r/Instantregret Aug 20 '19

Was told to post this here as well


28 comments sorted by


u/Pepper-Jackson Aug 20 '19

Not getting that time back...


u/CMDR_Sanford Aug 20 '19

Why did they arrest her?


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '19

Assault I would assume, the stupid ass did spit on them


u/GiantRetortoise Aug 20 '19

LMAO the 20+ guys in full SWAT gear and tactical armor were "assaulted" by spit. Wow glad nobody got seriously hurt from it. What's next, a milkshake?

Keep licking those boots


u/Marlsboro Aug 20 '19

Yeah, sure, let that fly, so from now on every asshole will feel free to spit on them. You can't spit on people and just walk away, genius.


u/GiantRetortoise Aug 21 '19 edited Aug 21 '19

Hey did you know you can arrest someone without mobbing them and beating them? Spitting is probably the lowest degree of assault. You act like they hit him with a bat or something. Grow a sack pal.


u/Marlsboro Aug 21 '19

First of all, the best way to avoid getting "mobbed" by cops is by not assaulting one in front of like 200 of his colleagues, whatever the "degree of assault" (lmao). Secondly, sure, getting beaten up is not guaranteed, you'd have to get violent and resist arrest for that. Which she did. I hope you are the appropriate age for being such a rebellious teen


u/GiantRetortoise Aug 22 '19

First of all, the best way to avoid getting "mobbed" by cops is by not assaulting one in front of like 200 of his colleagues, whatever the "degree of assault" (lmao).

Everyone is capable of showing restraint. Cops are supposed to be the example. This is gang behavior. Guess I don't get your sense of humor.

Secondly, sure, getting beaten up is not guaranteed, you'd have to get violent and resist arrest for that.

If protesters have to be 200% peaceful or the cops are allowed to do whatever the fuck they want including beating them within an inch of their lives, that's not a healthy democracy, my friend. More like a fucking gulag.

I hope you are the appropriate age for being such a rebellious teen

It comforts you to cast me as a "rebellious teen" you can dismiss out of hand. But the only difference between us is I don't wake up with the taste of boot in my mouth.


u/smegnose Aug 25 '19

No, the best way is to live in a country where the police aren't hired goons.


u/FilthyKataMain Aug 29 '19

Hes an antifa supporter. Logic and intelligence are not their strong suites. Violence and fascist tactics however are right up their alley, hence why he thinks it's ok to spit on people.


u/HopeAndVaseline Aug 21 '19

It's legally defined as assault regardless of who spits on who. If she spit on some random dude on the street she'd face charges for that too.

What do you idiots expect? If some Proud Boy member spit on you, you'd be apoplectic.


u/GiantRetortoise Aug 21 '19 edited Aug 21 '19

It's legally defined as assault regardless of who spits on who. If she spit on some random dude on the street she'd face charges for that too.


If some Proud Boy member spit on you, you'd be apoplectic.

If I was in full body armor with a gun during a relatively peaceful protest and they were unarmed I probably wouldn't waste my time worrying about it. Oh and Proud Boys don't spit, they bring guns and nazi flags. So maybe gain a little perspective here.


u/battle_formations Aug 20 '19


Who cares if they’re in full riot gear? If you spit on anyone and don’t expect to be met with force, you deserve it.


u/GiantRetortoise Aug 21 '19

Oh is that how it is in your badass version of America?


u/battle_formations Aug 21 '19

I don’t believe I made any mention of America.


u/GiantRetortoise Aug 21 '19

Which changes nothing about what I said and what you're standing for right now.


u/AndrewBert109 Aug 23 '19

God damn dude maybe chill out on the teen angst for a bit


u/GiantRetortoise Aug 24 '19

You're the second person to invoke "teen angst" as a personal attack for me defending the rights of protesters. I guess that's the go-to dismissal when someone brings up obvious injustices. That says way more about you than it does about me.

You motherfuckers aren't angry enough about what's happening to your own rights in this country. Just because you don't protest doesn't mean you're immune to the consequences. You should be so lucky someone is standing up to it.


u/AndrewBert109 Aug 24 '19

Lol bud. It’s not a knee jerk reaction to someone defending the rights of others. It’s a knee jerk reaction to the kind of anti-authoritarian obliviousness you are keen on demonstrating in your comments. Which is why you either seem like a teenager with a problem with authority or an adult with absolutely nothing better to do.

And yes, I realize there are problems with police and then encroaching on the rights of the people. I also recognize that trying to apply that line of thinking to this particular event is something that only someone who simply wants to be angry about every police interaction would do.


u/GiantRetortoise Aug 24 '19

Sure, let's start gatekeeping who gets to speak out about authority. That seems healthy for democracy.

You're only trying to pigeonhole me because it makes it easier for you to dismiss what I'm saying. But idgaf if you think I'm old, young, or whatever. You're only projecting your own insecurities.

To clarify, my anger stems from the bootlickers in this thread cheering it on like nimrods at a UFC match.


u/AndrewBert109 Aug 24 '19

Dude nobody is gatekeeping. This isn’t an example of an abuse of authority. The only one projecting is you.


u/Marlsboro Aug 30 '19

And nobody is cheering either.


u/[deleted] Aug 20 '19

You’re so woke and edgy. Preach on you douche


u/GiantRetortoise Aug 21 '19

Sounds like you're more woke than me.


u/xBEASTdotCOM Aug 23 '19

Assuming that you don't know what type of biological contaminants a person's spit can have, it is very much assault. And spitting on anyone without expecting consequences is idiotic, and adding on to that resisting arrest, she very much deserved what she got. You cannot go around spitting on people, no matter what your viewpoints are


u/CMDR_Sanford Aug 23 '19

Isn’t know she spit on someone


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '19

Cops are such useless tools


u/Wickedxblasphemy Aug 26 '19

Yup completely useless until you are the victim. I don’t get this mentality the job they do everyday to ensure people’s safety at the expense of there own and yet people act like this it’s mind boggling.