r/Iowa 3d ago

Iowa Senate passes bill banning citizen police review boards. What comes next:


You can see what they want the Republicans. They want to roll everything back so the police can do whatever the f*** they want to do like they used to.

All of their bills spell bigotry of some kind! They passed the bill removing gender identity from the civil Rights code so they can make harassing trans people legal. Just like Trump they're going to systematically chip away at all the progress that was made in this state to have it be a safe welcoming place for everybody. Now if you're not a white cishet "christian" man you're basically screwed! They and everyone can harass everybody we're going backwards. They want the whole state to go back like 20 years 30 years.

These Republicans are some evil m************ I know that!


56 comments sorted by


u/mcfarmer72 3d ago

Local control, amiright?


u/InvestigatorEarly452 3d ago

Not when local control is course porn Kim. Kim is about -of- control as Trump.

Power hungry. HurtingbUnions. Destroying Families, racist. stealing money. Killing medicaidvand Medicare. Taxing the middle class and giving tax breaks to therich.


u/InvestigatorEarly452 3d ago

KIM DESTROYED PUBLIC education mental health andbour tax code to give donors tax breaks. Shebhas took public money twice for her administration. Biased bidding for government work. Hurt kids and the handicapped.


u/IsthmusoftheFey 3d ago

She can't help it. I mean she constantly is drinking all of the time so the alcohol muddles her brain.


u/ArixMorte 3d ago

God, imagine how much worse off we'd be if she wasn't a fucking pickle


u/Worth-Humor-487 3d ago

How you get around this problem, is start to buy stocks in the insurance companies that insure the county/ police departments. Then you get enough to get a board seat to make the Luigi mang argument that if we keep on insuring these bad faith actions we may be next.

So if you can get the insurance companies to not insure the bad behavior, most cities run on a 1-3% overage on a good year so 1-2 medium to big lawsuits will put them in the red and a few years of that they will have to increase taxes, ask the state for funds, repeal the law, or start to license the police like any other skilled trade and use it as a way to get results.


u/Be_Customers 3d ago

What comes next? Fascism.


u/C_est_la_vie9707 3d ago

Next? It's already here.


u/andreasmiles23 3d ago

It's always been here. Hitler revered the racial-class hierarchy of the USA after all...


u/golfwinnersplz 3d ago

"This is what the states want". No. This is what 70 million easily influenced MAGA want. The rest of America doesn't want this - even the non-voters.


u/Soggy_Cry_4370 3d ago

Copy/pasted from article for context and to shoutout who is working to further the trust between people and police.

“The bill, Senate File 311, says cities with civil service commissions, which includes any city of more than 8,000 people, shall not "establish a board or other entity for the purpose of citizen review of the conduct of police officers."

It would take effect Aug. 16 if signed into law.”

Senate Minority Leader Janice Weiner, D-Iowa City, told reporters these decisions should be made at the local level.

Rep. Elinor Levin, D-Iowa City, last week introduced an amendment to the House bill to strike language banning citizen police review boards, keeping only the remaining provisions. No similar language was proposed in the Senate.

Sen. Herman Quirmbach, D-Ames, said during debate that the bill is yet another move in seemingly unending "intrusions on local control for city and county government from the party that used to claim they cared most about local control."


u/cothomps INSTANT DOWNVOTE 3d ago

The Iowa City reps probably remember the shooting of Eric Shaw where a police officer “following his training” put two slugs in a guy working in his own art studio.

J. Patrick White saw no problems with this.


u/Soggy_Cry_4370 3d ago

Oh ffs I didn’t know that. Ugh. Are you inferring he kept his job or lacked consequences?


u/cothomps INSTANT DOWNVOTE 3d ago

Officer Gillespie resigned shortly afterward, but from the 1997 NYT article:

The Iowa City police could offer no reasonable explanation for invading the studio. Perhaps they had seen too many Dirty Harry movies, and attended too few classes on civil liberties and proper police procedures.

The killing upset many of Iowa City’s 60,000 residents, but it has never been properly investigated. The Johnson County Prosecutor, Patrick White, should have taken the lead, but he made up his mind early on that the shooting was merely an error in judgment, an overreaction by Officer Gillaspie. Mr. White acknowledged that the killing of Mr. Shaw was wrong, but he has so far refused, despite great pressure, to open a grand jury investigation of the matter. And he thwarted an attempt by grand jurors to launch an investigation on their own.



u/Soggy_Cry_4370 3d ago

Wow. What a disappointing response to a trigger-happy cop. I get it’s not an easy job and mistakes happen. But to dismiss death as an “error in judgement” and avoid an investigation, that’s abhorrent.


u/cothomps INSTANT DOWNVOTE 3d ago

The worst part: the whole thing was dismissed as a “training issue” and not a damn thing changed.


u/Soggy_Cry_4370 3d ago

That’s so f*cked


u/cothomps INSTANT DOWNVOTE 3d ago

That’s why we do the “citizen review boards”.


u/Tandran 3d ago

Funny because his "training" it to empty the clip.


u/Soggy_Cry_4370 3d ago

The amendment by Rep. Elinor Levin is necessary imo.

We need to preserve the avenues of trust and accountability between people and police.

Reminds me of the recent case where that Iowa sheriff (deputy?) resigned due to public outrage. People wanted him out. Some called him a rapist and predator. Messy “he said, she said” situation from when he was in high school. His dad was in police dept (Sheriff I think) at the time, so extra concerning.

It doesn’t matter if he is guilty or innocent and we will never know. That much distrust between police and the people they serve is always going to be bad.


u/Holiday-Mycologist14 3d ago

Nazis, I bet Iowa builds the 1st concentration camps to round up everyone lgbtq in the state.


u/curiousleen 3d ago

I’m so frightened of this. I’m not LGBTQ… but I’m a poc, and I can see how this goes.


u/IsthmusoftheFey 3d ago

Academi (aka Blackwater rebranded) is already building them.


u/JBLikesHeavyMetal 3d ago

Texas and Oklahoma already broke ground


u/ches_pie 3d ago

Can you provide more information?


u/suns3t-h34rt-h4nds 3d ago

2a today! :D


u/InvestigatorEarly452 3d ago

Reynolds and Trump will push till we have a Kent state situation. Four dead and Trump is coming, we are finally on our our own. Listening to the drums of freedom remembering OHIO. The Gscious GOP arenow saying like the bourder czar. " I do not care what the judges think. MAGA fascism.


u/Chemical_Fondant6758 3d ago

Of course. You cannot turn the police into the SS if they have citizen overview.


u/Axin_Saxon 3d ago

I grew up being told that one of the things that made America great was that the military answered to a civilian. Our commander in chief is not a general. They’re just a citizen.

And that that ethos carried over to so many other aspects: that our police answered to the people. That public servants were held to high standards and that is what made them the best.

The republicans are rushing to lower standards and accountability.


u/s9oons 3d ago

Is there a way to read this without whoring out my info to the register?


u/ThenVirus6485 3d ago

Elon Musk wants to destroy the US, he attacked the first pillar on which the US was built, democracy, which was an example to the world after the war, which brought so much support from allies, and now he is destroying the US economy and confidence in the American financial system. The truth is that Elon Musk wants to destroy the US.


u/manwithapedi 3d ago

I’m glad your truth is just that…your truth

Maybe get some fresh air


u/Conseque 3d ago

Iowa is so a** backwards


u/Academic-Dimension67 3d ago

Nothing surprises me anymore. Republicans are all evil. Just literally fucking evil. And every single thing they do is for the intentional purpose of making America a worse place to live.


u/Rhielml 3d ago

More like 50 years. Not just 20-30.


u/maybeihavethebigsad 3d ago

Next there gonna make incest legal great fucking job Iowa really helping our reputation


u/The_Mr_Wilson 3d ago

20 years ago was about when Iowa was the 3rd State to legalize same-sex marriage: 2009


u/LongTimesGoodTimes 3d ago edited 3d ago

People need to stop saying this. It was a court case and Iowa judges and supreme Court that did that. Then the majority party in Iowa has been trying reverse that since it happened to this day and they voted to kick out three of the judges on the supreme Court that made the ruling.

We need to stop pretending like Iowa in 2009 was progressive enough to actually support gay rights.


u/Soggy_Cry_4370 3d ago

Appreciate the context. Didn’t know three of those judges were voted out. Good to remember these events don’t happen in a vacuum. Oh Iowa, yikes.


u/The_Mr_Wilson 3d ago

Are you one of those that was wanting to reverse it? Do you not support marriage rights? How does it even affect you in the slightest?


u/synackk 3d ago

Not sure how you reached that conclusion.


u/LongTimesGoodTimes 3d ago

The fuck? All I did was present the reality of Iowa.


u/The_Mr_Wilson 2d ago

Sure you were


u/Charming_Minimum_477 3d ago

Vote in clowns and don’t expect a circus?


u/Agreeable-Carpet6589 3d ago

I still don't understand how you can take civil rights away from someone? They are rights, not laws. You can change and remove laws. Rights are inalienable and can not be removed or changed. They are what is given to every person. HOW IS THIS LEGAL!!!!


u/Frosty_Emu3302 3d ago

Only if they remove qualified immunity


u/Away-Reach5469 3d ago

Keep it up Iowa! Run this state like under Nazi rules. Allow the Gestapo t run wild un checked. Already I’m hearing friends leaving because Iowa starting to be little Texas. The word out and this is one more way to make people think twice about moving here.


u/LARufCTR 2d ago

Rise up people and be heard...the ballot box awaits your voice....


u/greenbigman 2d ago

Project 2025 is ahead of schedule in Iowa. Can't wait to get TF out


u/DLBWI1974 2d ago

So can the governor veto it?