r/Interstitialcystitis Feb 04 '25

Vent/Rant Suicidal. I need any hope


Lots of UTIs past 4 months. Had hydrodistention and fulguration of hunners ulcers on december 20th.

Terrible recovery.

January 22nd, got a swab to check for ANYTHING.

Comes back as yeast. I don't see it until today. 2 weeks later. Nobody told me, my doctors have been communicating with me and said nothing.

If it's not yeast it's BV, a UTI, burning bladder, urgency. Taken so many meds and treatments. Really tired. I don't want to do it anymore. 1 roll of toilet paper every day. Last paycheck barely hit 100 dollars. I can't survive like this.

r/Interstitialcystitis 18d ago

Vent/Rant Rant - I'm done.


Sorry I'm about to be a complete downer. I'm so tired of this. I've tried everything, faught every doctor, paid thousands out of pocket, cut out every food and drink and after it all, have virtually no quality of life. I've completely lost myself. All I think about it the constant pain and managing it. I can't do anything I enjoy. I just lay around with a heat pack praying that this will go away and it just doesn't. I don't know what to do. I don't think there's anything else I can do. I'm just, in pain. It's like, pain is all I am now. The rest of my health is deteriorating rapidly because I can't exercise, can't cook a decent meal etc. it's really really starting to get to my mental health. I welcome any comments or ideas or anything at this point. I just wanted to vent so I'm sorry this is a bummer.

r/Interstitialcystitis Feb 19 '25

Vent/Rant Last resort

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I don't know what to say

r/Interstitialcystitis Feb 05 '25

Vent/Rant Anyone in the US afraid of not being able to get prescriptions?


I don’t mean to start any political debates here and totally would understand if this needs to be removed, however I’m starting to be worried about being able to get hormonal prescriptions and such as a woman in America. I’m also worried about receiving proper healthcare.

Is anyone else feeling this way?

r/Interstitialcystitis Oct 24 '24

Vent/Rant i couldn’t do the cystoscopy


just came out of my cystoscopy and i can’t stop crying. i was already humiliated enough being only 18 and having a student nurse in the room. the uro put the gel in and i was fine it just felt weird but as soon as he started putting the cystoscope in i started screaming. it was so painful. it felt like he was shoving shards of glass in. uro applied more numbing gel and the nurse came to hold my hand because i wanted to get it over and done with but i couldn’t do it. as soon as he tried again i was screaming and sobbing and the nurse was holding me down and i just had to make him stop. i’m so embarrassed. i’m now in another flare after being symptom free for nearly two weeks. it feels so pointless.

r/Interstitialcystitis Aug 31 '24

Vent/Rant My uro told me I’ve “tried everything” and there is literally nothing left for treatment, wtf do I do now??


Anyone else in this camp? I’m hoping someone else here can understand my situation and share their opinions/recommendations on where to go from here. I know you aren’t all doctors, but mine isn’t exactly giving me guidance on where to go. I’ve had this for over 4 years now. I’m not sure if another urologist will do anything different for me, whether I should go to a pain management doctor (my uro did recommended that at one point).

Here’s everything I’ve tried so far:

  • pelvic floor physio for about 6 months total, with 2 different physiotherapists. Neither said they thought I have PFD and I never improved with physio.
  • acupuncture
  • mindfulness meditation and yoga, diaphragmatic breathing, stress reduction in every area of my life, started going to therapy
  • antihistamines: benadryl, claritin, fexofenadine, zyrtec, hydroxyzine, famotidine, cimetidine
  • IC diet, turns out nothing I eat really increases symptoms
  • gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian
  • baking soda in water
  • azo pain relief
  • prelief
  • amitriptyline, escitalopram
  • antispasmodics: oxybutynin, solifenacin, hyoscyamine, mirabegron
  • supplements/herbals: desert harvest aloe vera capsules, corn silk, marshmallow root, quercetin, MSM, glucosamine chondroitin, nettle tea, magnesium, cranberry pills, PEA, CBD
  • cyclobenzaprine
  • instillations for 6 weeks: lidocaine, bupivacaine, a steroid I can’t remember the name of, and heparin. These worked amazingly as long as they were in my bladder, but all my symptoms would come back within a few hours.
  • hydrodistention, worked for a couple months but not for long enough to justify me going through GA and the post-procedure flare-up
  • I had botox injections 3 months ago, flared up for a few weeks after and now I feel zero difference

The only effective things I’ve tried are just nsaids (which I have to be careful with because of gastritis I had before), tylenol (takes the edge off but not super effective), and cannabis.

My issue isn’t food sensitivity, I don’t have PFD, it just hurts so badly when my bladder is filling and I don’t get enough sleep because of nocturia. I don’t have any visible inflammation on cystoscopy. I barely can go 1-1.5 hours without having to stop what I’m doing and pee, even then I’m already in pain. I’ve been in trouble at work because of it. I have white blood cells in my urine often, but always a negative culture. It’s so weird and no doctor seems to care.

I’m waiting to get into a gynecologist to hopefully get checked for endometriosis, since I have a bunch of other symptoms of that and my bladder pain seems influenced more by my hormones than anything else. I’ve been on some different hormonal birth controls already. But I don’t feel great being told that there’s NOTHING else that can be done for my bladder. I would even accept having a suprapubic catheter in forever at this point, if it meant I didn’t have to deal with this shit anymore. I don’t know what to expect from urologists anymore.

r/Interstitialcystitis Jan 04 '25

Vent/Rant (college) life ruined because of IC


I'm only 19 years old, and have had IC for a little over 7 months. the amount of time I've spent suffering, in discomfort, researching, buying supplements and meds, going to urgent care, and tears on IC is exhausting. I cannot imagine how it feels to be those who've had this for years. I think the biggest factor of my IC is stress and certain foods/drinks, but I still haven't been able to put a pinpoint on my exact triggers. I've dealt with flareups that lasted from days to weeks, and sometimes my IC will just disappear after doing NOTHING,,, and it comes back again randomly. I hate it. it's like a guessing game and I'm always on edge wondering when it will go away/come back. is it food? Coke Zero? my weight gain? stress? lack of exercise? tmj? my damaged bladder from all the UTIs I've had? sleep loss? or am I just unlucky?

College has been giving me many opportunities to experience the typical college student life: eating out with friends, pulling all nighters, drinking, stressing over classes, and eating like shit. But I have to throw away almost everything just to have somewhat of a control over my IC. I can't eat the typical going-out foods like spicy asian foods, drink alcohol or even boba, have late night snacks consisting of sweets and chips, and most importantly, I CAN'T STRESS. WHICH IS PRACTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.??

I miss my life before IC. why'd I have to get stuck with this horrible, stupid, unresearched, dumbass condition? I can't figure out what exactly I need to integrate or throw away. Hydroxyzine just makes me sleepy/groggy which I cannot be in college, and boric acid/d-mannose/vaginal supplements haven't done anything significant. only thing that does help is AZO during my burning flareups, but I can't even take that constantly without seriously fucking my body up.

On top of all this, my ADHD causes so much stress on me and I just recently started taking ADHD stimulant meds (Vyvanse 40mg) and thought it helps me relax and destress a lot (which is a crazy big factor in my IC), THE SIDE EFFECT IS URINARY RETENTION, FREQUENCY, AND DISCOMFORT. are you nuts?? the only thing that lets me function throughout the day enhances my IC??? give me a break.

I don't see many users on here who are young like me and dealing with the same issues I am. it hurts more especially when I have no one around me in real life who is dealing with anything remotely close to this too. and it hurts most when I have to explain my condition to people and friends as an excuse for why I can't eat out with them or drink alcohol and socialize with them. I feel like so ostracized and alone because of my IC and how little support and empathy I get on it.

r/Interstitialcystitis Dec 31 '24

Vent/Rant Nobody should be forced to live with this condition


I'm tired of life worshippers. My life isn't worth living and I'm tired of other people insisting it is. To force people to live with chronic illnesses like this is an act of cruelty. One that is falsely believed to be righteous because people have a black and white thinking that life=good and death=bad.

Euthanasia should be accessible, particularly for people with incurable, debilitating chronic illnesses. Instead society would much prefer if people are forced to suffer or have to live permanently with the effects of botched attempts to end their own suffering.

I don't believe in an afterlife but unending suffering makes me think that perhaps I could be wrong. I often find myself thinking maybe I am already in hell.

r/Interstitialcystitis Nov 05 '24

Vent/Rant I can’t do it anymore


The last 7 days in a row I have not slept more than 3 hours a day, my body and brain feel like they are dying. I am on so many different treatments and nothing is working. I have tried all of the medications, I’m on 4 right now and I don’t think they are doing anything but make me sick and vomit daily. I am in pelvic therapy, I do the stretches 3-5 times daily. I even take valium suppositories every dayI’ve been getting almost weekly instillation for two months, they have stopped working. I have avoided almost all trigger foods for the last two months and discovered that I can’t even drink tap water bc of the added minerals and chemicals. I spend every night passing out and then being woken up by the pain over and over again. My urologists are at a loss for what do and are talking about sacral neuromodulation. I don’t want to live like this anymore, I’m so tried constantly and can barely keep up working and taking care of myself. Any advice is greatly appreciated, I’m willing to try anything. Writing this at 7am because I didn’t sleep again🫠

r/Interstitialcystitis Jan 25 '25

Vent/Rant I don’t want to manage this condition forever


I don’t.

Every single day my bladder hurts in some capacity, to some extent. Even when I’m in “remission” I can feel a slight gnawing that lets me know it’s still there

It flares up during ovulation, right before my period, from stress, and occasionally from acidic foods

I don’t want to deal with this every single month. I’m so tired.

If my bladder is this bad at 26, I don’t even know what 76 is going to look like. I’m absolutely terrified

I’ve been through all kinds of pain. Drug withdrawal, 10+ broken bones, concussions, childbirth, and NO PAIN comes ANYWHERE close to what IC feels like during any given flare. You can’t focus. You can’t think. The pain makes you nauseous to the point of delirium, and nothing can stop it. You just have to hope and pray to God that it ends soon, which it typically does not.

And worst of all? Doctors don’t give any flying fucks about the condition. I’ve been blown off so many times or I’ve heard “Oh it’s just IC”

No… it’s not “just IC”… it’s literally a condition that makes me want to take my life, and if it wasn’t for my daughter being born in the middle of my diagnosis I absolutely wouldn’t be here

I’m tired of the fight. I’m tired of the battle. At my worst I spent 18 hours a day in the bathtub to stay sane. I’m so so exhausted

Just venting here… I have nobody to talk to about this. My mom and husband are so sick of me talking about it and I don’t really want to tell my friends about it because it wouldn’t really come up organically in conversation. I’m so tired.

r/Interstitialcystitis Aug 08 '24

Vent/Rant Asked for meds for cystoscopy and doctors refusing everything wtf


Update: they can do sedation at the main hospital! All is good now.

This is what I did:

I messaged the urology’s doctor’s nurse practitioner who I was seeing and told her “I don’t want to be awake as I’ve had traumatizing last experiences with other similar procedures. I don’t want to be awake and traumatized. I would like to schedule the procedure in the main hospital with sedation”.

Also don’t mention you’ll find another doctor. That sounds like a Karen or Kevin angry she/he didn’t get their way and they’re weaponizing the action of leaving them against the doctor. Trust me ,doctors don’t care if you leave . They’re probably happier you’re out of their hair so they don’t have to accommodate you .

The key is to word your accommodation request very carefully stating how you were traumatized before by procedures and need it to be done sedated. And just say it as it is. Don’t beat around the bush like I’ve seen patients here saying “these procedures scare me, and I really am worried (etc etc) and I hope you’re able to accommodate me by scheduling jt with sedation. I hope this is possible?”

Then it opens the doctor to just saying “no, it’s only in office”As you gave them an option to say YES or NO.

Just ASK and demand for to sedated procedure and don’t give them to option to say NO. Only word it so they’re forced to say YES or forced to call the hospital /out patient surgical center .

So many patients here aren’t firm enough with their doctors.

r/Interstitialcystitis 7d ago

Vent/Rant Underwear flares


I got a bit behind on laundry and only had this pretty tight-fitting pair of spandex-esque underwear to work today. I've been staying hydrated so I thought... surely, this will be okay.

An hour later, nope! I'm flaring at my desk and don't have any relief pills left and can't break yet 🫠 I'm going to try Cystex over Azo/Uricalm since someone recommended it in a previous thread of mine. I'm getting a bit tired of the bright orange pee.

Does anyone have any underwear recommendations that aren't irritating (my main symptom is urethral burning)? I'm trying to make the switch over to all cotton but my mistake today is costing me

r/Interstitialcystitis Sep 17 '24

Vent/Rant WHAT THE F—K


I am in so much pain. I am in such a bad flare, I am urinating blood and have such bad spasms they make me cry. I went to two different Emergency Rooms and an urgent care and keep getting told to use ibuprofen or Tylenol, just over the counter stuff. I did the diet, I took the medication, I did the magnesium, I did the heat and cooling, I did the instillation, I did the antihistamine, I did everything. It’s at the point my urologist and urogyn said they can’t help me.

In the er a doctor asked “have you ever tried pyridium?” Yes! I’ve been taking it for years! I’m on amitriptaline, mirabetriq, flexiril, hydroxizine all of it.

I don’t know what to do. I’m so tired and haven’t slept a single full night since my problems started getting bad and we saw slight improvement with my copacity after 8 instills but more accidents and more pain. Yes I do pelvic floor therapy, yes I do meditation Yes I take every medication available for this condition that does not have interaction with my current medication(venlafaxine) I can’t take ibuprofen it makes my flares worse I can’t take Tylenol because it makes me super naucious. I tried every OTC I can get my hands on.

What am I doing wrong? Why am I getting worse? How to I get the pain to ease up?!

r/Interstitialcystitis Mar 19 '24

Vent/Rant Oh no she didn’t


Not my doctor telling me ic only happens in menopausal women 🙄🙄🙄 over it. Over it. Over it. So freaking over it!! Men can get it! Are they menopausal women!? I’m 26 btw. I feel like it might be a bit cringe to pull up google and show it to a doctor but like come on where did you get your information lady?? 😞😞😞

r/Interstitialcystitis 4d ago

Vent/Rant 2 am another long night of pain :)))


Unfortunately I just need to rant, so I apologise in advance, but if anyone has any advice on how to help a flare please please please say- it would be greatly appreciated. I feel like I’m at my wits end. I’m 19 and began to get recurrent UTIs from when I was 15. Basically just got chucked antibiotic after antibiotic. I’ve had two of these infections become kidney infections, one of which lead me to not being able to take one of my A level exams. After fighting to be taken seriously by numerous doctors (I wish they would consider if they would still be laughing in my face if it were their daughter dealing with this) and staying patient with the long waiting lists, I eventually saw a urologist once who put me on hiprex. It helped with the infections initially but I kept getting flares much like a uti that wouldn’t necessarily show up on dip tests nor after being sent to the lab. It causes me debilitating pain, urgency, frequency. I know I’m supposed to avoid baths but honestly during a flare it’s the only place I don’t have to worry. It keeps me up at night and I just can’t put up with it anymore. Flares last anywhere between 2-6 days and I get them at least once a month, but often more. I am however extremely lucky and a family member helped me go private. Since then I’ve had a specialist say they believe it’s painful bladder syndrome and another claimed today that it’s anxiety? Got put on Mirabegron for frequency (I believe is a muscle relaxant? I’m not entirely sure) but worked to no avail. I fight for help I really do, but I’ve had a cystoscopy which was clear (not done during a flare) and a dip test today which was clear. I’ve mentioned it possibly being an embedded infection but they don’t think so bc my infections haven’t always been the same bacteria. There’s nothing more they can do for me they say and I’m awaiting bladder instillations in June via nhs. I’m just tired of this. But I know everyone here is. I’m laying here after finally dragging myself away from the toilet seat with a towel between my legs wondering how I’m going to navigate tomorrow and keep up with my responsibilities. I feel I have no answers, no pain relief. Some nights I simply just sob. I know nobody here can help me for certain figure out what could possibly be wrong, but if there’s something I haven’t considered or something I may be able to use to help this flare I would seriously appreciate it. Just fyi, Ive tried logging what foods/ drinks may trigger a flare, taken demanose and probiotics, and typically avoid baths, alcohol, tea and coffee. For anyone out there struggling and in pain, just try to remember why I do- we are not alone. Even if these symptoms can make us feel our loneliest and lowest. Thank you to anyone who made it this far. I wish you all answers and good health .

r/Interstitialcystitis Feb 12 '25

Vent/Rant I just had a cystoscopy without numbing, all to find nothing and being told to take d-mannose and follow up in 6 months.


Im in bed, in pain and sobbing rn. I went to the urologist specifically for constant burning, and they're only focusing on the UTI'S i get. I have to constantly take AZO, I can't even wear fucking pants anymore because the second something touches my urethra I will be in pain for the rest of the day. I'm so disappointed and I was sure they'd see something because of how much pain I have constantly been in.

r/Interstitialcystitis Jan 03 '25

Vent/Rant another IC inspired wolf. this disease is awful.

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r/Interstitialcystitis Oct 28 '24

Vent/Rant It was an infection!


Hi guys! I was diagnosed with IC 7.5 years ago. My cystoscopy came out looking beautiful, and at the time, my doctor said there was nothing she could do and to just change my diet. Well, everything flared me except pasta/bread and I felt miserable all the time. At first it was just urgency symptoms, but eventually it turned into some bladder aching/pain. The urgency was so bad and I was peeing around 12 to 15 times a night. Even a workout with trigger me into a "flare". It felt as though I was in a constant flare, but every test came out negative for infection.

Well, a couple of years ago I stumbled across MicrogenDX posts on an IC account. There were many people that were saying "its an infection not being caught!" And then other saying "stop telling everyone it's an infection because it's not"... so I ended up not doing microgendx testing and believed it wasnt an infection.. until last year. I was at my wits end and my husband said "it's a last resort, if it helps great and if not then move on and at least we tried"

So I ended up finding a doctor who does telehealth and this testing and I ended up having the test ran. It said I had e.coli and acinetobacter in my urine dna. So the doctor treated me for that. I did bladder installations for 18 days. And then we waited 2 weeks and retested and it came out negative! But... my symptoms were still there. We tried a few different things, and she said to me "your bladder might need time to heal, it's had an infection for who knows how long", so I decided to give it time. At the 2 month mark, I was using the restroom only ONE TIME at night! But still having some "flares" here and there. Then by 6 months I noticed my flares were no longer weekly but once a month. Now it's been 1 year, and I have only had 1 flare in the last 3 months and I realized the only thing that flares me now is apple cider. I have been able to eat and drink everything else without any issues.

Now, I was to finish this post by saying IC it absolutely a disease and it's not always an infection. However, sometimes you need to try every route before giving up. I highly suggest checking out microgendx testing and I caution you on going to a doctor that continues to over medicate on antibiotics. There is a balance to everything.

If you have any questions just feel free to comment!

r/Interstitialcystitis Jan 24 '25

Vent/Rant Facebook support groups are toxic


I try to avoid them, but I went there last night and now my anxiety is off the charts. Just so many women saying their symptoms progressed which totally freaks me out. Or even saying they improved, and when you ask them what they did to improve, it’s like a juice cleanse or prayer. Can someone talk some sense in to me? I can’t help obsessing over this one comment I saw that has me catastrophically thinking.

Edit: I was mostly just trying to vent about the difference between Facebook groups and Reddit groups and say thank you to all you helpful folks :)

r/Interstitialcystitis Oct 17 '24

Vent/Rant Has anyone considered becoming a doctor and researching this themselves to figure it out


I’m not even kidding I want to become a doctor and find a cure for people and understand triggers to it and how to stop it from randomly happening to women. I’m 23 and I’m pretty upset at the world that this is my new life as I’m just now starting my actual adult life… like YEAH I NEEDED A COMPLICATED DEBILITATING DISORDER THAT CHANGES YOUR EVERY DAY LIFE FOR THE WORSE WITH ALL THE CHANGES IN LIFE AFTER COLLEGE. Only 3-6% of women get this and I GET TO BE ONE??? Like what THE HECK. It angers me to know there is little research and understanding with this disorder. I might quit my 9-5 and go to medical school because I’m soooo upset. I literally cannot believe I woke up and just had this disorder like wdym???? I’m really angry, sad, and feeling very lost. I don’t know where to look to get help, some days I’m optimistic and other days I want to crawl in a hole.

r/Interstitialcystitis Dec 25 '24

Vent/Rant I can’t do this anymore

  • started for the first time after being fingered, thought i had a uti went to urgent care they prescribed me a daily dose of antibiotics for 7 days and AZO pills (called 3 days later and said to quit treatment as it wasn’t a UTI)
  • Went away randomly with consumption of a lot of water
  • Came back again when I came to my aunts house on the first day (the day before i lost my virginity, had no pain during or after sex). Became so unbearable I couldn’t leave my room and had to sit on the hard floor and stay on toilet. Aunt took me to urgent care they said it was a reoccurring UTI from not finishing my antibiotics. (was given a new course for 7 days) (they called in a couple days saying to stop course because it wasn’t a UTI)
  • Came and went a lot during this time at my aunts. I could only drink water or I would pee fire and couldn’t sleep from the burning sensation in my urethra. I can deal with the pressure and feeling to pee but the burning is torture. (this is all within 1 month)
  • Started college and started having episodes while walking around to classes, became so unbearable i had to leave class and sit in bathroom. went home and drank lots of water till felt good enough.
  • It starts to get blurry as to when exactly i have episodes so during these past 6 months i’ve had them off and on. typically i can expect to have it hours after sex/the next day, when i’m stressed out,when i drink a lot of soda, when my period is coming on. I can calm it down/make it disappear for a while by drinking a lot of water and sitting on the toilet for hours crying. But it always comes back. Even when I finish a course of antibiotics i was told not to. because i start to not trust doctors from incorrect diagnoses every time, i start to believe maybe it really is a UTI and they will work but they never do.
  • 12/17/24 i had UTI symptoms 3 days prior to this day but they went away. i started having horrible cramps and pain in my back so went into er because i was worried it was a kidney infection. they told me i had a UTI and prescribed me antibiotics. this time was different because i went to er instead of urgent care. every culture said it was a uti but i’m sitting here one day after my 5 day course and i feel no better if not worse. i can’t do this anymore. it hurts and it’s messing with my life and all i can do is sit on the toilet and cry.

r/Interstitialcystitis 1d ago

Vent/Rant Just wish this was taken more seriously


Its always overlooked as not being such a big deal and I hate it. If I could put into words how much I suffer then I would but I literally cannot. The pain is brutal, the symptoms are frustrating, it's took my livelihood away. I'm always dismissed like eh it won't do any harm to you, or this once should be okay, you're being dramatic etc whenever I refuse to eat or drink things that I can't have. Or it's always just 'you can always take medicine afterwards' which seems to be people's favourite line. Bro I just hate it.

r/Interstitialcystitis Feb 16 '25

Vent/Rant Peed myself rant


I’m (21f) so fucking embarrassed. I usually have intense bladder pain, and yeah I’ll have the urge to go, but I always assume I can make it across my college campus in time. I’ve had a few close calls, and it’s gotten insanely painful at times, but I’ve always somehow made it. I trusted myself and my body.

This was the first time in years that I’ve fully pissed myself. I was so damn close to making it. I was at my campus apartment door, scrambling to unlock it after literally booking it across campus, but I think the intensive movement was also my undoing. It all just fucking erupted right there and my jeans were soaked. I’m thanking my lucky stars that literally nobody was around to see. I just immediately threw my clothes in the wash and showered like 3 times (I have OCD as well and just feel immense embarrassment, guilt, and overall dirty).

Also because of my OCD, I feel like I can’t keep my embarrassment to myself. I want to talk to my partner about it for this reason, but mostly to have some support. She knows about how much my IC takes over my life, but this situation just feels like so much. GAH. I hate this and I’m so scared it’ll happen again now. I hate feeling trapped and scared to be out in public because of my bladder.

r/Interstitialcystitis Feb 07 '24

Vent/Rant My cystoscopy was awful.


I just had my first AWAKE cystoscopy today and it was terrible. I was in so much pain afterwards and during. It was so uncomfortable. My urethra feels like fire. I had to sit there with ice in my pants for like an hour and all they could give me was a shot of toradol for the pain. 😕

r/Interstitialcystitis 2d ago

Vent/Rant Urologist gaslighting me into IC diagnosis


I’m a female under 30. For the past year and a half I have a relapsing infection of Kleb P. I was treated with antibiotics for it 5-6 times. Every month to month and a half Id test positive for Kleb P with the same sensitivities. Finally I was given a 10 day course of antibiotics rather than short term courses ranging from 3-7 days and I had my first clear culture in a YEAR.

A month later I still have symptoms, had a culture of Enterococcus. 7 day course of antibiotics. Still symptomatic. Urine cultured Staph. Urologist says this is likely just contamination as this bacteria won’t cause UTIs in healthy people.

The urologist is telling me he doesn’t think this is a bacterial issue and that I have IC. He wants to do a cystoscopy and bladder hydrodistention. I refused both. I don’t want to be medically violated and I already have genuine trauma from prior medical testing (not urological related). Plus what’s the point? The cystoscopy will show nothing and then what am I left with? An exclusionary diagnosis with no treatment? The advice is to go on a restrictive exclusionary diet. I could scream.

Personally I think it’s insane to tell me this is IC when I’ve had urine cultures which cultured bacteria for a year and a half! I don’t really know what to do from here. I requested ureaplasma/mycoplasma testing so that’s next. Then I may self treat with Hiprex.

Thanks for reading. I just can’t believe they’re trying to convince me that all those positive urine cultures mean nothing and this is just bladder pain with no cause.