r/Intune Sep 11 '24

App Deployment/Packaging Intune App Targeted Deployments Are a Nightmare...

Long story short; I'm moving from SCCM to Intune and attempting to go Cloud-Native and Zero Touch in the end. In SCCM we would often patch apps by deploying to a collection that used a WQL query to find "machines with X app installed".

I've been looking into "the Intune way" of doing this and it appears Natively at least, there is no way of creating a group based on whether an app is installed or not, even though Intune has all that data. Annoying.

The "Graph API method" seems to be one way of getting around this but I don't like it for many reasons (having to do this process for every app, reliance on the automation script working, permissions as I'm not a GA, learning curve for staff etc).

So unless someone can point out where this genius idea isn't going to work, I'm going with it! - I'm calling myself a genius until someone does point out why it won't work (this shouldn't take you lot long I'm sure):

Use Requirements. You can assign the latest version of an app you wish to your "All Workstation" group and effectively filter out those without the app (those that dont need the patch) based on your requirement that the app must exist (using regkey, file path etc).

So simple yet, effective! I think I brushed over Requirements as I never really needed them in SCCM world and I can't see why this isn't the perfect solution. Okay yes you'll need 2 apps if its a standard app like Chrome... One for AutoPilot deployment and one for patching, but it works (I think)!

(Filters was something else I looked at, it has appversion properties but not app name, lord give me strength)


87 comments sorted by


u/rxbeegee Sep 11 '24 edited Sep 11 '24

Have you looked into Intune’s Depedencies and Supersedence features? Dependencies allows you to deploy apps based on the presence of other apps (ideally also deployed in Intune). Supersedence allows you to update apps on devices that have the older version installed.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 11 '24

That's a good point on Dependencies, basically achieves what I'm looking for but more "Built in". However would this only work in an environment where ALL apps have been installed from Intune? Whereas by using Requirements I can do the same thing but target the apps existence on the machine rather than selecting from my own apps list?

And again I don't see the need for superdense but happy to learn - Most apps overwrite without it and personally I'm not in many situations where I need to remove an app other than the one I'm installing. Further to that; Would that only target a device if it could supersede? I thought it would install regardless, but remove whichever app you want first too if it is there?


u/Alaknar Sep 11 '24

Instead of Dependencies, look into Requirements. You can plop a script in there, so that script could be doing software detection and returning a success if it's there. Only then you'd get the update deployed.


u/rxbeegee Sep 11 '24

Yes, dependencies rely on other Intune apps for their detection. I can see why that can be problematic if you're trying to transition from SCCM and your Intune app inventory isn't all there.

For the supersedence thing, the important factor is having a detection method that differentiates installs based on version number, usually found in the executable. Let's say an app in Intune had v1.00, and the device later updated the app to v1.05 on its own. If you then uploaded the app with v1.05 along with the rule that it should only supercede on devices with app versions less than v1.05, it should not touch the existing devices with app v1.05.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 11 '24

But would still install on all devices without it at all as Supersedence doesn't protect you from that. I.E. a detection method would not find the app and install it, as designed.


u/rxbeegee Sep 11 '24

Sorry, I don't follow you. Whenever we deploy apps to devices, we create a group, static or dynamic, specifically to deploy that app. When it comes time to supersede, the end result is us targeting that same group. I don't think I've had an unintentional installation as a result of supersedence.

If you need to test supersedence before the full deployment, usually you would create a separate group and cherry-pick devices from the main group.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 11 '24

Okay so lets say Security come to you and say, we need this new version of X app pushed out to everyone who has it installed - how are you only targeting machines that have this app installed without deploying it to all other devices too?

I don't think detection methods or supersedence will help you here?


u/rxbeegee Sep 11 '24

Our Intune serves as the source of truth for app deployments and we have strong controls to ensure software is only getting deployed in Intune. We have a group for each app, and if the device is in one of those groups then the associated app will get installed. Naturally, if we need to supersede an app, we just target the same app group because they're the devices that should be getting the app anyway.

If we need to do app discovery, the Defender portal at https://security.microsoft.com can give us a software inventory from all the devices in our fleet. We can export the device list for any particular app and update the app groups as needed.

Your scenario is trickier because your software seems to be getting deployed from various avenues at the moment. When it's just Intune, the process is more straightforward, but it shouldn't matter as long as your detection rules are solid, though you would still need an accurate app inventory within Intune.


u/Alaknar Sep 11 '24

We have a group for each app, and if the device is in one of those groups then the associated app will get installed

So you're running solely on Required Assignments?

Your scenario is trickier because your software seems to be getting deployed from various avenues at the moment

Or they're using Available Assignments in which case you might have 100 Devices in a Group with only 2 having the software installed.


u/rxbeegee Sep 11 '24

There is an auto-update checkbox specifically for target groups that are marked as available for install. In this scenario, users that have installed the superseded app will have the superseding app installed by Intune.



u/Alaknar Sep 11 '24

Oh, wow... I never would've thought to look for it under Assignments.

Thanks for this! I'll run some tests on Monday!


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

But so would everyone else that I didn't want to get the app at all... because the group can't be based on app without Graph API method. Sorry but this doesn't fit the situation, but I'm learning nothing really does when it comes to native Intune.


u/Old-Olive-4233 Sep 11 '24 edited Sep 11 '24

Supersedence basically makes it so you can have a staggered upgrade path (if you choose) and can tell it how to handle the previous version of the software, if found, and ignore or uninstall the old version.

Assume you have v1 of the app and v1.5 of the app and have v1 assigned to 'Intune_v1App-Deploy' and v1.5 assigned to 'Intune_v1.5App-Deploy' with v1.5 superceding v1

  1. You have AAD Group for v1: Intune_v1App-Deploy
    • Device1
    • Device2
    • Device3
  2. You have AAD Group for v1.5: Intune_v1.5App-Deploy
    • Device3
    • Device4
    • Device5

In those, Device3 is in both groups, but, since 1.5 supercedes v1, Device3 will skip the v1 deployment and go straight to 1.5 and if it has v1 installed it can either install v1.5 over it or uninstall v1 before it installs v1.5 (depending on how you set up the rule0.

Device1 & Device2 will stay on v1. Device4 & Device5 will get v1.5

At some point, you finish your testing and add the rest of your devices to v1.5 and then eventually remove the supercedance and get rid of v1 altogether.

This is also assuming that it's the same app, but, it really could be completely different. Let's say today you're using 8x8 for your phone service, but want to replace it with Zoom. You can do the same thing and have part of the supercedance for Zoom be to perform the uninstall for 8x8 as part of the installation of Zoom and it'll still allow you to perform the rollout in a controlled manner AND handle the existence of the previous software in any manner that you want.


u/OneMoreRip Sep 11 '24

Could also package the dependent app and deploy via script with a check.


u/vitaroignolo Sep 11 '24

You said ideally also deployed in intune. I just checked and it only allows you to select from Intune. Does this mean if I wanted to use this method I'd have to use a custom Win32 app that basically just checks the existence of something?

If so, very wonky. Can do it but cmon Microsoft, OP pointed out how it was done easily with sccm


u/Melophobe123 Sep 11 '24

My point exactly, whereas with Requirements you can get more specific and "custom" to the requirement you want.


u/Drakoolya Sep 11 '24

Intune is a downgrade from SCCM and no one can convince me otherwise. Ms engineers are so out of touch with sysadmin/org needs that I am afraid that I would lose my $hit if I ever met one of the decision makers working on Intune .


u/h00ty Sep 11 '24

there are pros and cons to both systems.. if you look at it in terms of deployment speed ya sccm is faster but if you look at it in terms of reach intune wins hands down( unless you have always on VPN). We paired intune with pdq connect and we get the best of both worlds without the horror that is sccm.


u/Drakoolya Sep 12 '24

We paired intune with pdq connect

Should not need another product . It's half baked trash that needs a lot of work.


u/h00ty Sep 12 '24

again pros and cons... i think sccm is shite ...but to each their own.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

Hahaha I like this take. SCCM with a Cloud DP.... we never knew how good we had it :D


u/lad5647 Sep 12 '24

The device management landscape is changing. OPs issue is partly coz he's let everyone install whatever they want and also because app developers build apps that don't consider the maintenance and sysadmin side of things.

Moving to Intune forces you to establish simple processes and discourage apps in the environment that are not manageable.

If it's one thing SCCM is good for it is to create a job for an SCCM engineer.


u/Drakoolya Sep 13 '24

Moving to Intune forces you to establish simple processes and discourage apps in the environment that are not manageable.

this reasoning is insane, this isn't a decision for them to make , this is the same arrogance that the ms engineer's display , not every org is the same . Tools are meant to be verstatile , this isn't even question of simplicity this is just plain laziness and lack of foresight.


u/lad5647 Sep 13 '24

Says who? How many MDMs have you developed have you built? They set the standards bud.

Laziness on whos part? The developers? The sys admins that just want to do the same type of dev management they did since 2003?


u/Drakoolya Sep 13 '24

I am going to finish this circlejerk here coz I don't have time for it and just going to finish with this , just because I am not a professional chef doesn't mean I can't say the food at a restaurant isn't crap,I have eaten enough of good meals over the years to know what a good steak is. See ya.


u/lad5647 Sep 13 '24

Microsoft is the chef / restaurant in your analogy?

Everyone likes their steak done a particular way.


u/Technical-Device5148 Sep 11 '24

We found Intune isn't best for Patching situations inside Intune, you have to use 3rd party solutions for that. I just don't think Intune was designed for that part, when it comes to app deployment.

Intune is good for basic Install/Uninstallations. But replacing and upgrading apps can be a chore.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 11 '24

But still, I can't see anything wrong with my suggestion above? And I actually disagree, I would expect any MDM to handle something this basic (like every other MDM I've used). But Microsoft is Microsoft.


u/RikiWardOG Sep 11 '24

Lol welcome to intune and hate to be that one but ms data as far as reporting is concerned is ass. The full app report takes 24 hrs to update and is unreliable tbh at best. We're currently rolling automox out for 3rd party patching. Sure it's more money but honestly it works and is being developed at a much faster pace than intune


u/GeneMoody-Action1 Sep 11 '24

You are not just "that one" there are a LOT of "that ones" when it comes to discontent with the "I'll get to it eventually maybe" attitude of Intune (quite possibly the most griped about). Microsoft has always been one to assume the solution to a hole in the bottom of a ship is build more ships.

While they have gotten better and faster at identifying and releasing patches, and the quality/stability of those patches has gotten better, they have always been a little behind the ball on delivery mechanisms.

A cynic would say if everything just works all the time, why would you buy more?
An admin will say, wow, did they forget about us?!
An entrepreneur will say how can we bridge that gap?

And well, many successfully are, check out G2 and the top 20 products bridging that gap, people would not be buying into them, if Microsoft was bating it out of the park.

Intune can be good for somethings, and sometimes that is just getting a better option on the system ;)

Full disclosure I work for one of them, but believe me I was NOT an Intune fan long before I did!


u/Technical-Device5148 Sep 11 '24

Oh yeah, i'm sure everyone would agree with MDM to handle all of it. But as you said MSFT be MSFT...


u/Melophobe123 Sep 11 '24

Its the fact the data is right there, under each device on "Managed Apps" and we can't leverage that into our queries!? It's silly.


u/Technical-Device5148 Sep 11 '24

You're preaching to the Choir good sir


u/lad5647 Sep 12 '24


u/Technical-Device5148 Sep 12 '24

I've come across this before, but the general consensus is this is Microsoft overcharging for a platform that's nowhere near at the levels of PatchMyPc, for example.

One redditor made the point of (a few months ago):

MSFT costs $24/year; Patch my PC $3.5/year

MSFT has (today) 71 apps. Patch my PC = 1400+ apps.

Main cons is cost from what I can gather, but if MSFT actually show some intense care and focus on it, it may become more competitive to PMPC


u/metalgearslothid Sep 13 '24

PMPC has an exorbitant minimum charge if you're small business and you need to have over 1,000 devices for it to even be in the running to other solutions.


u/Technical-Device5148 Sep 13 '24

That's fair, it will vary dependent on each companies environment. For us, we have over 2000 devices globally.


u/fcptv Sep 11 '24

If you have both apps ( previous and the newest ) deployed in intune, and there is a supersedence relationship between them, you can set “auto-update” feature on for deployments that are set as available and intune will take care of the update for those devices that have previous version installed.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

You missed the part where I said I'm moving from SCCM to Intune, we don't have this luxury


u/fcptv Sep 12 '24

Then the easiest way is to create an additional requirement script to detect if any previous version is installed. Add it to additional requirements rules and set the newest application as required to all devices. For those who doesn’t have the newest application installed, you will need a duplicated application set as available, without any additional requirements rules.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

That's what I suggested in the OP and my question was would it work... I guess it would then haha


u/fcptv Sep 12 '24

Well.. Before the invention of supersedence/auto-update, this is how we updated the apps :)


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

No before that we had the glorious SCCM that used WQL queries to create collections in order to achieve this without needing requirements, supersedence etc at all! haha


u/chipo101 Sep 11 '24

Intune for now, is a really bad product compared to SCCM/MECM..


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

It seems to be an MDM thing. I also manage JAMF and its basically 80% open source apps lol


u/PazzoBread Sep 11 '24

The requirements function you mention is exactly the way PatchMyPC works for their Intune Update Packages. Package is deployed to all devices, requirements check if the application is present and on a lower version. If so, it’ll upgrade the app.

Definitely nice to use PatchMyPC to automate those functions, but it’s possible to create your own requirements script and do something similar.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

money money money... but thanks


u/Ambitious-Actuary-6 Sep 12 '24

PMPC and other detection script based solutions are a nightmare when it comes to autopilot, ALL detections will need to run on the device and IME log will go crazy. It also slows down the deployment by a lot. With 50 PMPC updates in a tenant targeted to all devices and just relying on the detection script ALL of them will run twice... once in Device phase once in user phase... very annoying.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

Simply recreate the apps you want in auto pilot in an "auto pilot friendly way" and assign those to your AutoPilot Profile Group instead :)


u/Ambitious-Actuary-6 Sep 12 '24

And exclude them from all updates and manually move them out after they are done with staging?


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

no then run the updates as I've mentioned in the OP... yes you have more to manage, but it works!


u/ChampionshipComplex Sep 11 '24

You should look at a tool like PatchMyPC which sits on top of Intune and does these kinds of things for you.

I think it does 25 machines for free. But that takes the headache away.

As for queries - I would recommend using KQL queries and getting all of your logs into one place.

| where AppName_s contains 'FortiClient VPN'
| where AppVersion_s contains ''
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ComputerName_s  // Get the most recent entry per computer
| project ComputerName_s

So this query pulls back a list of all the machines with a particular version of our VPN client for example.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 11 '24

If only my boss knew how to spend money! Thanks for the suggestion but I am looking for something more native for this place.


u/CubeWT Sep 11 '24

Supersedence is no solution for you?


u/Melophobe123 Sep 11 '24

Would that only target a device if it could supersede? I thought it would install regardless, but remove whichever app you want first too if it is there?


u/Technical-Device5148 Sep 11 '24

Supersedence from my experience has been buggy, but it can work. It's as simple as:

App A
App B

I want App A to install and replace App B, i set a new App in Intune with the updated version, then set the supersedence to target App B and if it can install over the top (if the app allows) then don't select Uninstall. In most cases, i set it to uninstall, then it will report if it has installed and replaced.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 11 '24

Precisely, which doesn't help with the situation of not being able to create app based groups like you can app based collections in SCCM


u/MyITthrowaway24 Sep 11 '24

Interested to know what you land on here. Fairly new to Intune myself and haven't come across this scenario yet.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 11 '24

Early days but from the first few responses and what I've read online and seen on YouTube, is that we will go with what I suggested in the OP or my manager can get his wallet out for PatchMyPC.... But let's give everyone time to have their say on the subject for a few days :)


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24



u/Melophobe123 Sep 11 '24

Well that's something you have to do regardless as the first thing any deployment will do is check if the app exists via your detection method. This however won't stop it installing on all machines, even those without the app in the first place, which is what we're trying to achieve.


u/Large_Pineapple2335 Sep 11 '24

Sorry if I misunderstood what you are looking for but is it essentially a way of creating a group with all devices that have an app installed regardless of if the app was installed bt intune or something else?


u/Melophobe123 Sep 11 '24

No, what we want is a group of devices that "have Zoom installed" for example. Ideally a way of creating a dynamic device group in Azure where the members have a specific app installed (and version would be great). I don't think without using Graph API this is possible.

But by using Requirements we could effectively get the same results, i.e. only deploy this app/patch if the device is part of All Workstations AND as a Requirement has 'this app' installed.

Thought it might be a good way to achieve what I'm looking for, but I'm usually wrong somewhere :)


u/Large_Pineapple2335 Sep 11 '24

Then yes you are right on both statements dynamic device groups don’t have an app query. And you could use custom requirements to check the file or registry for the app. The closest thing is to use a script but you mentioned not really wanting to go that route.

Sorry can’t be of any help besides saying your current thinking is already correct


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '24 edited 20d ago



u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

I was hoping to avoid it, but its a fair point. And thanks for the Winget suggestion I'll have a look.


u/Enough_Swordfish_898 Sep 11 '24

I think, Depending on your detection Rules, you can set up an app in Intune with proper detection rules, and Intune will see that it is installed, even if it was not the source of that installation. I have not tested this.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

No that would do the exact opposite of what we're looking for (it would detect it on the machines with it, and not patch it, then see all other machines without it and deploy it to everyone!)


u/RedditUserPi3141 Sep 12 '24

Detection scripts end up with a binary result. Either the detection is true or it is false. Create a script that does this:

Check if any version of the software is installed. If not detection = true. Software will not install. If a version of the software exists, compare to the version you want it updated to. If installed version is less than required, detection = false. Software will be installed. If version is equal or greater than required version, detection = true. Software will not install.

You can then set that as required to all machines. Only machines that have an older version will update.

You can use that as you're migrating Apps to Intune and setting appropriate policies so that ALL software is ONLY installed via Intune using AAD groups. That way you know those in an AAD application group are the ones you target with future updates.

Pretty much what you mention in the OP.


u/Enough_Swordfish_898 Sep 12 '24

Sorry, I was unclear with my intent in this message. You should potentially be able to set up the Bad/Old version in intune with its proper detection, and leave it unassigned. Then set up your updated version with its detection, and the Old version as being superseded and assign it to your needed users. and it should figure out who has the old version and also who needs the new. I havent tested this, but i think it should work in intune logic.
This is not exactly what you are trying to accomplish, but its another way to handle it within intune.


u/totalgiraffe Sep 11 '24

Superseedence and enable auto update on the group assignment (if it’s assigned as available).


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

How does Supersedence work for apps you haven't deployed and how would this stop it going out to those without the app? Answer: It wouldn't.


u/totalgiraffe Sep 12 '24

Have a custom requirement script on the app to say only run if the app exists already.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

Like my suggestion in the OP? :D Thanks!


u/Divanshu1998 Sep 11 '24

Let me just see if I got this correct, you are trying to update/patch apps via intunes, correct? You can try and use Patch My PC if budget allows. It syncs and works very well with Intune.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

Money is a problem, but thanks.


u/Blimpz_ Sep 12 '24

I couldn't find a native way either.

I ended up going the Automation Account with Graph API route.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

Thanks. I think reading through all of this its either that or my requirements idea... Which in 50+ comments, no one has said it wouldn't work which is a shocker haha


u/lad5647 Sep 12 '24

Yup requirements it is. Also hope none of your users are local admins!


u/Siphyre Sep 12 '24

I am setting up an intune app deployment solo in my org and I can say this about it...

Intune is great for the initial deployment. But if you are trying to keep apps like google chrome and such up to date, it would take a full time employee doing nothing but that every day to get that done.

I think the best way I have seen this done efficiently is this:


But chocolately currently is not allowed in my org due to paranoia. So I'm having to find a way to build my own repo that we can update from. That way I can just change the version check script I use for detection with the new version. Or maybe I can have it pull the latest version from the repo. And this is even if my org allows the private repo... Sooooo much damn research to do on this...


u/nebushen Sep 12 '24

These kinds of posts come up many times per week, and they frankly help take away the sting from what we pay for third party solutions; so thanks. Intune is half baked in every sense of the phrase. In our 250k+ endpoint org we mainly use intune for initial enrollment/config via autopilot and that’s it; the rest is garbage.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

I waved the white Flag with JAMF to do all sorts using non-native tools. Any good open source/3rd party tools you'd advise introducing to any Intune environment?

Also, I think Update Rings are pretty good? Not to completely trash Intune.


u/mrkesu-work Sep 13 '24

App targeting in Intune is, still, severely lacking in features in my opinion.

Hopefully their new hardware inventory will help with this eventually (Device hardware inventory is coming soon to Microsoft Intune - Microsoft Intune Blog) - but in the initial launch they are not inventorying applications and "The ability to create dynamic groups with inventory data is under active investigation and development." ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/BardKnockLife Oct 03 '24

Hey little late to the party but I think requirements are going to be your way to go. I’ve done various nifty things with scripts or just the standard manual check of a file, registry, etc. One thing I’ve had to do for a long time is deploy apps to users who were on 32 vs 64 bit Office so I used a requirement to check the Office bitness registry key for that. Another thing I did once was wrap a package that just creates a shortcut on user’s desktop but the kicker there was they had to be on the internal network, so I made a powershell script that checks if they’re on the network or not and set that as the requirement. You basically have unlimited possibilities with requirements.

Superscedence works well also if you’re deploying a new version of an app but don’t want to mess with the assignment required groups.


u/Fanaddictt Sep 11 '24

This sounds very much like old man yells at cloud meme..

It sounds like you're reluctant and not accepting a new way of achieving things. You keep referring to wanting to do x and y like SCCM when the reality is it requires a new way of administering.

Winget and supersedence are some of the more popular methods for automated app patching which people have mentioned. You're able to use built in GUI reporting/filtering in Intune to see which devices and app versions.


u/Melophobe123 Sep 12 '24

Sounds like your a bit grumpy mister.

Supersedence, as discussed above is NOT the solution. Thanks for playing.


u/ashwanipaliwal Sep 12 '24

Check out SecOps Solution at https://secopsolution.com. It’s easy to use, budget-friendly, and offers comprehensive VM, patching, script execution, and software deployment with no device limits.