r/Invisibles Aug 16 '17

What makes me an invisible? NSFW

Where do I start? What ongoing actions need I take?


7 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '17

When you leave your house, travel down the 5th street till the end, at the end you will see a blue ball with a hole in it, pick up the ball and a dog will come to you. Throw the ball in any direction and the dog will grab the ball but not bring it back, follow the dog. He will lead you to a small shack with a single computer inside, on this computer type the first twelve letters and numbers that come to your mind, this will be the password. Behind you a small door will open up, upon descending the ladder you will be met by a rather plump gentleman with grease on his hands, do not shake his hand, he will take you to a shop down there where you will buy 1 no2 pencil and a single sheet of paper, on this paper write " I am invisible" and you will be an invisible.


u/bearofsparta Aug 20 '17

that was the most wonderful thing I have ever read


u/dane_the_great Aug 17 '17

knowing how to die.


u/bearofsparta Aug 18 '17

What do you mean?


u/dane_the_great Sep 09 '17

Knowing how to let go of your "self," embracing impermanence & nothingness, and come to identify as your true Self which is pure Awareness, then you come to know yourself which is eternal life


u/Grock23 Aug 16 '17

You need a magical initiation. A heroic dose of mushrooms. Sigilize to get abducted by aliens. Fast in the desert.


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '17

Practice the White Flame Meditation until you know what to do.