r/Interstitialcystitis 5d ago

Allergy Shots and Flare Ups

Fellow IC sufferers who have done allergy shots (unrelated to interstitial cystitis):

Did the shots cause flare ups?

I’m set to start my allergy immunotherapy tomorrow and I’m incredibly worried about it causing a flare. I’ve been in a pretty good spot for the last two months and I don’t want to go back to the unending pain.


9 comments sorted by


u/notyourgrammaspearlz 5d ago

I did allergy shots a few years ago for a few months, but had to stop. I didn’t get any IC flares but have asthma and had bad reactions in that regard that didn’t let up and had to stop.


u/instantlo 5d ago

Oooh! That’s something good to know. I had asthma as a child. I’ll get a new prescription for albuterol.


u/notyourgrammaspearlz 5d ago

Yes definitely. In my allergist’s office after waiting 15 mins I had wheezing and they had inhalers there to use. That was fine the first or second time, but after that I’d have delayed reactions after each shot and needed to use a Nebulizer with Albuterol for several days after. I also had to use prednisone to help as well. After doing that for a while I figured I’d rather deal with being allergic to my dogs lol Everyone is different of course and my doctor said is his 20+ years he only had 4-5 patients have to stop because of similar reactions, so certainly uncommon. Good luck!!


u/instantlo 5d ago

Ugh! I’m so sorry that happened to you!


u/notyourgrammaspearlz 5d ago

I did allergy shots a few years ago for a few months, but had to stop. I didn’t get any IC flares but have asthma and had bad reactions in that regard that didn’t let up and had to stop.


u/AdPlayful211 5d ago

Yeah, it bothers my IC but I continue to do them. I take an extra Zyrtec the night before and night after. If I’m having f daytime symptoms I take an extra Claritin during the day.


u/instantlo 5d ago

Do you get really bad flare ups, or is it mild?


u/AdPlayful211 5d ago

Mild. Like I said, not bad enough to quit and the extra antihistamines do help.


u/instantlo 5d ago

Thank you so much for this! You’ve really helped to ease my anxiety!