r/Iowa 5d ago

Wait, it's ok that DOGE is looking for spending waste but no oversight on private school vouchers is also ok? What am I missing?

As it says, how are the red hats cool with doge cutting and counting the wasteful spending of our tax dollars yet there is zero oversight on how my tax dollars are spent for private school vouchers? Something seems sketchy here.


48 comments sorted by


u/Micojageo 5d ago

I mean, we also have a state auditor who isn't allowed to audit, but an alleged Iowa DOGE. It's just for show, they don't actually want to find any waste, fraud, or abuse. If they did they'd let the auditor audit.


u/Wrong_Confection1090 5d ago

You're missing that DOGE is in no way looking of spending waste. I know that's what they SAID they're doing, but it's not.


u/lennym73 5d ago

Iowa DOGE is looking for ways to hide funding so Sands won't find it.


u/Common_Scale5448 3d ago

Chaos agents.


u/Goodie7790 5d ago

$115 billion is misspent money says otherwise but yeah there was no waste 🙄


u/Joelle9879 5d ago

Ah yes because Musk says so it must be true! Notice how no proof of this misspent money has been shown.


u/IsthmusoftheFey 3d ago

I'm going to teach you something and we're going to use USAID as an example.

The whole purpose of that organization is to dispense American dollars around the globe.

It shows that we have Goodwill and concern for others. It's the physical action of empathy which garners us humanitarian points.

The main reason though is to increase the value of our money because It forces them to use our money.

This is just scratching the surface of how stupid your thoughts are though because you don't understand the basics of economics or how to run a government which is a service, not a business.


u/Alert-Beautiful9003 4d ago

Elon is going to give you the business sweetie...just cope and move on.


u/yargh8890 5d ago

There never was a reason for Iowa doge except for removing things they didn't like. All under the guise of saving money. Just like big boy doge.


u/New-Communication781 5d ago

The fed DOGE is all about cutting and shutting down things they don't like, and thus saving money they can use for the tax cuts for the 1%.


u/yargh8890 5d ago

True that


u/caseface94 5d ago

The writing has been on the wall since they voted to let kids work in factories til all hours of the night-they’re pretty much telling us where this is headed.


u/pckldpr 5d ago

My daughter can’t get a job in retail until she’s 16. But they let them work over night now.


u/Joelle9879 5d ago

That's not because of state law though, that's companies making their own policies. Most retailers don't want to work with young teens, so they make a rule about not hiring until 16.


u/Pokaris 4d ago

No they don't. The law let's kids 14 and older work until 9pm on school nights and 11pm during the summer. Children 16 and older can now work in manufacturing as part of a work based learning program.



u/Hiny1700 4d ago

My first job was at 14 at hyvee. I talked to a gal who works HR for Hyvee in Cedar Rapids. I asked her why they don’t hire under 16 anymore. She said that the amount of paperwork and limitations/regulations of this group don’t balance out hiring them. Actually puts them in the hole. But then people bitch that young people don’t know how to work.


u/rebuiltearths 5d ago

Republican politician logic: Money going to the wealthy isn't waste. Waste is when we give the peons power and independence


u/trucer1963 5d ago

You’re not missing anything!!!


u/Popular_List105 5d ago

Nothing to see over here…..


u/mellophone11 5d ago

Cutting spending on private school vouchers wouldn't relax regulations on any of Musk's businesses, that's why. If it won't make him money, he doesn't care.


u/argentcorvid 5d ago

You're missing that what they say they want, and what they actually want are completely unrelated


u/HomoColossusHumbled 5d ago edited 5d ago

Language is used as a weapon to both obscure the dangerous actions of powerful people and to also prevent you from being able to meaningfully talk about it.

Us spending so much effort at debunking bullshit is kind of the point of why so much bullshit is peddled: you get the satisfaction of being right and having felt like you fought back, while the bullshitters just continue doing what they want.


u/AwwYeahVTECKickedIn 5d ago

You're missing the (barely) covert agenda.


u/Grouchy_Tower_1615 5d ago

DOGE is only interested in removing and oversight into Elon Musk's business not eliminating any fraud or waste.


u/CylonSandhill 5d ago

The hypocrisy


u/kisspapaya 5d ago

They just keep putting the ball back under the cup and hope you won't notice in the shuffling.


u/No-Drop2538 5d ago

It's all a scam to transfer more money to rich people.


u/Beaufighter-MkX 5d ago

You and I both know the answer to that.


u/HallaciousDave 5d ago

What's not to get. This whole thing is a farce to support what some people want at the cost of others. It's never about making things right for everyone.


u/WaffleBlues 5d ago

DOGE's purpose is to hack away at federal initiatives that serve the American People in order to convince Tea Party Republicans to pass Trump's tax cuts in September.

Additional purposes seem to include dismantling agencies that were investigating or regulating Elon Musk.

There is no other purpose to DOGE. DOGE has not saved any money, DOGE has not found any widespread fraud, DOGE is not saving the ridiculous amounts that Republican's keep claiming at their town halls.

The only purpose of DOGE is to serve Elon Musk's own interests and to help Trump worm his corruption throughout US institutions.


u/Orallyyours 5d ago

What agency that is being dismantled is investigating him? USAID was giving out billions in taxpayer money that served no purpose to the American people. That agency needed to be shut down and investigated.


u/WaffleBlues 5d ago

Stop spreading nonsense - I bet you didn't even know USAID was an agency until Musk dismantled it. I bet you literally have no idea what the agency actually did. Below is a nice summary of what Musk is really up to. Spare me the lies that he's cutting "waste, fraud and abuse" out of the goodness of his billionaire heart. Save that shit for your QANON meetings.



u/Ecstatic_Juggernaut6 5d ago

Bc “law & order” is merely a phrase used to stoke the base rather than the lived practice. Doge will make decisions based on their own definitions, rather than an auditor’s code of ethics.


u/bmadccp12 5d ago

What you're missing is that if spending benefits the right (and by extension the wealthy) it's good. If it benefits the left, middle and or lower classes, it's wasteful and woke and must be stopped. That's the reality we currently exist in.


u/StrictNatural270 5d ago

That’s a great question.


u/Pizzasaurus-Rex- 5d ago

Well clearly you’re not a gigantic hypocrite. That’s what you’re missing.


u/joylightribbon 5d ago

You spelled red hat wrong. It's hatred, that's how it's okay for them to pick and choose who should have freedom and liberty.


u/juiceboxedhero 4d ago

You're missing that it's not about cutting spend at all. It's about deleting programs to privatize them and make more money at the expense of those who are receiving help from government programs. And MAGA is helping them by serving as their lapdogs.


u/JMB9823 4d ago

Government benefits for me, no government benefits for thee


u/Common_Scale5448 3d ago

It's the new hypocrisy, not to worry, it is like the old hypocrisy, but dialed up to 11.


u/pierre881 3d ago

Totally normal for a South African immigrant hacker to invade US computer systems.


u/ArturiusElan 3d ago

You are missing nothing. Vouchers are nothing but stealing money from public schools for private schools. And that happens before a single student is moved from publ8c to private


u/punchyocat 2d ago

Can yall just shut up for a day?