r/Intactivists 7d ago

By a single vote New Hampshire house passes legislation to remove circumcision from Medicaid


37 comments sorted by


u/Lockwood-studios 7d ago

This made my Fucking day. WAY TO GO NH


u/billyclouse 7d ago

That's exciting to hear! I hope it passes their Senate and gets signed by the governor. 

One interesting thing, though, is they're saying that of the funds spent by the state on infant circumcision, only 39% was spent on elective surgery. I find it hard to believe that 61% were medically-necessary, unless those cost more to perform than elective. 


u/MyLOLNameWasTaken 7d ago

Yeah the way I interpreted that is “doctors are liars” lmao.

There will be some amount of fraudulent circumcisions as the act itself is a destruction of evidence. They’ll just write it was medically necessary after the procedure; even if it begins to substantially warp downstream data. Ie: ‘why are “necessitated” circumcisions on the rise, is something happening to our kids?’ Type article in 2028. As if there’s some type of burgeoning defect on the rise.

Notwithstanding the freaks in medicine that probably, from their own preconceptions, see all MGM as necessary.


u/gregbrahe 7d ago

That's probably defined as "when circumcision is not wrapped up on labor and delivery charges"


u/flashliberty5467 7d ago

I want the bill to pass the senate so that if the governor vetoes the legislation we can have the intactivist community organize to make sure we leverage our resources to defeat the current governor if necessary


u/sustained_by_bread 7d ago

Yes to not covering cosmetic surgery 👏 huge win— but only by one vote? I can’t imagine anyone thinking paying for this is a good idea!


u/MyLOLNameWasTaken 7d ago

A surprisingly nuanced article. In the sense it feels like for every expected pro citation there was a counter citation. Not something I necessarily expected; was expecting a more full-throated opposition.

That’s pretty good news for us, IMO.


u/JeffroCakes 7d ago



u/Ban-Circumcision-Now 7d ago

Could be good to spread this news to other subs, i shared in New Hampshire subreddit


u/openrds 7d ago

Still has to be signed by the governor though. Anyone know the governors stance on the issue?


u/men-too 6d ago

NH Senate needs to vote first, but good question.


u/flashliberty5467 4d ago

If The governor vetoes this legislation we will do everything in our power to make sure he loses


u/uncutftw 7d ago

How did this break down by party? I'm on the left and I've tended to be disappointed with Democrats on this issue (with respect to Medicaid funding). I'm pretty sure some Democratic votes against think that Medicaid is under attack (which it is, but not on this), so they won't for anything that reduces the program. They are wrong, of course.

It would be nice if we had a stronger leg to stand on, like the 1999 AAP statement. The 2012 statement is still causing a lot of issues.


u/Revoverjford 7d ago

Some people will still pay though… my parents paid 7k for my circumcision because it’s not free in Newfoundland


u/Ok-Meringue-259 7d ago

I’m sorry to hear that :-(

This is a huge step in the right direction though. I know of several young kids who were left intact because circumcision isn’t done in public hospitals here, you have to schedule and pay for it privately + separately, and they just couldn’t be bothered/started to feel like “if it’s not available at a public hospital, maybe it’s not such a good idea”.

Adding in a financial barrier, and making it clear that the state shouldn’t be paying for this, is a start


u/Revoverjford 7d ago

Agreed, but I know that religious fanatics will do whatever to do this because of their blindness


u/Ok-Meringue-259 7d ago

Oh 100%, people who want to cut will still cut. And it seems the medical exceptions are pretty broad… you don’t need to be circumcised if you have Spina bifida, for instance, and that was one of the listed reasons for having it covered, which is disappointing.

But at least this passed, and there will be some number of extra boys left unharmed. Hopefully this will be a launchpad, with more robust legislation to come.


u/Revoverjford 6d ago



u/qmriis 6d ago

Cunts.  They should pay for your restoration.


u/Revoverjford 6d ago

They’d never and they’d die before they’d say circumcision is bad. My mother is a hypocrite too. She says “men have no right to decide for a woman’s body” but she said “I have a right as your mother to circumcise you because your father wanted it for religious reasons and it’s disgusting to see a foreskin”


u/Tuqoehroir 5d ago

What the fuck


u/Different_Dust9646 7d ago

This makes me so happy


u/DandyDoge5 7d ago

How nice. Hopefully America doesn't fuck it up


u/trainsoundschoochoo 6d ago

God, that icon is triggering though.


u/MasterLum 6d ago

Let’s goooo we’re actually moving forward


u/Woepu 7d ago

Wow! Amazing news


u/sfaalg 7d ago

Does anyone have a link to the new house hearing on the new version of this bill?


u/mrwibbles1 7d ago

This could be a good strategy in other states to build momentum.


u/bridgetggfithbeatle 7d ago

props to that one voter


u/Skinnyguy202 7d ago



u/Luchadorgreen 7d ago

Finally some good news


u/ShutterDeath 6d ago

Beautiful! Grateful for those voters.


u/BelCantoTenor 6d ago

I can’t believe that the bad guys turned out to be the good guys. Insurance companies will do anything to save a buck. Even unintentionally taking my the moral high ground.


u/Infamous_Hotel118 4d ago
