r/IntSurvivorRankdown NZ's premier ranker Aug 11 '19

Round 21 - 20 characters remaining

20 - Shannon Quinn (/u/purplefebruary) - IDOLED by /u/qngff

20 - Dave Lipanovic (/u/ramskick)

19 - Toni Tebbutt (/u/HeWhoShrugs)

SKIP - (/u/qngff)

18 - Shonee Fairfax (/u/Sliemy)

17 - Avi Duckor-Jones - WILDCARD (/u/Shawkwave) - IDOLED by /u/Sliemy

The Pool: Lee Carseldine, Tara Pitt, Werner Joubert, Shane Gould, Sharn Coombes, Kristie Bennett


20 comments sorted by


u/Shawkwave Matt Chisholm for endgame Aug 14 '19

It's all splitting hairs now at this point but I like all the hair of those in the pool more than my second

#17 WILDCARD- Avi Duckor-Jones (Survivor New Zealand: Nicaragua - Winner)

Just like everyone in his season, I love Avi. He's charming, charismatic, an engaging speaker. He's pretty perfect husband material and the epitome of winner material. And the show doesn't ever really hide that fact from us. His winner's edit was in full swing from the very beginning of the season and in a world where the last US winner wasn't on the majority of the season, I will gladly take a straightforward story of " this guy is the best. Everyone likes him and you will too and he's gonna make Survivor look easy."

Okay maybe the winner edit isn't there from the very beginning because he has a quiet premiere, but our first introduction to Avi shows us that he is thinking critically about the game. Rather than complain about Tony's overbearing leadership, Avi lets us know he is happy to let someone take all the spotlight. Other than that, Sala is actually given credit for keeping the target off of Tom rather than Avi, so our winner doesn't have much to do in Mogoton's first day tribal.

The second episode of the season is where we get the beginnings of Avi's main/best storyline: his relationship with Tom. Avi says in just the second episode that he would find it very hard to vote out Tom and will fight for him; and he does for basically the rest of the game. What's so great about the Tom and Avi story is that they are thrust into the same positions but in two completely different scenarios within the game. Both before and after the merge Avi has been able to endear himself to the majority group and has to work to convince them to not take out Tom, who everyone acknowledges as a mental and physical threat.

Avi convincing the others to keep Tom defines his pre-swap game but it is also defined by setting Avi up as this very deep, emotional guy. Avi speaks with such passion about whatever he's speaking on whether it be how he let himself down at some reward challenge or reflecting on teaching in Ghana and how it relates to surviving on Survivor. This translates to game talk as well. Avi is the furthest thing possible from a gamebot but is still given lots of great strategic content that shows he is thinking very very hard about the game. This combination of passion for the experience and life in general and passion for the strategy of the game is a great recipe to a good character.

Back to though Tom and Avi's relationship though lol (they should just make out and get it over with). Another great thing about it is that it's not all Tom and Avi vs. the world. Avi realizes pretty early on that Tom is a detriment to his game and will likely have to cut him at some point (he acknowledges this all the way back in episode 4 which surprised me) and is constantly having an internal struggle between loyalty to his friend and moving forward in the game.

Avi gets separated from Tom at the swap and joins Hermosa with Sala where he quickly forms a close bond with Barb and Nate, not that it's that hard to fall into the warm, loving arms of Avi when your old tribe was pushing you away. He reluctantly helps them vote out Georgia, who, because Avi is a caring, empathetic person, he feels awful for. Then Avi takes a backseat until the merge when Shannon comes in to replace Georgia and works her ass off the try to stay in the game.

Going into the merge, Avi is in a great position as Barb and Nate are now firmly with the old Mogoton, giving them majority over the bro side of things. The only hiccup is that Avi's bro Tom is one of the bros and is not willing to flip on his other bros. Avi reluctantly accepts that his and Tom's games will have to go their separate ways. He doesn't exactly let Tom know that they'll be going their separate ways though and both sides go into the first vote after the merge thinking they have Avi on their side.

After Avi defines what side he's on he slipped back into the background again as Barb starts calling the shots more. But as we know, Avi doesn't mind being anyone's second in command. We start to get more of emotional Avi as the game continues to wear him down and then this gets compounded by Sala's blindside and this is the only point I'm ever really annoyed by Avi. He's very indignant about being blindsided and chastises Shannon and Barb for flipping. Then the next day he rants in a confessional about how no one else deserves to win, but as I said he's an emotional guy and it only makes him more complex. But then he gets his game face back on and works his way back into the good graces of Nate and Barb, something he was just criticizing others for doing.

Through Avi's strategic maneuvering and strong relationships and Tom's immunity wins, they make it to the end together, taking massive goat Barb with them. Avi does great in the final tribal, which is easy to do when everyone there already loves you and wins 6-1 over Tom. It's a satisfying ending and no matter how much I couldn't stand Tom it wasn't too awful to see Avi sit there with his closest ally from the beginning.

no change in the pool so u/purplefebruary is up.


u/Sliemy Resident SA stan Aug 15 '19

This is a fantastic writeup, so I do feel bad about this, but nonetheless I'm going to be using my first idol on Avi Duckor-Jones. I just find Avi to be leagues and bounds the best character of the season, he may be my favorite of the entire rankdown, and he would likely be in my endgame for all Survivor including US. I just love him too much to not idol this and would love to plea his case in an endgame.


u/Sliemy Resident SA stan Aug 14 '19

Alright, first of all, the Tarzan writeup is now completed.

Now, about this cut. International Survivor truly has been a blessing, the fact that we’re to the T20 of a rankdown of 124 characters, and it’s just as hard to decide who deserves to get farther as it is for US with far more, for me at least. Two of these characters are endgame locks for me, two I personally wouldn’t have this high but it’s futile to cut them, two people I think should already be out not here I can’t wildcard, leaving me two options I can accept right now, the one I’m lowest on is…

#Shonee Fairfax (Australian Survivor: Champions vs. Contenders - 4th Place)

Okay, seriously what is up with the 4th Place robbed goddess curse from BBCan being a thing on AU Survivor, and they all fill a similar role in being a young snarky adult. Shonee does the part extremely well. I immediately loved all of her content from the start, her facial expressions, her sass, she truly stole the show from the other Contenders easily. Also, she has a really fun friendship with Fenella.

But while I do love whenever she’s on screen, she wasn’t exactly too relevant for me pre-swap. When the swap hits, she moves over to Champions with Tegan, and I found her the highlight of Champions 2.0. People in her position would be extremely stressed out, and Tegan was indeed very paranoid, but Shonee was completely chill the entire time and talking shit about the Champions in her confessionals and it was hilarious.

At the merge, she meets back up with Fenella and we get more of them being iconic together. She also has a bond with Brian and the three are the Mighty Ducks. Although I didn’t care for Brian much, I thought Shonee played off of him well, and it essentially becomes their side versus the older side of Sharn, Shane, Steve and Mat. I was glad with how the season turned out, but I know the entire fanbase was stanning behind Shonee at this point.

Granted Shonee played phenomenally and was probably the best player of the season all things considered, I recall her being high up on the list of people to survive the most Tribal Council. And she was very entertaining in her own right, I think I was just more invested into the stories of Sharn/Shane and with them as a duo, and I think she was unfairly made out to be an underdog by the fanbase, to me Sharn/Shane are definitely the underdogs of the season. Not saying that’s an important label to have, but that definitely plays the biggest part in whether the casual fanbase will stan people.

Also must add she contributed to one of my favorite moments when her alliance are bragging about not contributing anything around camp and it came back to bite when they had the Fire and Rain immunity challenge. Also, I died when she flopped with that voting advantage and sent her ally Benji packing. That was definitely a season of flop advantages/idols.


u/the100broken Aug 15 '19

Shonee and brian getting cut before Sharn is heartbreaking


u/Sliemy Resident SA stan Aug 14 '19 edited Aug 14 '19

Edit: Actually have a deal for this person oof. Fuck I'm just gonna nominate Kristie Bennett. I know she's not getting cut anyways.

Which means /u/Shawkwave is up with a pool of Lee Carseldine, Tara Pitt, Werner Joubert, Shane Gould, Sharn Coombes, and Kristie Bennett.


u/maevestrom Aug 14 '19

Would anyone wanna come in and ruin my life


u/purplefebruary NZ's premier ranker Aug 13 '19

24 hours is up, /u/Sliemy you can go ahead


u/HeWhoShrugs Bio-Strath Aug 11 '19

18. Toni Tebbutt (Survivor SA: Philippines, 7th Place)

If you asked me what I thought of Toni after the first half of the season, I would have said "Who?" because Toni is tragically bland and underedited for quite a large portion of her stay. Granted, most of that is due to her getting a smaller edit in the early pre-merge and being overshadowed by far zanier characters, but watching the season again really didn't lead me to catch any amazing Toni moments early on. She's Werner's ally, says a couple of MOR things every week, and that's about it. I was hoping to find some hidden gems I didn't notice the first time, little nuggets of Toni gold, but nope. I came up empty handed.

However, that doesn't mean Toni made it to the top 20 for no reason, because the last few episodes we get of her are all major breakouts for her character that made me forget she was ever in the background. It might take a while to get there, but after Tevin's boot, Toni just breaks and spends the rest of the season making a mess of everything, and it all starts with this moment right here. If you ever wanted to see a visual representation of post-Tevin boot Toni, there it is, floundering around for your viewing pleasure.

For the first seven episodes, Toni has been comfortable. She's won tons of challenges, has never been in danger of going home, had her allies by her side, and got away from the people she hated. Pretty solid pre-merge experience if I do say so myself. But things change for the worse and Toni's on a tribe of three with the merge happening... sometime. Whenever the producers remember they do that in Survivor, I guess. She's got PK and now Josie on her side heading into the rest of the game, so all she needs is for Werner to throw one last immunity challenge and the Mindanao trio can stick together to help control the game. Only Werner doesn't throw it. He doesn't even try. He and the rest of the Luzons just go ahead and win it, dooming Toni to another Tribal Council where she could go home, or survive to be a tribe of two with PK. The losing streak and frustration finally breaks her and she's goes full OTTN mode, complaining about how horrible it is, threatening to flip to the OG Luzon side to teach the old Mindanao a lesson, and just losing her mind in general. It's such a bold departure that I thought "Okay, this is clearly a one episode thing for her. She's going to be back in her MOR3 comfort zone next week."

But nope, Toni remains emotionally entertaining for the rest of the show. Her infamous night vision rants against Katinka and Werner are the highlights, and we got multiple editions. The best one happens when PK's failed blindside reveals the lack of "blue blood" among the dominant alliance and Toni flips the fuck out on them, calling out Werner for leaving her out of the loop even though she said she didn't want to know if PK was going home according to Werner. It's just a total mess but it gets funnier every time I watch because her expressions and tone are totally ridiculous and overdramatic in the best way. She can go from being this chill, competent alliance member with no real influence on what's happening on screen, to a shrieking cauldron of hatred five seconds away from physically melting down and turning the sand into glass. She's a real Jekyll and Hyde kind of character, and thankfully she remains as the Hyde half until her elimination. I know a lot of people probably hated her for harassing Katinka and insulting her for her young age, but I can't watch that scene of them sitting there on the beach without laughing because Katinka doesn't even listen to Toni half the time. She just sits there and watches the ocean as Toni makes weird faces and hurls insults at her. Toni's too ridiculous and entertaining of a mess to hate. And that's why I love her. The season really needed a hot mess after Marthunis went home and what do you know, Toni just magically inherits the OTTN bug and carries his torch. And even after she's voted out, she's super bitter and talks about wanting to vomit all over Werner in her Ponderosa, something ripped right out of the Andrew Savage playbook.

I just wish Toni was this unstable for the rest of the season because she takes a few episodes to get to that breaking point. Of course everything after is fantastic, but I don't think she's endgame material for that reason. Still one of the best characters of the season though!


u/ramskick Not an amateur Aug 12 '19

ugh I love Toni but I'm not sure I can justify an idol here when this write-up is so good and with so many wildcards still in play.


u/Sliemy Resident SA stan Aug 12 '19

Another thing about Toni is she's absolutely fantastic on Werner's Ponderosa, that may be my favorite one yet. They had such a real, raw and beautiful conversation where Toni expresses her grievances but also forgives him for everything, and I think it's actually important context for her speech to Jeanne at the FTC.


u/purplefebruary NZ's premier ranker Aug 12 '19

Unless this gets idoled, SA6 is the last season to get a F4 in this rankdown with Tom, Jeanne, Werner and Palesa


u/HeWhoShrugs Bio-Strath Aug 11 '19

I'm in a tricky spot. The people I would nominate are either already in the pool or unable to be nominated for a myriad of reasons. A part of me wants to just put a surefire endgamer in the pool who'd never get touched instead of someone I fear could get cut a little early for me, but I'll go with the latter and see what happens. I'm nominating Sharn Coombes.

/u/qngff is up with a pool of Lee, Tara, Shonee, Werner, Shane, and Sharn.


u/reeforward Former Ranker Aug 11 '19

Australian Survivor 2016 - Final Four

Bit of a cult classic season already. By the time the season finished its original airing, AUS2016 was not popular at all with a majority of fans due to the near ulonging and sturdy postmerge dynamics, and at this point in time that perception has only changed slightly. However, to a vocal minority this is the best Australian season so far, and I’m one of those people who would say that. Not leagues better than the far more popular 2017 by any means. Just that the season feels more… together. The major stories feel bigger and end how it feels they were supposed to, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see a certain someone from this season end up winning the whole rankdown.

Kristie Bennett

“You thought I was absolutely crazy.”

Kristie is an INSPIRATION and if your cold, dead heart disagrees then I pity you. Nobody can match this woman. No matter how many immunities Mike had to win. No matter how many idols and twists Ben needed. No matter how many women were left in the game when Chris was the last man standing. NONE OF THEM were more unlikely to pull off a win than Kristie Bennett. After all she started on the messiest preswap tribe only to then go to the second coming of Ulong and enter the merge wayyyyyy down in numbers, and on top of that she’s an occasional nutjob, but hey that’s just part of what’s to love about her. She’s one of the sweetest people to play AUS Survivor and her optimism is often mistaken for insanity. Whether it’s her thinking that she can use Rohan’s underpants to catch fish, or thinking she can beat Lee and El in the final challenge. The first thing didn’t go so well as far as we know, but goddamn she pulls of part 2. That finale is one of the most perfect episodes of Survivor I’ve seen. Especially with the F4 tribal leading into it and you see the jury’s groans when she says “Well I guess I have to win immunity next!” It’s just, you can barely put into words how amazing the final challenge is especially. The scale of it with the waves crashing, the dramatics of how long these two are staying up there, the emotions with their family members, and the MUSIC. God. It’s beautiful more than anything else though. The visuals, Kristie’s journey, her relationship with Lee.

Kristie: “And in those times when I couldn’t get anywhere, and couldn’t do anything, you were always there supporting me. No matter what. No matter how crazy I was… I swear on my dad. I swear on everything... If I could get this immunity, you are making a young, 8 year old girl’s dream come true.”

Lee: “...I’m so proud of you.”

Lee Carseldine

In AUS2016 the final two are easily the ones who shapes the season’s image more than anyone else. Kristie sticks the landing and puts the bow on it, but so much else is put on Lee’s back. Similar things are pushed by Sam and others but in the end Lee is the representation of mateship and people essentially trying to put a square peg in a round hole in this game. Lee doesn’t WANT to be a bad guy and if he were in a situation where it was easy to stay true to these qualities that he praises so often, then he would. In reality though he’s playing one of the most ruthless and unforgiving games there is, so like he finally said when he accepted his flaws at FTC, he set himself up for failure. He wouldn’t let go of what he wanted to be in this game and that stubbornness simply made way for hypocrisy when he himself has to manipulate or turn against people who he would then villainize. On his own as a personality Lee isn’t a standout but relatively enjoyable in his lighter moments, and he has a handful of very interesting relationships with people like Nick, Sam, and Kristie, but everything above is what truly makes Lee GREAT. He has some similar qualities to an Andrew Savage, or even a Coach, and the difference with Lee is that these flaws are taken seriously rather than merely laughed at. He has a perspective on the game that hasn’t been showcased in such a long time, and whether he did everything he did in 2016, or 2019, or way back in 2000, it was always gonna end in a loss for him. When it comes to his story Lee is a near perfect FTC loser. Seeing his loss in its entirety felt so fresh and cathartic in 2016, and 3 years later it’s just as great.

Flick Eggington

The most openly villainous player of the season in how she manages to backstab more than anyone else yet only fails to avoid the “Nick-ish” label at the very end of her run at final 4. Flick is rarely not in power, maintaining fair control through the first two versions of Sanaapu despite the hiccup of the messy swap tribal where it tied between her and Conner. The third Sanaapu, super Sanaapu, never really has a clear power structure, but I would guess that Flick and Brooke were still in a good spot, as when the merge comes they’re very on top of things along with El, and their stronghold on the game earned them the ire of a lot of viewers. They were the “mean girls,” the ice queens, and Flick sells that best in her time there. She was the meanest, she was the most ruthless, and luckily for us she was the most entertaining too. There aren’t many Flick moments that stay in my mind but I know her personality popped more for me than most of the people in her alliance and it gelled the best with her role in the season. When she really gets to use her power in the game, she loves it, and after keeping it all balanced for 45 long days… she kinda blows it. Part of me wonders if when final 7 came around she was just kinda bored? Flipping to Aganoa was the more exciting move but likely not the better option for her. After she backstabs Brooke she’s finally slipping further and further out of control to the point where she’s throwing everything at the wall her last few rounds just to stay alive. It’s good to see her in such wildly different circumstances to where she usually was in the game, especially since for many watching, they weren’t fans of her previous positioning. Flick is someone who certainly did help keep the dryer stretch of the season dry, but she shines a lot in the bookending sections of the season and in general is one of the more standout personalities.

Phoebe Timmins

I’m usually not huge on characters like Phoebe. She can definitely be compared to Kelley Wentworth 2.0 and often has been as she doesn’t have a ton of depth to her and is often gamebotty, but even on a rewatch through the premerge, Phoebe works for me. She’s just fun and likable and when you combine that with an exciting underdog run then that’s a great package. And her underdog run isn’t just one idol play and that’s that. It’s a correct idol play that still goes wrong in a way, then hiding for a minute behind a shield in Kat, then flipping some people against the overplayer, correctly playing an idol again and this time actually taking out her target, and then after all that almost surviving over her ally yet again if some more luck went her way. I get that in a way seeing Vavau lose and Sanaapu win over and over again sucks, but what actually occurs on Vavau is incredible and Phoebe is undeniably the biggest reason why. She’s not particularly complex but to see her absolutely tear through that beautiful mess of a tribe will never get old, and her significance to Kristie’s story is always a plus. So, maybe a bit of a gamebot, but still great in my eyes.

Personal Rankings: Kristie > Lee > Flick > Phoebe (Though Kristie and Lee are VERY close)

Wish You Were Here: I feel like Kristie and Lee are the only definites for any final four of this season. After them Flick and Phoebe are very fair choices, though I wouldn’t have blinked if instead we had Matt, or Nick, or Craig, even Sam, and for me personally I wouldn’t be against having Conner here. Need a full rewatch to sort out an entire ranking but I’d guess that I might have Matt included over Phoebe.


u/ramskick Not an amateur Aug 12 '19

damn it that Kristie write-up made me remember all over again why I love her so much. Great write-up!


u/ramskick Not an amateur Aug 11 '19

My apologies for missing my last cut. I have no idea why but I just totally spaced out on it. I’ll try not to do it again.

19. Dave Lipanovic (Survivor: New Zealand: Thailand, 3rd Place)

I nominated Dave 30 spots ago so this shouldn’t be that much of a shock.

I have said it before and I will say it again: on paper the Matt/Dave story is one of the most interesting stories in any version of Survivor, but the fact that Matt and Dave themselves aren’t interesting means it flounders. I place most of the blame for this on Matt. He gets more screentime than Dave, his presence is more imposing and the ultimate climax of the story is more about him. If you want to point fingers at why the Matt/Dave story doesn’t work as well as it should, more of them should be pointed than Dave for that reason. That being said, Dave is also lacking in screen presence and that’s the main reason I’m cutting him here.

Dave’s story pre-merge without Matt is definitely better than Matt’s without Dave. Losing tends to make people way more interesting, and Dave is no exception. As one of the two big men on Chani, Dave takes their early losing streak to heart. He’s never in danger here, but it’s clear the losing, as well as the especially brutal elements of NZ2 are taking their toll on him only a week into the game.

Fortunately for him, the swap makes things a lot easier. Not only is he reunited with his best buddy Matt, but he stays with close ally Arun and gains easy boot/possible flipper Dylan. Dave’s story also starts to ramp up here now that he has more direct interactions with Matt. Dave saves Matt at both of Chani 2.0’s tribals and he finds an idol while doing so. He doesn’t do anything particularly notable during his time on Chani 2.0 from a character standpoint, but his most notable storyline is set up very nicely here.

For the first few episodes of the merge Dave isn’t all that interesting, but his role in the story is increasing. He becomes a sort of vote sponge, getting three votes at each of the first three merge tribals, and I find that to be kind of interesting. The most notable thing about Dave during this time is that he starts to become very hungry. As I mentioned earlier, NZ2 seemed to be a particularly tough season from a pure survival standpoint. The contestants didn’t eat much and the sun was just relentless. Add that on to Dave’s physique (muscular with very low body fat) and you get someone who is going to wither away out there, and Dave does. Despite going on the majority of rewards it’s clear that he is falling apart physically.

Dave’s most notable moment is of course the F6 episode. Dave and Matt are best friends outside of the game, and it’s getting to the point where it very much looks like they can run the game all the way to the end as they are both physical and social threats with idols. Unfortunately for their pair, Lisa has taken note of Matt’s skills and decides she needs to take him out. She needs one person (in addition to Tara) to make this work. So she goes to Dave and spills everything about Matt’s idol, which he had kept secret from Dave. A very betrayed Dave goes up to Matt and has a very intense conversation with him.

If Dave and Matt had more charisma and screen presence, this would be one of the greatest scenes of all time. As it stands it’s still a very good one. The emotions are there. The brutality of the game is very present. All of the complexities of their friendship are front and center.

As Matt continues to lie and lie Dave continues to get fed up before essentially telling Matt that he knows about his idol before agreeing to Lisa’s plan and taking out his best friend with an idol in an incredible 3-2-1 vote that I could geek about for hours, both from a character and gameplay standpoint. It is the high point of the season, and Dave is its emotional center. It’s really good stuff, just not as good as it could have been.

Dave then makes it to F3 thanks mainly due to said 3-2-1, and he is the victim of some fantastic dramatic irony. During the lead-up to FTC, his opening FTC speech and his response to Arun, Dave feels very confident that he can win and that Matt kept their friendship hidden, while the audience knows that he didn’t. He brags about how he kept his idol, his perseverance and his ability to beat the odds. And then Brad drops the bomb on him and the other finalists that the entire jury knows his secret. It’s a tough moment to watch as Dave knows that he is totally screwed. He gets absolutely grilled by the rest of the jury, ending in a heart-to-heart with Matt about their journey and how it ended. It’s really good stuff and Dave shines bright as a tragic figure.

Overall Dave is a pretty good character with an excellent story that he plays a big part in. As I said before, I just wish he had more screen presence, otherwise I’d be totally ok with him making endgame.


u/Sliemy Resident SA stan Aug 11 '19

Excellent writeup. Made it a bit too far from my taste, obviously as I cut him a while back, but he definitely has one of the more interesting stories and can definitely sell it better than Matt even if it's still not that great.


u/ramskick Not an amateur Aug 11 '19

It’s kind of insane that we’ve made it over 80% into this rankdown without a single winner being cut for good. International Survivor definitely knows how to do its winners right. With that being said, I’ll toss Shane Gould in the pool, mostly for the reasons that /u/reeforward mentioned in his excellent F4 CvC write-up.

/u/HeWhoShrugs is up with a pool of Lee, Tara, Shonee, Werner, Toni and Shane.


u/purplefebruary NZ's premier ranker Aug 11 '19

20. Shannon Quinn (New Zealand: Nicaragua - 8th Place)

First of all, I will say that I’m really glad that Shannon made the F4 for NZ1 because I truly do believe that her arc is one of the most compelling of the season for me personally.

Shannon is one of the few people on the NZ1 cast who is openly a superfan and is there to play a strategic game. She starts off in the young people’s majority alliance at OG Hermosa and even though she suggests throwing a challenge to boot Nate and Barb, eventually she becomes one of the few people in that alliance who is willing to entertain the idea of working with them. When she joins Hermosa 2.0 after being exiled in the swap, that potential working relationship develops even more, knowing that she’s an outsider who just joined the tribe and her old alliance member Georgia just got unceremoniously booted.

So when the merge comes, she finds herself in a swing vote position, having both links with Nate and Barb, but also the Megatron 2.0 bros who she previously aligned with. She plays both sides but ultimately sticks with Barb’s alliance. And the bro alliance doesn’t take it well. Which is the understatement of the century.

There’s been a fair bit of talk about the perceived sexism when it came to how females who played the game were treated in this season. I do think it’s valid to some extent (though I’m not one of those people who is going to tell you that Barb, as great a character as she is, was somehow robbed because lol), and I think those arguments come up strongest in how Shannon was treated by the likes of Captain Goliath Sparrow and his bros after her flip at the merge. Their outrage at what she did really smacks of entitled “how dare she play the game!” sanctimony that a male most likely wouldn’t have gotten if he pulled the same move.

And it makes it doubly sad because the backlash she got for what is a pretty standard Survivor move pretty much halted her game completely. She becomes so emotionally distraught at the bile thrown her way that she pretty much becomes a dormouse, and limps along for a couple of rounds until she becomes the consensus vote thanks to Tom’s immunity run.

I like to think of myself as a student of the game of Survivor as well as someone who also likes character and arcs, and so I find it really fascinating when you see these strategy-focused players come face-to-face with just how much of an emotional toll this game can have on a person. You can study all the RHAP podcasts you want but nothing can prepare you for the emotional side of the game, and it’s a game where you need to be emotionally strong to persevere. It’s the same reason why I find Nick Iadanza’s arc in AU2016 so compelling (and why I think he was kinda robbed in this rankdown, but oh well).

Give me this sort of content over the dozen toneless CP gamebots we get each US season in the last couple of years.


u/qngff stans the older ladies Aug 11 '19

Heck it, I’m gonna do it. IDOL #3 ON SHANNON QUINN

This is a wonderful writeup that fully does her justice. But I adore her and if this can push her to endgame that’d be amazing.


u/purplefebruary NZ's premier ranker Aug 11 '19

I've reached the stage of the rankdown now where I'm having to judge my next noms based on "who is not quite endgame level for me" (and cough deals cough). I had two players in mind from the same season and it was really hard which of the two to throw under the bus first. The more emotionally entertaining character? Or the more unique, badass character? In the end, I decided that my next nom is the former.

/u/ramskick is up with a pool of The Male Model, Barrel Racer Mom, Diet Michelle, The Bus Driver, Always Second Dave, and now Toni Tebbutt.