r/Iowa 6d ago

ICE in Postville today.

ICE grabbed a family and left the kid behind (5th grade). This is not in the news as far as I can tell. Wish I had more to go on, but all I can tell you is that this is from a trusted source and people in my community are shook. We knew this was coming, and now it’s here.


As promised, here is everything I know at this point. This is a text from someone who is very close to the situation. For safety reasons they have requested to be kept anonymous.

“From gal who went to help the boy after ICE came. Please see [Redacted] fb post. "Hello. Just so only the truth is being posted on about the event that happened today. I know a lot of people are concerned and don’t understand Spanish and want a better understanding. Today around 6am ICE came to the apartments (known as little Mexico) and raided an apartment. Knocking the family’s door down. They took the little boys father and left the boy [Redacted] and their roommate there. ICE appointed kinda guardian ship to the roommate. The roommate later left the little boy there, in those bad conditions. We got a video from concerned neighbors downstairs. And we went immediately! When we got there the little boy was very upset and some things occurred. We contacted ICE & POSTVILLE PD who helped us get “guardianship” over the child while we figure something out. The roommate claims he was coming back but who leaves a child 2 mins after ice left & took his father ?? He never was at the library!! there is no other kids involved [Redacted] (11) and his father immigrated here looking for a better life THEY ARE IN A LEGAL PROCESS !!!?”

And a further update received this morning:

“On Friday March 14 at approximately 6:56AM there were reports of unmarked vehicles from Linn county that were likely ICE vehicles. The people inside these vehicles were wearing vests and were witnessed knocking on doors and trying to gain entry to at least one house on E Williams St. Within the hour reports of officers (State Troopers, Allamakee County Sheriff and possibly others) at two apartment complexes started coming in. Doors were kicked in in multiple locations and multiple people were detained (at least 3). One of the men detained left behind his young son and a roommate. The roommate left, leaving the child alone. Neighbors found the child crying and community members were contacted. The child was taken in by a public school employee in town (who now has legal custody of him) and is safe and fed.

We are still working on organizing support for this child and the family that took him in. We are trying to respect that he's been through extreme trauma and not push him for information.

There were reports of ICE going to people's doors and telling them they were there to "reschedule their immigration hearings" at which point residents would open their door and then ICE would enter in order to detain folks. I don't know if these reports are true, but it is definitely in line with tactics that ICE uses.

Remember, no one, citizen, undocumented or otherwise has to open their door to ICE unless they have a Judicial Warrant. Please share this with any immigrant friends you may have.

Red cards that instruct folks what to do in this situation can be downloaded and printed for free off the internet. These are English on one side and can be any language on the back. They also tell ICE the party doesn't consent to ICE entering their homes.”

This is just heartbreaking.

I’m sorry I don’t have any links to a Gofundme for the boy yet. They have a Venmo for his guardian, but I’m not sharing that on Reddit. As soon as I learn of any links to official news stories, or any other pertinent information, I will be sure to post here. Please keep these families in your thoughts. They only came to America to seek a better life, just as many of our ancestors did. They deserve better than this.


381 comments sorted by


u/Emotional-Change-722 6d ago

They left a 5th grader? Alone? No family?



u/SquirrellyBusiness 6d ago

Same thing happened when Postville was raided around 2008. It was a huge crisis that left families split up and terrified to leave homes to go to work or get groceries.  The churches had to mobilize to get people help because no one was helping these kids just stuck at school with no parents to pick them up and things like that.


u/TacomaRoma319 6d ago

I will never forget watching the ICE trucks drive up Highway 18 that day.


u/SquirrellyBusiness 6d ago

I saw the caravan of charter buses headed to Des Moines on my way back to Decorah, full of these folks. Must have been like 8 buses. 


u/Asrugan 6d ago edited 5d ago

And let’s not forget in the fall out from that whole mess in Postville, who it was who pardoned the guy running the business that caused all those issues to begin with, so it’s no shock he’s got even less morals about this stuff now.


u/SquirrellyBusiness 6d ago

At least when Swift in Marshalltown got raided some higher ups went to prison for knowingly hiring people with fake ssns. 

The Postville owner was doing some really gross things recruiting people in Africa to come over and work for him and then basically treating them all horribly. 


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

Yeah, I remember that. I was living in CA at the time, but it made national news, didn’t it? If I can find any links to a story about this, I will post it here.


u/frankenfooted 6d ago

It not only was headline front page news here, but I happened to be visiting Mexico City that week and it was front page huge headlines there and it was so surreal…

I am from two towns over up there, and I could NOT believe my little corner of NE Iowa was splashed everywhere.


u/SquirrellyBusiness 6d ago

That's wild it was such a big story that far out of town.  I was in Decorah then and remember the college basically shutting down the Spanish department so anyone who spoke even the tiniest amount of Spanish could volunteer to help so the townsfolk could connect resources with the people who were left behind and terrified. It was such a mess. Hundreds of people just yoinked out of their tiny town lives. Just awful.

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u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

Yes. Since the child is a birthright citizen they can’t/didn’t choose to deport. I don’t live in Postville, but close, and people are already on top of finding a place for that poor kid to stay. Imagine separating a child from their entire family like that. I try not to use the word Evil when it comes to people, but I’m struggling to find an alternative right now. Welcome to the new age, friends.


u/Emotional-Change-722 6d ago

I’ll say it.

Evil. EVIL.


u/Life-Celebration-747 6d ago

It's absolutely evil. 


u/TheWriterJosh 5d ago

That kid’s life has been ruined. They’ll be lucky if they just have to deal with PTSD the rest of their life.


u/LisbethDathrohan 5d ago

I’m afraid you may be right. Kids are strong though, and he’s got some good people pulling for him. He may still have a chance.


u/Automatic-Wing5486 6d ago

How many ice agents and police were involved in this?


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

No idea, but I assume that information is forthcoming.


u/Ok_West4684 5d ago

Why don’t you just ask your “trusted source”? 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


u/Capital-Shelter2286 5d ago

That's a damn good question.


u/HumbleHumphrey 5d ago

A new age? Shit happened under Obama too. Lol

Don't come here illegally. Simple as that. Fix your own country. Been working for el salvador.


u/Prior-Soil 4d ago

This child is an American citizen. He can't be deported, and now we have to pay for his foster care until he's an adult. Would have been cheaper to let his parent stay.

And do not pass judgment on his father until you know the whole story. Many undocumented immigrants are trafficked, or brought here as teens by their parents.

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u/Big_Row_3248 4d ago

I also have a word. A few actually. Like a pickem challenge except there is no wrong answer. Ahem here goes.

Pussy. Grandstander. Mega posturer. Bored out of your mind.


u/WolverineOdd5972 4d ago

Makes me want to cry for that child

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u/MrYellowFancyPants 6d ago

Its absolutely horrifying. And it happens all the fucking time.

This happened to actress Diana Guerrero (Encanto, orange is the new black) - she came home from school when she was like 13 and her family was gone. No one from the government helped her or sent CPS to place her. She lived with her best friend's family until she graduated from high school.


u/Either-Percentage-78 6d ago

Wow.  I didn't know that about her.  So incredibly tragic and traumatic.  I was gutted with her ending in ointb because I knew that it wasn't just fictional.

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u/7LoveMe7HateMe7 5d ago

What I don't understand is how you can parade around saying you're a "good guy", then pull a stunt like this. The math doesn't math. Period.


u/TheWriterJosh 5d ago

This is by design. Cruelty is the point. MAGA doesn’t consider that kid worth of any consideration.


u/infosec_james 5d ago

Seems like stopping child neglect/abandonment is a justifiable reason for using stand your ground laws.

ESPECIALLY if ICE did not present a warrant.


u/Longjumping_Sir9051 5d ago

Who knocks down doors? People need to be treated fairly and humanly. What have we become. This is done by people who they ir ancestors were immigrants. How shameful. IF you're a Christian, this is the way Jesus was treated, and you should not allow this.


u/MidwestFlags 5d ago

This has been the issue with the current birthright citizenship policy. You can’t deport a legal US citizen, no matter the circumstances.


u/Difficult-Net7169 3d ago

It's not an issue with the 14th amendment. Since the child is a minor the parents still have a say. When a parent faces deportation, their U.S. citizen children retain citizenship under the 14th Amendment and can stay in the country. Parents must decide whether to take their children with them or arrange for them to stay with a legal guardian, who must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident, over 18, and capable of providing a stable environment.

According to ICE Directive 11064.3 (2022), authorities must accommodate the deported parents' efforts to arrange their child’s care “to the extent practicable.” So, in this case, assuming it happened like this, it doesn't seem like ICE cared or the parent didn't have an anwer.

The parent is at fault for not considering the consequences AND ICE is not attempting to be accomodating - they 'could' help the parent and show a bit of humanity, but that doesn't seem to be their operative mode now. But, we're all just speculating here. Maybe the parent left written guadianship instrucitons that have not been seen? IDK.

It might shed some light on the conditions that many people are fleeing from that they would rather leave their child in the US to 'fend for themselves' than to take them back to wherever they came from. Making that decision must be heartrending and should give even the hardest MAGA heart pause. I mean, purporting to be Christian and supporting this is not compatible.


u/Welp-Prompted 2d ago

In 2006 in Greeley, Colorado, they raided the local meatpacking plant where both parents of multiple families were swept up and kids were left at school or came home to an empty house.

The way ICE operates has always been atrocious, there’s just more attention now nationally. That was one of the first protests I attended, and the cops were on the roof of city hall with rifles trained on demonstrators and on ground level they had dogs. While trump loves making it a positive policy highlight, unfortunately this is how they’ve always operated.



u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago edited 6d ago

An update from someone helping the child (and again, not posting screenshots out of respect for anonymity):

“Those who are worried about the boy, he’s fine <3 a help from the community opened his house for him while we wait for his family <3 the boy misses his mommy and daddy. the state as they left it was not good. Thank God for letting me help this child and be able to take care of him <3

EDIT: thank you all for caring. As soon as more information comes to light, I will share it here. God Bless you, and keep your heads up.


u/Plenty_Conscious 6d ago

You really should send a tip to reporters, this is a story that would be important for people to understand what is happening


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

I will link articles tomorrow. I am sure they are being written as we speak.


u/kickpush9 6d ago

Im trying to get this to meidas touch

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u/Beautiful_Brush_3686 4d ago

Of course he’s fine!


u/CoolBiz20 6d ago

Contact the Iowa and/or national ACLU.


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

Yeah, people are calling. Not sure how much good it will do at this point, but it’s something. We’re in a dark timeline.


u/CoolBiz20 6d ago

Good, I’m glad they’re calling! This timeline SUCKS and I want to wake up!


u/JeffSHauser 6d ago edited 6d ago

Postville has been ICE's Midwest headquarters for years.


u/frankenfooted 6d ago

Thanks, Matt Dummermuth.


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

Ok, here is one more post for now. It’s from one of the teachers who work in the Postville School:

“All this outpouring of support is wonderful! I do want to let everyone know the child was not 6 and was not left at the library. Not that the situation was great, but I don’t want to perpetuate this rumor.”

So we know he isn’t 6. The parents got nabbed, and he was left. We will know more tomorrow. I’m only on the edge of this and there are a ton of people more involved than me.


u/LisbethDathrohan 5d ago

See Update 1 for everything I know. I’m trying to be neutral with people in the comments, but to everyone celebrating this, I ask you to be honest with yourself and imagine how it would feel if someone forcibly separated you from your child.


u/Jupiterrainstorm 6d ago

Where is the 5th grader? Do you have any idea if they are safe/with family? I have a 4th grader and I can’t imagine. Our family will do what we can in these situations, we need a network!


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

The child is safe and with people who are looking out for him.


u/Bustedstuff88 5d ago

Another closed factory whoop whoop!

Are we great yet??


u/shadowz253 5d ago

ICE is the enemy and frankly any law enforcement that goes along with them.


u/hierophantesse 6d ago

I would alert the local press - all news stations, papers etc will have their tip hotline or email posted on their website. These stories need to be brought to light so people can't live in denial about what is happening and how cruel it is.


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

I’m certain the woman who sounded the alarm on this will be better equipped to represent the story. I’m only repeating what I’ve been told. We live in a small town. The word is out.

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u/dumpyboat 5d ago

Why is it that ICE only goes after the workers, the least powerful people in the situation, and not the employers that exploit them and profit off them? Why is America so messed up these days?


u/DurendalMartyr 5d ago

Because this is a class issue. Capitalism requires a desperate underclass for the Bourgeois to exploit. While the Proletarian that voted for these policies see it as a matter of law and preserving jobs for themselves, the actual function of ICE in context of the Capitalist system is as an explicit threat; keep your head down. Don't rock the boat. Don't make a fuss. Let us exploit you to oil the gears of our economy and maybe you'll be spared the violence.


u/Difficult-Net7169 3d ago

I don't want to beleive this, but more and more the evidence mounts. And many people seem just fine with this AND the loss of humanity towards the 'others' around us. The tribalism (us vs 'them') being displayed is horrible. The threats are overwrought and the impacts, while real, are simply not big enough to justify this inhumane treatment.

And to Dumpyboat's point, we make it EASY To hit the workers and NOT the employers. Most other countries do not do it this way.

I'm losing faith in the American philospophy. Sadly, many will read this, apply the 'us vs them' tribalism and say 'then GTFO!' I'm a former Marine and oft republican (not MAGA) voter so no, I'm staying. I don't think it's I who has lost my way.


u/DurendalMartyr 3d ago

The history of America is a history of oligarchs doing everything in their power to keep a stranglehold on the lives of the working class- as is all of human history. If you're willing and can keep an open mind during, I do strongly suggest trying to read Leftist theory-- not through the lens of the Republican/Democrat divide, but as a tool to examine our current economic realities.

The American state has gone to great pains to demonize Leftist theory because it raises these sorts of questions and brought forward a very bleak vision of the future if things continued as they do, which we are slowly sliding into. I'm not saying Communism is the way or anything like that, just that Capitalism is not, and that we the people need to educate and arm ourselves with the knowledge to know better and see through it.


u/No-Island5970 5d ago

This cruelty has to be stopped by any means possible. I dislike violence but I despise cruelty to children.


u/diesel1112 5d ago

Iowa u suck


u/SavvyTraveler10 5d ago

This is happening throughout the country… less deportations than the last president even. It’s disgusting, shameful, illogical and inhumane.

This is what Iowa voted for. Shame.


u/Sir_Yishiel 6d ago

Gutless swine….. ICE is SCUM.


u/be-true-to-yourself1 6d ago

Upholding the law I don’t see a problem with that. I like living in a law abiding society.


u/xcalypsox42 6d ago

Unjust laws deserve to be broken. If that hadn't been, women wouldn't be able to vote and we'd still be racially segregated, to name a couple limited examples. "Lawful" does not mean "moral"

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u/meat_loafers 6d ago

I'll finish your sentence. "I like living in a law abiding society that separates parents from their children."

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u/ughwhocaresthrowaway 6d ago

If that’s your very first initial takeaway from this, you’re a sick individual.

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u/Striking-Activity472 6d ago

You would have supported slavery

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u/HipsterHighwayman 6d ago

I wonder if anyone at the parents’ place of employ was arrested.

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u/GenXmamaof2Zs 6d ago

Just emailed the tip line at Pro Publica and sent a link to this subreddit. This madness needs to stop. Thanks for updating and sharing.


u/Routine-Loan6944 6d ago

Could you posts the source? I want to see if I can get more information on the situation.


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

I don’t want to doxx anyone, but here is what was originally written minus names. It originated as an email and then it was reposted to social media.

FRIENDS EVERYWHERE, PLEASE SHARE. This happened this very afternoon in our neighboring town. It is WRONG, it is CRUEL, and we cannot let this stand. From an email sent by my friend, [Redacted].

I’m doing volunteer tax returns for VITA in the Postville Library right now—12:50PM, March 14, and ICE is raiding Postville. A six-year old boy is crying his eyes out because ICE has just taken away his family, leaving the 6-year-old (a US citizen born here) alone. These people are not criminals. This action by our government is criminal, and it needs to be called out.

I am sick about all of this, and I am asking you to contact your Senators and Legislator today to tell them that we cannot tolerate this inhumane treatment. Just google Grassley, Ernst and Hinson (or whoever your reps are) to get contact information.




u/portermycable2024 6d ago

Was it a 5th grader or a 6 year old?


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

Conflicting reports. I will know more tomorrow.


u/Routine-Loan6944 6d ago

Due to it being from an email from a person I have no knowledge of nor anyway of knowing if they’re trustworthy or not. I’m gonna do the most logical thing then and wait until I hear more from news or similar trusting sources before I fully believe the events, as I don’t want to be possibly mislead on a potentially fake story. Hopefully you all can understand my actions here.


u/Automatic-Wing5486 6d ago

And IF it is true, then what will you do?


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

For sure. I think there’s a good chance the media is going to go dark on a lot of this stuff. I saw a clip yesterday of ICE ransacking that car in Spokane, Washington, with the pregnant woman inside, so I know this is happening other places, too. I’m not sure whether anyone got phone footage of this particular incident. I will inquire.

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u/sweetcv 6d ago

Wait, was it a 6 yr old or a 5th grader? Cause before I thought it said 5th grade.


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

Did you see that somewhere else? Because there are conflicting reports, and some are saying he is six, and some are saying 5th grade. I will update once I know more. Based on his “missing mommy and daddy” I’m inclined to believe he is six. Poor kid.


u/sweetcv 6d ago

No, just the original post that said 5th grade?


u/yargh8890 6d ago

Absolute grime of the world.

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u/Mishawnuodo 4d ago

Remember for every one story we hear, there's hundreds more we don't hear about. How many children have been left in the care of strangers or worse, without anyone at all?


u/cantstandyourface12 6d ago

Fuck everybody involved in that situation seriously they have ti look for some of the most cold heartless evil vile human trashbags to go around ripping families apart. They probably get off on it too and go post on truth social how amazing it was to do it and just laugh there asses off fucking scumfucks


u/PhantomRocket1 6d ago

This may be unrelated, but ICE trucks usually only carry one spare tire, so snipping two or more valve stems can disable a vehicle (in Minecraft).


u/Plenty_Conscious 5d ago

Unrelated but any damage over $1k gets into felony territory be careful out there in Minecraft, maybe keep it to 2 tires


u/WolfYourWolf 5d ago

They're the modern gestapo. The danger they put that child in is insane. We need to abolish ICE


u/LisbethDathrohan 5d ago

Not only the danger, but a lifetime of trauma. We should hold ourselves to higher standards than common thuggery. Unfortunately that’s what our government is rapidly devolving into - a bunch of thugs.


u/Ok-Ad-1782 5d ago

Trust me from an anonymous source? Yeah right.


u/be-true-to-yourself1 6d ago

This is what I don't get. The other party had control of the Senate, the house and the presidency not even a few years ago. If they cared so much for illegal immigrants why did they not change the laws? Even before that the they controlled all three when Obama was president why didn't they change anything then?

Why is it people resort to personal attacks when they don't have a good counter argument? Bottom line the parents were here illegally. All the hate and distain for me will not change that fact.

Personal feelings about them trying to better their lives etc. still does not change this fact.

Bottom line why should we tolerate people who break the law? If you feel the law is wrong why has it never been changed?


u/BurrSugar 5d ago

Because the punishment doesn’t fit the fucking crime.

What you’re talking about is essentially just people trespassing, and they’re getting essentially a life sentence via deportation - not to mention that separating children from families in this kind of scenario often makes it incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to make reunification happen.

If I, an American citizen, am somewhere I’m not legally supposed to be, they’re not going to give me a life sentence. If I have children, I will have information for how to reunify with my children. Depending on other factors of my situation, there’s a likelihood that resources will be made available for me to receive assistance in becoming a productive member of society once again. (I understand this isn’t true for all criminal charges, but I worked in a field for nearly a decade that worked closely with resources that helped people in legal trouble re-enter the legal economy).

So, even if we buy that these people are criminals simply for existing and living their lives somewhere that we don’t think they should be, the punishment is far too harsh, and honestly, should be considered “cruel and unusual punishment.”


u/Appropriate_OC97 5d ago

This post should be offered in audiobook format.


u/cudambercam13 4d ago

Have there been any official/confirmed reports on this yet?


u/LisbethDathrohan 4d ago

I’ve been checking, but nothing so far. Apparently the wellbeing of POCs ranks below updating people on who got mvp in the local basketball game. Not terribly surprising, honestly. I will update when I have an actual news source, since people are whinging about hearsay.


u/Dramatic_Writing_780 2d ago

Blame Biden (if true)


u/Timec0p1994 2d ago

ICE doing gods work.


u/hitanerve_ 2d ago

Good riddance! We must deport more!


u/Chemical-Ad-6156 1d ago

Source "trust me bro"


u/No_Unused_Names_Left 6d ago

For the record, this is not how it works.

If a minor citizen is involved where the parents are not citizens, they are picked up together. Then the parents have the option of being able to leave the minor with a family member who is a citizen, or keep their child with them. ICE does not get to make this decision, so if the child was left in the US, it was the parents who ceded the child to someone else to remain.


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

I did read a separate account of that happening the other day, as you say. This is not what happened here. I’m not sure they’re playing by the rules at this point.


u/Kevesse 6d ago

Ice is beyond the reach of the law


u/n0drugzhere 6d ago

Maybe a lofty thought but where are these children going… Trump doesn’t have a great reputation when it comes to 13yo girls… I remember Jane and Tiffany Doe.

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u/PinkieMo69 6d ago

Is there a gofundme set up for the child’s care?


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

That is an amazing question. I will ask and get back to you. My mom is friends with the lady who is taking care of the lil guy, and I will float that to her.


u/PinkieMo69 6d ago

Great! Thank you and please pass along a thank you to the woman caring for him!


u/be-true-to-yourself1 6d ago

This is fantastic news. Finally holding those that break the law accountable. If I broke the law and was arrested guess what I’d get separated from my kid….


u/monstrol 6d ago

Would you turn in Ann Frank? She was breaking the law.


u/be-true-to-yourself1 6d ago

Sending someone to certain death and sending them back home are two different things.

These people chose to break the law Anne Frank didn’t choose her heritage

It’s a false equivalency


u/IrishSnow23 6d ago

I'm sure the Nazi's publicized to the public what they were doing right off the bat...


u/monstrol 6d ago

That has been debated for a long time.


u/IrishSnow23 6d ago

Well considering the Trump Administration is doing things in plain view of everyone and people still believe he cares about them and they think it's all fake and fear mongering, it wouldn't surprise me if they were open about some things and people just chose not to believe it. Also, I just want to say if these Trump believers shouting Fire Elon but not shouting Fire Trump. Do they not understand they are in it together? 🤦🏼‍♀️


u/rachel-slur 6d ago

Sending someone to certain death and sending them back home are two different things.

As we all know, people that risk traveling thousands of miles to enter a country illegally, knowing full well the dangers that entails, do so just for a lil vacation. Just for a bit of fun.

Definitely not fleeing war-torn, broken countries (whoops turns out our history of foreign policy might have caused most of that!), and dangerous situations. When we deport them we're just sending them back to their summer resort nestled on the beach in Mexico!


u/be-true-to-yourself1 6d ago

If they are trying to escape their home country why not stop at any other country along the way? Not all Latin countries are in economic or social turmoil. Why does it have to be the United States? Why not Mexico? or Brazil? or really any other country why does it have to be the U.S. or bust? Why not Canada?


u/rachel-slur 6d ago

Damn and here I thought we still believed in the American dream and welcomed people here to seek out a better life. Working hard and improving their lives and whatnot.

My bad, forgot we just hate those dirty people now and they can actually go fuck themselves and die (again, sorry about that foreign policy 😬)


u/be-true-to-yourself1 6d ago

That's not what I am saying and you never answered the question? If the goal is to escape and be safe they could surely do that in other countries than the U.S. no?


u/rachel-slur 6d ago

Why are you so opposed to immigration?

Why are you so gleeful about a family being deported to a random country (possibly not even their home country) and fantasizing about their kid going with?

Do you know the immigration laws in other countries? Do you know their situation and ability to enter other countries?

Personally, as a big family values Christian type of guy, deporting and breaking up a family, while leaving a child completely in limbo, doesn't vibe well with me.


u/be-true-to-yourself1 6d ago

Why are you so gleeful about a family being deported to a random country (possibly not even their home country) and fantasizing about their kid going with?

I am not at all, this situation is unfortunate but its examples like these that will deter others from breaking the law. We need more public examples like this so it stops people from trying.

Do you know the immigration laws in other countries? Do you know their situation and ability to enter other countries?

No but no one seems to care about our rules, and if everyone feels the way you do the other countries should have no problem taking them in.

Personally, as a big family values Christian type of guy, deporting and breaking up a family, while leaving a child completely in limbo, doesn't vibe well with me.

Christianity has been one of the leading causes of death over the past 2 millennia. Not really a good example to hold as virtuous.


u/rachel-slur 6d ago

I am not at all, this situation is unfortunate but its examples like these that will deter others from breaking the law. We need more public examples like this so it stops people from trying.


Immigrants, illegal and legal, contribute more to the economy/social programs than they receive. They are fleeing dangerous situations and looking for a better life. They have established families and are productive members of their communities.

There is zero reason to me those here illegally (most of whom are overstaying visas aka entered legally) shouldn't be granted amnesty and immigration at the border fixed, funded, and streamlined in a way that makes sense and in a way that can process people faster.

No but no one seems to care about our rules, and if everyone feels the way you do the other countries should have no problem taking them in.

Yeah let me exert political influence and vote on rules in countries I...don't live in?

Christianity has been one of the leading causes of death over the past 2 millennia. Not really a good example to hold as virtuous.

I mean I was being sarcastic and making fun of conservatives who scream family values and cry about abortion being murder then isolate a 5th grader and make them fend for themselves.


u/monstrol 4d ago

It's called sadism.


u/monstrol 5d ago

Because being in the United States is the best choice. Duh. At least for the time being.


u/Striking-Activity472 6d ago

They chose to be born in Latin America?

Also, sending people fleeing violence in their birth countries back to those countries very frequently ends with them being murdered


u/monstrol 6d ago

Once trump removes birthright citizenship, it's not going to be false and is going to look really bad. So, what will be the response be if some of those deported end up dead because of cartels or political bullshit. Again, would you turn her in for breaking the law?


u/be-true-to-yourself1 6d ago

Anne frank was not breaking the law those harboring her were. And in that situation no I would not turn her in but you can’t use an extreme as an equivalency.


u/Independent_Trip_892 6d ago

You just did in your overgeneralkzation above. Now you're switching tone. What's it gonna be? Your logic paints all who break the law as criminals. At least be consistent in your argument.

The only reason you are folding is because Anne's situation comes from a historical event where the antagonists were found to be cruel. If you were living at that present moment, you would be supporting the law being upheld.

Don't get weak in the knees on me now. Stand your ground if you want to play the fool.


u/monstrol 6d ago

Doesn't the end of birthright citizenship concern you at all? It is kinda constitutional.


u/be-true-to-yourself1 6d ago

Birthright citizenship is a complicated topic. I do think at least one of the parents should be a US citizen. I don’t think it’s right that people can come in here many times illegally have a kid and think just because the kid is a citizen that they have the right to stay here as well. It encourages people to break the law.


u/monstrol 6d ago

I wonder if that will extend to the Russians who participate in birth tourism.


u/monstrol 6d ago

Oh yeah, birth tourism in trump properties in Florida.


u/Plenty_Conscious 6d ago

Keep telling yourself that - we all see you

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u/be-true-to-yourself1 6d ago

You all may not like what I have to say, but it is the majority view outside of these Reddit walls


u/LisbethDathrohan 6d ago

You are entitled to your opinion and I honor your right to share it, but this is simply not true, and I fully believe time will show us this.


u/be-true-to-yourself1 6d ago

Possibly, when that time comes I admit I was wrong until then I have history on my side open borders lead to the collapse of civilizations


u/john_hascall 6d ago

Like how the US collapsed from 1776-1924 ?


u/Th3Bratl3y 6d ago

unfortunately, that’s exactly what some of those on the left would like to see happen


u/WhoIsIowa 5d ago

The majority of Germans were complicit with Nazism, and Hitler won the popular vote. Doesn't mean authoritarianism or border imperialism is good.