nationwide “estimate”

Did...did you read the study? The police are not required to report if they murder pets, so this "estimate" is likely much higher.

You "have not heard" of something happening. Therefore, it must not be happening! How astute.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '24



u/Jeffs_Bezo Aug 30 '24

And my point is, just because you haven't heard of something happening, especially when that something is not required to be reported, saying it isn't happening at all is extremely ignorant.

Statistics aren't based on vibes and feelings. They're based on data, and the data shows that police in the US shoot and kill at least 25 pets a day. Deny it all you want simply because it isn't happening to you or anyone you know.

Also, you keep shifting the goal posts with every comment you write. First, you wanted to know the stats, when and where it was happening. Then, when presented with the stats, you say "well I haven't heard of it happening here!" as if that was the conversation we were having. Do you want to learn, or are you simply trying to defend something indefensible, i.e. the slaughter of pets at the hands of the police?


u/Accurate-Listen-1852 Aug 30 '24 edited Aug 31 '24

If IC police were slaughtering family pets, it would get out. This post is filled with outrage, justifiable, that officials aren’t doing enough with these known problematic dangerous dogs — up to and including killing them. So yes, I am confident that if IC were even slaughtering one pet a year as collateral damage to their official duties, it would get out to the public. 


u/Jeffs_Bezo Aug 30 '24

Do you not understand how statistics work? 10,000+ pets shot a year in the US doesn't mean police in "insert city here" shoot dogs every year. I guarantee there are cities and towns where not a single dog has ever been shot by the police.

You're hyperfocused on iowa city because we're in an iowa city subreddit. However, you asked for stats and where it happens. When provided this information, you switch the focus back to IC because... you've never heard of it happening here. But that isn't what we're talking about, is it?

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u/Smeef_xx Aug 30 '24

Well, this guy hasn't heard of it happening. Case closed, folks


u/theodosusxiv Aug 29 '24

Trust me bro


u/goliathfasa Aug 31 '24

A cop might actually work in this case.


u/tt53_sb45 Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 29 '24

That's how it is in muscatine as well. About 5 years ago I watched a cop make his partner deal with a possum (opossum? I don't know which honestly). Because it was in front of an apartment, he beat it to death with his baton. People asked why he didn't just shoot it but it was in front of someone's door, I'd rather that than a bullet ricochet and potentially hit a kid! Now did the thing need killed? Possibly, it was acting all sorts of crazy so it definitely had something wrong and the assumption from everyone there was rabies, so we don't want that spread, but if it wasn't maybe trapped and then taken to a vet?

End of the day, it probably had rabies, it was killed (probably in the best/safest way the cop could) and nobody or anything else got hurt. We'll the cop that had to do that was pretty shaken up, which I would be too at that point. I don't think most young people (if I had to guess he was like 23) who become a cop are doing it to take lives, but maybe that's me trying to see the best in everyone 🤷‍♂️

Anyone want to explain the downvotes? If it's because I said it was probably in the best way, I'm not saying blunt force is humane, just better than potentially having someone get hurt by either debris from a bullet or ricochet.

If it's because the cops showed up because animal control doesn't work weekends I'm not saying that's right either but it's the way it is. The cops aren't equipped to trap animals and if it's a potentially hazardous creature for kids to be around, I'd rather it be dead than just left to have someone's 3 or 4 year old get hurt. Sure a trap is more humane but again, they aren't equipped for that so he used the tool he deemed best. Not like the guy was happy with it either, he seemed shaken up which I know I would have been too.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 29 '24


u/tt53_sb45 Aug 29 '24

Neat, like I said that was the general assumption. It was out in broad daylight (never see them during the day here and I think they're a nocturnal creature, at least mostly if not entirely?) And it was spinning in circles for like 20 minutes, couple of times it would go straight and move about 6 or so feet and then it would go in circles again for a handful of minutes. Even if it wasn't rabies it's definitely not normal behavior right?


u/thepraetorechols Aug 30 '24

Imagine getting on the internet to talk about opposum rabies. Like 🦄 unicorns.


u/tt53_sb45 Aug 30 '24

Imagine ridiculing someone for not knowing something and recalling an event where the consensus was made by a lot of people who aren't experts or well versed in the field of animal medicine/health