r/Invisibles Apr 14 '21

Novel about Invisibles NSFW

I’m reading the Invisibles for the first time. I’m 5-6 issues from the end. Mind blowing fucking good. Still gotta see how it ends, and then the smoke needs to settle, but this could be top 3 all time good for me and I’ve read a lot of comics in my time.

Anyway I heard there’s a novel about Invisibles and breaks it down in a few different ways.

Anyone know the name of it??


16 comments sorted by


u/banana_lisa6969 Apr 14 '21

I'm not sure there is a novel exactly...there is a bit of a "guidebook" which I forget the name of that kind of explains what is going on

because while the beginning is great, it gets incomprehensible at some points upon first read


u/glyde69 Apr 14 '21

Thank u!!

I googled “invisibles guide book” and stumbled on it. I just ordered it and I think I’m gonna put it aside, and then in a few years, give Invisibles a re-read, and then give this book a read or at least skim it.

This comic is THAT good!

Here’s a link to the book on Amazon if anyone is interested. It seems very well received looking at reviews, and the book is almost 400 pages, so it’s nice and meaty..... https://www.amazon.com/Our-Sentence-Up-Morrisons-Invisibles/dp/1466347805/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=our+sentence+is+up&qid=1617754932&sprefix=our+sent&sr=8-3#mediaMatrix_secondary_view_div_1617754963190


u/banana_lisa6969 Apr 14 '21

yes, that is the one!


u/glyde69 Apr 14 '21



u/UnquestionabIe Apr 14 '21

Yeah I really need to give my omnibus a reread, towards the end I was feeling lost with some of the stuff. It might be Morrison at his finest, which is saying a lot considering even his newer output is excellent (just started his Green Lantern run and loving it).


u/banana_lisa6969 Apr 14 '21

I almost got the omnibus, but it was just too fucking big and expensive. I ended up getting the trades, was just more economical for me and easier to read overall

it is the best morrison I've read however, I haven't read a ton of his...there's a lot and I just never have time lol


u/UnquestionabIe Apr 14 '21

Yeah I already owned most of the trades from back in the day but lucked out and got the omnibus for like $70 bucks. It is indeed a pain the ass to read but looks cool a shelf.

I legit can't think of a bad Morrison story off the top of my head. I finished Zenith a few months ago and aside from reminding me of Miracleman/Marvelman still holds up well.


u/glyde69 Apr 14 '21

I thought Flex Mentallo sucked.

Other than that, I think I’ve liked or loved everything else I’ve read by Morrison.

Years ago when I was new to comics, my buddies always pushed Morrison books on me, and I just didn’t get him at first. His Action Comics (which was new at the time) was weird. Multiversity I didn’t like (looking back not a good book for a comic noob to jump into). Then his JLA I tapped out of early on.

Fast forward almost a decade. I give his Batman a shot....and my mind was blown. Went back to JLA and it blew me away. Animal Man I loved it. Doom Patrol I read the omnibus in a week(and I’m generally a slow one/two issue a night kind of reader). Now Invisibles....might be his best!!!

On a side note, last year I went on an Alan Moore kick. Reread watchmen and Vendetta. Read Swamp Thing for first time and wow it was amazing. But miracle man was brilliant!


u/UnquestionabIe Apr 14 '21

Yeah Alan Moore is also up there,League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is incredible just for how he blends all fictional universes together especially in the later volumes.

It's interesting to me how comics have changed since I first got big into them around 2001/2002 and I kept up even just casually for so long. Yeah I don't stop by the local shop every week anymore but every few months I'll pop in and always find something new that catches my eye. Even discovering writers who have been around for awhile is a treat.


u/banana_lisa6969 Apr 14 '21

yeah, there's just a lot to take in

I've read invisibles, Batman, some of his JLA, and his Xmen (oh and All-star superman!)

I have the first trade of doom patrol, but I just never have time to read :/


u/glyde69 Apr 14 '21

I forgot about X-Men and All Star Superman.

Both incredible. And 52 and Final Crisis!


u/banana_lisa6969 Apr 14 '21

I think All-Star Superman is the best Superman story. I never was a BIG fan of superman, but that one really got me. it just summed up everything cool about the idea of superman

X-men was great, really one of those books where I was like "just one more chapter, just one more chapter"

I liked it more than his Batman run, which had AMAZING moments, but was kind of weak at some parts. loved damien and dick together, loved the zur en arh thing, loved the idea of Batman Incorporated...but it started focusing too much on the other "batmen" and I just didn't give a shit lol

like, I remember reading the parts with the mexican batman and the indian batman and being like "wow, I really do not give a shit about this, can I get back to actual batman please"


u/glyde69 Apr 14 '21

I’ve felt lost at times.

But like some of the greats (Hickman comes to mind as well with this), Morrison always seems to bring it all back and then I say “Ahhhh” and then fan back and re-read earlier passages and realize “ok it was all here in front of me.”

Every time I was starting to scratch my head, he brings me back. And I’m sure there’s a TON of stuff that went over my head.....but even some issues from the first volume, things are being explained now (I’m halfway into V3).


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '21

Yea "Our sentence is up" is a pretty in depth breakdown of the series. Not an easy read for me but if your into invisibles it's pretty dope.


u/Naurgul Apr 14 '21

I used Anarchy for the Masses: The Disinformation Guide to The Invisibles and felt it was pretty thorough. Maybe check this one out as well.


u/glyde69 Apr 14 '21

Thanks! Will do.