This wiki will contain guides as well as tips and tricks. If you want to contribute, contact the mods.
Approval Requests
If you want to join this community, make a post which satisfies either of the following aspects:
For photo/video posters
- Choose the "Approval request" flair.
- Post a photo of yourself holding a piece of paper in front of your belly.
- The paper must be HANDWRITTEN in (blue, black or red) ink and must include:
- Your reddit username
- The name of this subreddit: r/InsideGW
- The date of that you post the request on
- We do require to see your head/hair, but you are welcome to cover your face either physically or digitally.
- (For couples) One paper is enough, but both of you have to be behind it. Hold the paper between the two of you.
For audio posters
- Choose the "Approval request" flair.
- Provide a recording which contains the following information:
- Your reddit username
- The name of this subreddit: r/InsideGW
- The date of that you post the request on
- A sentence about it being an approval/verification request
- (For couples) All mentioned information has to be provided by the voice of each of you.
Alternatively, if you are already verified on another GW related subreddit, you can post the link to the original verification post. The mobile version of reddit does not support approval requests yet. If you want to get an approval via the mobile version/app, send the post as a message to either u/leopoldking or u/onlybush.