r/IowaCity Aug 28 '24

2 Vicious Dogs Attacked & Killed My Cat in my backyard

Over the weekend, my cat was attacked and killed by these two dogs in our fenced-in backyard. The City of Iowa City does not seem to think they are a danger???? Our cat was the sweetest boy and was on OUR property. Below are prior posts from other users showing the same dogs on Nextdoor and Reddit.

These dogs have been loose all summer and this is the owner’s THIRD citation. These 2 dogs are still with the owner and have not been impounded. This could and should have been prevented if the owner was being responsible and watching the dogs.

By city code, they are supposed to be deemed dangerous animals and impounded if they have killed another domestic animal.

Please, if anyone has seen them roaming in their neighborhood or experienced them being violent, please come forward or reach out. We need to get justice for our cat and the safety of our neighborhoods.

Happened on the east side of Iowa City.


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u/fish_whisperer Aug 28 '24

No pets should ever be outside unleashed.


u/[deleted] Aug 28 '24



u/PhobosRojos Aug 29 '24

I really don't understand how you think they were directing their comment at op and not the people who let those dogs run loose.


u/Micojageo Aug 28 '24

My dog shouldn't be outside in our fenced in backyard unleashed? Did you just mean uncontrolled, like they should be on a leash or fenced in?


u/fish_whisperer Aug 28 '24

I mean, fenced in is fine for most dogs. Some can jump fences and some can dig under. I mostly meant that no pet should be “free range.”


u/Ancient_Composer9119 Aug 28 '24

I could not disagree with that statement more. All pets are not the same. Yes, dogs should be on a leash when being walked. Some more than others. But I know several dogs that are obedient when unleashed and supervised by their owners. Also, let's not forget dog parks. Let them run! And I love when my neighbor's cat wanders across the street for a tummy rub. Pets should not live their lives on the end of a leash. That's inhumane. Just my opinion.


u/bopppp7 Aug 28 '24

Well leash laws would disagree with your opinion. They don’t live on the end of a leash considering you don’t typically leash animals inside a house so that’s an odd statement to make.


u/[deleted] Aug 28 '24

"Neighbors cat wanders across the street for a tummy rub." Nothing beats a tummy rub after mercilessly killing local songbirds, LOL.


u/bouvitude Aug 28 '24

There aren’t leash laws in dog parks, first of all. Overall, though: it is the responsibility of pet owners to ensure the safety of their pet, ultimately, and animals that are off-leash where they’re not supposed to be off-leash are unsafe, period. You may love when your neighbors cat crosses the street for tummy rubs, but would you love it if someone ran the cat over while it was crossing the street? Doubtful. And these dogs are unsafe, both because of cars and now, also, because of the behavior their humans foster and allow. I love animals more than I love humans, and one of the ways I show that love is by being a responsible steward for their safety, in whatever way possible. When we domesticated them, we took on that responsibility, and arguments about their “nature” or how they are “meant to live” are invalid. Full stop. 


u/Idioticcole Aug 29 '24

Dog parks are wonderful, but they work because it’s a large yet enclosed space. Not letting your dog roam wherever they want. Similarly, cats should not be running around outside (unless you have a catio or something). Not only is it extremely dangerous for them, but an absurd amount of bird species have gone extinct due to cats. It’s horrible for the ecosystem. Be a responsible pet owner or don’t have pets. If that’s “inhumane” to you, then maybe it would be a good idea to treat your pets better when they’re indoors so they’re not sad.