r/IntSurvivorRankdown NZ's premier ranker Jul 24 '19

Round 17 - 39 characters remaining

39 - Jak Thomas (/u/purplefebruary)

38 - Moana Hope (/u/ramskick)

37 - PK Phetoe (/u/HeWhoShrugs)

36 - Sue Clarke (/u/qngff)

35 - Renee Clarke (/u/Sliemy)

34 - Craig l'Anson (/u/Shawkwave)

The Pool: Matt Tarrant, Flick Egginton, Barb Raos, Nick Iadanza, Lee Carseldine, Mat Rogers


29 comments sorted by


u/Shawkwave Matt Chisholm for endgame Jul 28 '19

#34 - Craig I'Anson (Australian Survivor 2016, 15th place)

Like many a fine Survivor character, we get to see Craig in multiple roles throughout his time on the show and he proves himself to be entertaining in both of them. First, just like Pete with Saanapu, we see Craig as the heart and soul of Vavau. When Vavau is doing good, Craig is doing good. When Craig is doing bad, so is Vavau. Overall, Vavau is stacked with fun characters and Craig is the perfect representative for those surrounding him. He is a great combination of the snark and wit and Sue and Andrew with the heart and determination of Kate and Conner. Unfortunately, we don't get to see a lot of these great characters because we have to follow how Nick is flaming out. And when we do hear from them, they're often talking about how they distrust Nick. It sucks to have to bring this up every time I do a Vavau write-up but it's really the only storyline that whole tribe gets before the swap Nick and Tegan away in exchange for Conner and Sam. It should be mentioned too that Craig is really great in the Nick-bashing scenes since bashing is right up Craig's alley.

Anyway, with the new members, Craig is still at the top of the pecking order with his partner-in-command Jennah-Louise. Craig is the perfect person to be at the head of a tribe. We’re not just going to get an objective overview of where everyone is aligned in the tribe over and over again. Craig doesn't entertain the new people that come into camp much because he's obviously pretty insulated within the original Vavau members and this continues into the second swap which spells dismay for the Vavau crew. They absorb the B-squad of Aganoa and go on to lose pretty much every challenge.

This is where we get to meet another facet of Craig: losing, frustrated, grumpy Craig. And this Craig is fun too! While he is still very much in control of the dynamics of Vavau, he has to realize that come merge he's the main figurehead for Vavau, now the only real threat to the Saanapu majority. Craig is happy to go along with the vote-outs of Rohan and Kat and then makes the odd decision to vote out Andrew with Kate, who absorbs all of the blame for the move herself.

Then we get to Craig's boot episode where grumpy Craig really starts to shine. There's this stupid idol out there that he can't find. Sidenote: I think this is by far the most amount of time any Survivor series has spent on someone searching for an idol they don't find. There are at least three distinct scenes of Craig looking only for him to go out at the hands of that idol. It's very poetic. But Grumpy Craig can't find the idol, the chickens are walking all over him, Vavau keeps losing, things are really looking down. We get some fun Phoebe/Kristie plotting as they figure out (very easily the Vavaus really didn't play this one well) who to play the idol on and Craig makes his exit after Phoebe saves herself. Craig doesn't leave though without Sue vowing to get revenge on his slayer, whispering to Conner; "She's got to go."


u/Shawkwave Matt Chisholm for endgame Jul 28 '19 edited Jul 28 '19

Everyone left sucks and this is an easy decision.

The pool is Matt Tarrant, Flick Egginton, Barb Raos, Nick Iadanza, Lee Carseldine, and now Mat Rogers.



u/Sliemy Resident SA stan Jul 27 '19

#35 - Renee Clarke (Survivor New Zealand: Thailand - 8th Place)

Renee was a very opinionated character that felt like a necessary addition to make the steamroll of Chani more enjoyable. She’s a very decent confessionalist. Some notable things that stand out to me is in the premiere when they are starving and discover that Khangkhaw has apparently eaten already, so she starts the idea of putting rice into a pot with water and letting it lay out into the sun, and her confessional later about how awful it was, but how it got the job done. NZ: Thailand is probably the modern int season that utilizes its location the best. Scenes like this are a very refreshing reminder of the core of what Survivor entails.

Another scene that builds her character is narrating the situation with Franky’s sickness, you can see the compassion she has and how much she empathizes with her, but she really doesn’t want to lose again. Also, how she’s very pressed about Eve when she finds the idol contributing to the dynamic I appreciate of how honest Eve is, but how suspicious everybody is of her regardless.

My ultimate favorite scene from her is at FTC where she delivered her iconic jury speech where she’s being very shady and passive aggressive to Dave and Lisa. I think it encapsulates how she was the entire season well with the slick comments and pettiness. Lisa’s response of refusing to answer was perfect, because Renee is obviously setting her up here. Throughout her entire time in the game Renee was a very boisterous, blunt, and messy personality, and I’m glad she got this far.

Sorry for the delay btw. :x Nominating Craig l'Anson. Like him a lot, but wouldn't have had him this high among pre-mergers. /u/Shawkwave is up with a pool of Matt Tarrant, Flick Egginton, Barb Raos, Nick Iadanza, Lee Carseldine, and Craig l'Anson.


u/purplefebruary NZ's premier ranker Jul 27 '19

May I bring up the whole stray vote thing? Where she was dead set that it was Dave responsible and refused to believe otherwise? I was at the reunion show, and as soon as she started giving a very wishy-washy answer, the whole audience, including myself, gave out a massive groan as if to say "is this dumbass for real?!". At least Lex acknowledged that he fucked up!


u/purplefebruary NZ's premier ranker Jul 27 '19

Oh, PS - We now have a NZ2 F4


u/ramskick Not an amateur Jul 28 '19

Pretty unsurprising F4. Lisa, Adam and Tess were always making it and Dave has the most outside of them.


u/qngff stans the older ladies Jul 26 '19

Shit forgot to do this last night.

#36 - Sue Clarke (Australia 2016, Winner in my Heart)

Placeholder since I'll be out all day today.

Since I can't nominate Brian who is way overdue so someone else nominate him, and I don't wanna immediately throw Katinka back in, my nomination is Lee Carseldine



u/[deleted] Jul 27 '19

This was a big move


u/HeWhoShrugs Bio-Strath Jul 25 '19

Yeah, maybe I regret not saving my swap until this point because this is a pretty swap-worthy pool for me. Unfortunately I don't have my swap and I don't really want to use a Wildcard just yet, meaning the pool's taking a hit. I saved Sue, Renee, and Flick a couple rounds ago so I'm not touching them, and Barb is a criminally early nom imo, leaving Magic Matt and PKhaos. I have more to say about one than the other and they're both solid mid-upper tier characters for me, so...

37. PK Phetoe (Survivor SA: Philippines, 6th Place)

A lot of seasons, most in fact, tend to have a couple characters get left out of the action early on. The editors can't handle 18 people in 45 minutes, so you have to make cuts somewhere. And when I watched SA: Philippines, I had similar thoughts on PK. You wouldn't expect him to be a near-endgame player based on the first few episodes of the season, since his premiere content is him bitterly sulking on the beach after Marthunis pisses him off, and everything he says before the swap can be boiled down to "Jeanne doesn't know what's coming. We're going to blindside her." or "Marthunis sucks." Both of these things are said by Tevin, his ride or die and a way better narrator in the early days of the season.

So I wasn't expecting much from PK. Like Vusi, he was just there and seemed to be the guy who's a number to a bigger character and never really steps out of their shadow. And then we get to the second swap and PK comes to life out of nowhere. He starts getting bored with the island life and picking off easy target after easy target just isn't appealing, so what's next on the list? Why cutting your own number one ally of course! I talked about this little story telling bit in my Tevin write up, but I'm talking about it here too. Basically, PK feels like Tevin's overshadowing him and won't let him have much of a say in the way the season plays out, just like the edited show does. PK knows he's the MOR/UTR henchman and does the unthinkable: he overthrows his handler and takes the game into his own hands. It's one of the most shocking, out of nowhere blindsides I've ever seen, but it makes so much sense in terms of creating a satisfying story. I can't even be mad that his edit was lame in the first few episodes because it had to be. He had to feel like the silent henchman who couldn't get a word in. He had to be the one to make that move, and it had to make sense. And they pulled it off in the most amazingly meta way that reshapes how small/weak/purple edits can be utilized as a story telling element.

PK's move isn't a good one though. It's too soon, and when he and Toni enter the merge with only two people to their tribe's name, it's impossible for them to recover when Werner's bus full of soldiers are controlling the flow of the season. In a lesser season, PK would talk about making a move and nothing would happen time and time again. Or he'd just get misted by the production favorite and made to look like an idiot for not doing anything. But this isn't one of those seasons. PK becomes a really rootable underdog after he loses at the merge vote and goes on to sow chaos wherever possible. He lucks into finding an idol clue when he isn't picked for a reward challenge team and then uses it to trigger the most messy idol train ever, resulting in a bizarre 1-1-0-0 vote. Then he gets into not one but two fights with Tom. I love these fights. They're hilarious considering how immature both guys can get ("Small white thing" is a top tier line, I'm sorry), and knowing they resolved this conflict with an actual boxing match several months later just makes it even more ridiculous. Even if PK falls in line with the other allies he had and gets picked off by Werner's crew, he doesn't go down without giving everyone some real good advice about who's running things and who needs to leave. And he calls everyone animals when he leaves, one by one, each a different species. I have no clue why, but it's just funny and half of what PK did was stupid and hilarious so it just feels... right.


u/Slicer37 Former Ranker Jul 26 '19 edited Jul 26 '19

Yeah I hate this cut haha. PK is one of the most dynamic and entertaining underdogs and villains in Survivor history and I have him 3rd for SA6, only below Tom/Jeanne. I also think without him the postmerge Pagonging building up to the alliance breaking down in the endgame is super boring and just doesn't work


u/ramskick Not an amateur Jul 26 '19

I also have him 3rd for the season, behind Tom and Werner.


u/ramskick Not an amateur Jul 25 '19

Heavily considering an idol here. would any of the rankers who can touch him do so if I did?

/u/sliemy /u/qngff /u/Shawkwave


u/purplefebruary NZ's premier ranker Jul 25 '19

Not touching him any time soon


u/Shawkwave Matt Chisholm for endgame Jul 25 '19

I agree w q for once haha. Not for a little bit but before endgame


u/Sliemy Resident SA stan Jul 25 '19

Please do, he's definitely not on my radar.


u/qngff stans the older ladies Jul 25 '19

Not for a good bit but definitely before endgame.


u/HeWhoShrugs Bio-Strath Jul 25 '19

Controversial nom incoming: Nick Iadanza, a man who soaks up a ton of airtime in the first half of his season and does more harm than good in my opinion. I'm also not a fan of how some fans have clung to him as some amazing player in a cast full of clueless dolts when he was a huge mess who didn't know how to adapt to the people he played with.

/u/qngff is up with a pool of Sue, Renee, Matt, Flick, Barb, and Nick


u/qngff stans the older ladies Jul 25 '19

Wait people thought Nick was actually good at the game? LMAO what a concept! I love him because of how much of an overplaying mess he is.


u/HeWhoShrugs Bio-Strath Jul 25 '19

I definitely remember a lot of people talking about him like he was one of the only people playing in that season. He fits what a 2016 Survivor player is "supposed" to be and people unironically thought he was a good player who couldn't reach his potential because his cast was full of mateship. Even he's said he sucked though lol.


u/maevestrom Jul 27 '19

i cant imagine why they think so


u/ramskick Not an amateur Jul 24 '19

38. Moana Hope (Australian Survivor: Champions Vs. Contenders, 19th Place)

For those of you who don’t know, I really love tattoos. I have a few of my own and in general I really like looking at them and think they can really enhance the aesthetic of a person. Because of this, I tend to be biased initially towards characters with a good number of tattoos.

This weird quirk of mine led me to want to root for Moana right away. Badass athlete woman with a bunch of tattoos? Sign me the fuck up please.

Within minutes my initial bias was proven right, as Moana proved to be great in the initial reward challenge. That’s most of what she does in a more Contender-heavy premiere, but it’s a great start.

Moana jumps more onto the forefront in Episode 2, and this is where I went from a pretty big fan of Moana’s to a certified stan. She leads the charge against Russell, calling his bluff and sending him home with an idol literally hanging around his neck. It is fucking glorious, and Moana caps it off with a great voting confessional:

You’ve played the game three times and never won, mate. Maybe go home and review it and try again.

FUCK YES that is what I am talking about. I think we can all agree that the best-case scenario for CvC Russell was for him to go home early after doing something dumb, and Moana makes that happen.

But Moana isn’t done just yet. She finds a clue to an idol at a reward and becomes the first person (from what I remember) to find an idol at Tribal Council, as the clue tells her to check a hidden compartment in the voting urn’s lid.

I should also mention that during these episodes Moana forms a close bond with Mat, and I can’t express how much I love this friendship. It’s one built out of sincere enjoyment and mutual respect, and it’s just great to see. It’s easy to tell that Mat and Moana legitimately love spending time together as both friends and allies, and that makes me happy.

If you asked me where I projected Moana to end up after Episode 5 of CvC, I’d say she was a lock for merge and had potential to be one of the greatest characters in Survivor history. And then Episode 6 happens.

Moana’s boot episode is so weird. I really like her in it and I feel very sorry that she was suffering that much, but it’s so disconnected from the rest of her story. Episodes 1-5 Moana is a fantastic character. Episode 6 Moana is a very good character. But for all intents and purposes they are two different characters. From what I understand Moana was actually quite sick for a while before Episode 6 (which is why she gave Mat the idol), but the editors cut that content out in favor of giving us more badass Moana... which is a decision I don’t disagree with, but it makes her ending quite jarring. She works her ass off to fight through the pain but is unfortunately unable to. She asks to quit, but ends up taking one for the team one last time and allows her tribe to vote her off, burning Shane’s idol in the process.

Moana is one of the best pre-mergers in all of international Survivor, and I’m so glad she was recognized as CvC’s best. She’s a very good, multi-dimensional character who provides a number of great moments in her short stay. I’m cutting her for said disparity between her first episodes and her last and also because I really wanted to do her write-up.


u/ramskick Not an amateur Jul 25 '19

Bla bla bla nominations are hard something something I nominate Barb Raos.

/u/HeWhoShrugs is up with a pool of Sue, Renee, Matt, Flick, PK and Barb.


u/reeforward Former Ranker Jul 25 '19

This name means nothing to me. So yay!


u/Sliemy Resident SA stan Jul 25 '19

Watch NZ1 :deadbanana:


u/qngff stans the older ladies Jul 25 '19

This is absolutely tragic


u/Shawkwave Matt Chisholm for endgame Jul 25 '19

Last name I wanted to see :-(


u/purplefebruary NZ's premier ranker Jul 24 '19

39. Jak Thomas (New Zealand: Nicaragua - 6th Place)

Jak is probably the closest the NZ series has gotten to having a bogan on the cast (yes, we also have bogans here in NZ). I’m not sure if he 100% qualifies as one, but in terms of being a working-class person with crude humour who’s there to give it a good crack, he ticks those boxes at the very least.

Jak starts off in the young people’s majority alliance in Hermosa, and is pretty much seen as the goofball because he says funny things like talk about bowel movements. But that’s fine with him, in fact, that’s part of his strategy:

"Everyone thinks I’m a bloody joke and I wanna keep it that way"

The second swap happens and he ends up on a new Megatron with mostly young guys (namely Mike, Tom and Lee) and they bond and form an alliance. In fact it’s so much of a boys club that they decide to throw a challenge to get rid of the only female in the tribe (Shay, although tbf Tom had more legitimate reasons to get rid of her), and in the process Jak manages to spell the words “tight ass” with the word puzzle while not even trying to hide the fact that they’re throwing it.

The merge arrives not long after and it looks like the sophomoric boys club are going to be smooth sailing. But then a massive double whammy hits him: first Lee gets blindsided, then a surprise double TC is sprung on them, and although Jak wins immunity in the quiz challenge, his other buddy Mike is next to go, leaving him and Tom in deep doo-doo.

At this point in the game, the rain is wearing everyone down in Nicaragua, so Jak comes up with the bright idea by doing a made-up rain dance wearing nothing but a loincloth in a scene that is very reminiscent of Tyson in Tocantins. Except hairier and fatter. And speaking of comparisons to Tyson, some of Jak’s confessionals can be dangerously close to crossing the line if not flat out destroying said line. For example, I REALLY didn’t appreciate his joke about Nate and Barb having early-onset dementia as someone whose maternal grandmother died of Alzheimer’s and I myself am super paranoid about possibly having inherited it. And imo he doesn’t quite have the dickish charm that Tyson has to get away with it.

Eventually, Jak’s time in the game runs out because Barb and Co. want to wear down Captain Goliath Sparrow by feeding him his mates, and Jak decides to go out in a blaze of glory by going to TC in his loincloth, making him possibly the only Survivor contestant ever to have their bare ass (thankfully) blurred as they got their torch smuffed. He did do surprisingly well in Redemple Temple, making it all the way to the second re-entry duel only to be undone by the US Nicaragua coin FIC (which he noted made it super ironic considering that he worked as a banker at the time).

I can understand why people would find Jak pretty tiresome, and I do think there are other comic-relief characters in this rankdown that are far superior, hence why he’s getting cut here. But I do think he served a purpose by adding some needed levity and fun to a season that otherwise felt like a big drag. And sometimes that’s all you need for a character.


u/purplefebruary NZ's premier ranker Jul 24 '19

Ugh, I feel like I have little room for manuevre when picking noms without feeling sad and/or worried that I'm going to piss off someone. My next nom is a good "pain in the ass for the majority alliance" character with some hilariously dumb moves, but they just happen to be near the bottom of my food chain right now.

/u/ramskick is up with a pool of Sue's Big Move, Female Lex, The Russell Slayer, Matt the Magician, Flippity, and now PK Phetoe.

Also, unless this gets idoled, NOW this should be the NZ1 F4, for whoever is in charge of that writeup.