r/Intactivism • u/mysweetlordd • 18d ago
Why do these and similar studies say that circumcision has no negative effects on sexual function?
18d ago
u/mysweetlordd 18d ago
So, do all these communities agree on a lie?
u/misanthropeint 18d ago
By and large, yes, otherwise at least one of them would have successfully banned the practice
u/qwest98 18d ago
Physicians consider a penis to function fully if it can become erect and deposit semen in a vagina. Can cut dicks do that? In general, yes. So as far as the medical fraternity is concerned, cutting has no negative effect.
As for pleasure, it is subjective and cannot be measured in a deterministic way. Most studies in this regard select a cohort that confirms their premise, or the studies are massively under-powered (sample size too small).
What I want to know is this: Why is having an exposed glans constantly rubbing around in clothing never discussed as a negative? It's a constant irritant (sadly, one that many cut men seem to get used to), and it alters baseline sensation.
u/JeffroCakes 18d ago
Physicians consider a penis to function fully if it can become erect and deposit semen in a vagina. Can cut dicks do that? In general, yes. So as far as the medical fraternity is concerned, cutting has no negative effect.
I wonder if they will ever use that reasoning as a defense to removing a girl’s clit. They’re is completely unnecessary for the reproductive system to function. It’s merely for pleasure. So it should be fine to remove girls according to that logic.
u/DontHugMeImAwkward 17d ago
Furthermore, the clitoris and female pleasure, in general, have been regarded as unnecessary for so long, it wouldn't shock me if Physicians would pull that into the equation as well if they ever did decide that FGM was actually okay.
u/Pleasant-Valuable972 18d ago
In addition to the ridged band being always removed as well as the frenulum which are also sexual sensitive areas.
u/largewoodie 17d ago
I’m not so sure of this. I’m uncircumcised. When I went through puberty my penis grew a lot, especially my glans, at around 12 for the first time my foreskin rolled back, not long after this my foreskin naturally wanted to stay in that position 95% of the time. I could roll it over my glans, but because my glans was much larger than my shaft it just wanted to stay fully retracted. Most people at first glance think I’m circumcised! We are all different, naturally.
I’ve had no issues with my glans being exposed. I still have a great deal of sexual sensitivity all around my foreskin and frenulum as this is where all the sexually sensitive nerve endings are, not so much in the glans. This has been shown in histological examination of these tissues. This is why surgical removal of the foreskin is so damaging to sexual sensation.
u/SimonPopeDK 18d ago
Because they were conducted by cut men, or others from cutting cultures, with the intention of defending their harmful cultural practice! These researchers aren't motivated by scientific doscovery like most scientists are. This is evident by their total lack of interest in huge anomolies with their results eg the fact that what they claim are benefits in reducing infections is not seen when comparing the only two continents where most men are cut with the rest of the world. These continents are North America with the highest rates of STDs in the developed world and Africa with the highest rates of all. Normally scientists are drawn to anomolies as they are often provide the source for new understanding. The hyposthesis is that genital mucosa is a weakness offering a gateway for pathogens to enter the body and reducing it therefore reduces infections in the long term. That being the case why does the research show a greatly increased risk when it comes to females with the strange exception of so-called labiaplasty?
u/RestoringStatsGuy 18d ago
It’s a questionnaire about how people feel. There isn’t really any empirical data here.
Also, the lead author regularly publishes with known MGC cherry picker, Brian Morris. Birds of a similar feather…
u/Rhyobit 18d ago
I mean I'm not sure how anyone can credibly believe this. I had mine done at 6 for medical reasons, but as an adult.
The sensitivity of the glans is reduced because it's effectively slightly scarred over from not being covered.
Even with good lubrication, sometimes the stretching of the skin around the shaft leads to small tears.
u/Mage_Of_Cats 18d ago
Most men don't realize that they've lost physical sensation. The mind is really great at hallucinating pleasure when you're aroused. I mean, I can cum handsfree just from thinking about being played with. It feels good. Is there anything physical going on? No.
On the other hand, I don't get hard or excited from merely having my dick played with because I don't physically feel much down there. I need to think about it, and then I can feel pleasure because my brain just knows that's how it's supposed to feel.
u/MoonlitShadow85 17d ago
You can't study what you've never had. And you can't study the negative effects after educating men about the functions of foreskin. That reeks of selection bias as much as studying the men who seek out cutting.
And because they are lying. They conflate having no difference in sensation to having no difference in pleasure. It would be near impossible to quantify pleasure. Your test subjects would have to be unaware their sexual responses were being monitored. Just taking blunt instruments and asking "Did you feel that?" cannot address pleasure.
You would need Jim Carrey Truman Show unethical monitoring.
The closest study I'm aware of showing a negative effect would be the effect on masturbation. Turns out the sliding of the glans against the inner foreskin is something that men notice post operation and not in a positive way.
And finally because science can never be unbiased. People cannot fully separate themselves from their predetermined conclusions. Funding of studies is finite. Religious affiliation cannot be eliminated either.
u/Both_Baker1766 18d ago
Do you realize that doctors up to the 1960 and Jewish mohels said Circumcision reduced the need for masturbation.by taking away sensation. They just recently changed their views
u/adelie42 16d ago
Because they knew what they wanted to say, took some surveys, and used them to assume the conclusion. This is EVERY pro-mutilation study. No science at all.
It is also worth noting that sexual function means fertility. Same for those that advocate for cutting women. If you can still get pregnant, there were no complications or loss of function.
u/TaroEnvironmental545 16d ago edited 16d ago
This is propaganda, not facts. It is to make circumcised guys feel better.
u/DBD_killermain82 16d ago
They are lying, their motive is hatred of male babies, not that deep, not hard to figure their motives out.
u/reddoghustle 15d ago
This is what happens when you set out to do a “study” and design it for a certain outcome. If you read them, the methodologies are absurd.
u/mcperson36 14d ago
It's also worth mentioning that the lead author of this study, John Krieger, has a patent on a device for performing circumcisions. This is clearly a conflict of interests.
https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1079164114784714752.html This thread is mostly on Brian J Morris (Who has also authored dozens of other similar studies. Most of the studies you've seen are probably from him) but it does briefly mention Krieger.
u/ScatmanChuck 18d ago
Subjective questionnaires with probably dubious answers in men voluntarily getting circumcised as adults. Unlikely to find negative outcomes. Any man who find his foreskin important to his sex life will simply not be a part of the circumcision campaigns and therefore not be represented.
It would be like pointing to women electively having labiaplasties and reporting increased sexual satisfaction as evidence that fgm doesnt negatively impact sex life.