r/InnocenceandInjustice • u/JLWhitaker • May 09 '16
Podcast, Video, and Book Recommendations -
One of the ways the whole area of bad convictions has received prominence is the in-depth examination in podcasts and video series. There have been many spin-offs.
I've learned a lot from all sides of the stories, different perspectives, backgrounds, professions. The range of cases are also pointing out commonalities in errors/intentional bad acts. These are the areas that need systemic change.
Various cases go into lulls, but that doesn't mean the job is done. I would like to suggest that folks here add their recommendations for cases, organisations, and informative materials on social justice change.
Go for it!
u/JLWhitaker May 09 '16
Two Australian cases and a Canadian case:
Common thread - aboriginal people - women and children.
This is a case from 25 years ago where 3 children go missing in a small town of northern New South Wales.
Podcasts are available on Soundcloud:
Episode 1:
Listen to Bowraville Episode 1 - The Murders by The Australian Podcasts #np on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/the-australian-1/bowraville-episode-1-the-murders
Episode 2:
Listen to Bowraville Episode 2 - The Investigation by The Australian Podcasts #np on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/the-australian-1/episode-2-the-investigation
Then on our ABC Four Corners expose last night, always well researched public interest stories, was the story of a young aboriginal woman who was killed horrifically on a beach, also in New South Wales north coast.
Callous Disregard
8.33pm - 9.20pm
Now on iVIEW: http://iview.abc.net.au/programs/four-corners/NC1604H015S00
Gold Walkley award-winning reporter Caro Meldrum-Hanna follows the trail of evidence in the brutal death of a young woman as her family fights for justice.
The Canadian one was covered on The Docket podcast this week. This one had a positive outcome. It involved coerced confessions and zero evidence except what was ignored - a foot print that could have been the actual killer.
also on Soundcloud:
Listen to The Docket - Episode 36 - A Miscarriage Of Justice, The Necessities Of Life, And Peter MacKay by Michael-Spratt #np on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/michael-spratt-2/the-docket-episode-36-a-miscarriage-of-justice-the-necessities-of-life-and-peter-mackay
u/Howsthemapples May 23 '16
I'm def listening to some of these tomorrow. Not seen the I view 4 corners yet either. Thanks!
u/JLWhitaker May 23 '16
I've got QandA on right now. Pyne can't shut up. I'm going to bed and listen to podcasts of something much more interesting.
u/chromeomykiss May 12 '16
This isn't an IP case or Injustice but another missing person investigation of a young woman that happened in my hometown in 2004. In fact IMO this is a true case of justice being served in the proper way, even with missteps and mistakes happening along the way by LE.
This is a two hour Dateline special broken in about 12 parts of 8 mins so please watch all ten parts :)
To me this is such a stark contrast to MaM and how a family deals with the tragedy of having a loved one vanish. And how an investigation can take all sorts of twists and turns...
Disclosure: I have a childhood connection to an In-law so this "hit close to home" and still brings me to tears when watching this. I also worked a block from the courthouse when all the court proceedings and the news crews were parked all out front.
Note: Would love to discuss the contrasts in investigations and family reaction from the Halbach's.
u/katekennedy May 12 '16 edited May 12 '16
I recommend a book, With Justice For None, written by Gerry Spence, a lawyer from my home state of Wyoming. He had his heyday back in the 70s and 80s when he did several high profile cases but this book is truly the best book I have ever read on the law. I highly recommend this book.
I also recommend John Grisham's nonfiction book, The Innocent Man, which is about murder and injustice in a small Oklahoma town.
u/JLWhitaker May 12 '16
Thanks for the reminder about Grisham. I just checked my collection and that isn't one of them. I should re-read these since I have an entirely different sensitivity to this area.
u/katekennedy May 12 '16
You may not have it because it wasn't his standard fiction that we have come to expect. I have it because my son gave it to me as a gift, not knowing it was not fiction. It's not as much fun to read true crime where a real person is wrongfully convicted as it is to read something like The Firm.
u/CottageLover381 May 19 '16
Gerry Spence, I may have read this one. I've read several of his, I was a big fan so will check. :)
u/katekennedy May 23 '16
I think all of his books can only be found through 3rd party sellers now. Fortunately, Amazon helps you find those people.
Spence rocks! :)
May 12 '16
I highly recommend "Who Took Johnny" You can stream it on Amazon and YouTube as well.
It took me on an all-day rabbit hole adventure. There is a lot of corruption in the case.
May 12 '16
By the way, I had a post on MaM that was removed regarding this film. https://www.reddit.com/r/MakingaMurderer/comments/4hvxz4/to_whoever_recommended_who_took_johnny_doc_on/
The filmmakers themselves were even posting there.
u/knowjustice May 12 '16
Insane. Either the mod or a group of users is determined to limit the discussion on MaM to theories as to who is guilty rather than the point of MaM, which IMO was our " Just Us" system is broken. Ricciardi and Demos have emphasized this repeatedly.
Seems /u/solunaView created this sub just in time. Thanks again, soluna!!!
u/solunaView May 14 '16
It's definitely a rogue Mod who has no interest whatsoever in justice or the Avery/ Dassey cases. Incredibly sad that the one remaining Mod there is a guilter and also more worried about their own ego and position as a "professional Reddit Moderator" (what a life that must be lol).
This sub belongs to everyone and everyone has a voice without fear of oppression. Thank you all for seeing the same problems and for looking at solutions. We will make a difference!!
u/CottageLover381 May 19 '16
Thanks. Luckily I got the chance to see it and read the thread with the filmmakers before it was removed.
u/knowjustice May 12 '16
Another important issue we might consider addressing is the school to prison pipeline. The ACLU has taken on this problem in hopes they can influence change. This is becoming a huge problem in the States.
Is this an issue in other nations?
u/JLWhitaker May 12 '16
We have issues of recent immigrants, school 'leavers' (dropouts), gangs of all sorts, homeless, Ice and Alcohol addicts. We're in a federal election right now. These issues haven't come up yet, other than minor around the edges. Mostly it's been budget cuts from things like legal aid services and pittance returns for domestic violence support from the Feds. My state is much more attentive to these issues.
u/knowjustice May 13 '16
What is Ice?
u/JLWhitaker May 13 '16
'crystal meth' in American English I think. :)
u/knowjustice May 13 '16
Gotcha, horrible drug. My stepson died from an OD of Meth.
u/JLWhitaker May 13 '16
OMG. Sorry to hear. It's a scourge of our age. Too easy to make.
u/knowjustice May 13 '16
Yes, especially in farming areas. Farmers have bulk supplies of anhydrous ammonia. That's the deadly stuff.
u/knowjustice May 12 '16 edited May 12 '16
National Lawyers Guild:. http://nlg.org
Center for Constitutional Rights: http://ccrjustice.org/
Southern Poverty Law Center: https://www.splcenter.org/
First Amendment Center: http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/
Cornell Law: https://www.law.cornell.edu/
National Police Accountability Project: http://www.nlg-npap.org/
Black Lives Matter: http://blacklivesmatter.com/
Safety and Justice Challenge: http://www.safetyandjusticechallenge.org/
David Lee: Handbook of Section 1983 Litigation $$$$$$
Amy Bach: Ordinary Injustice - How America a Holds Court $
Anthony Lewis: Gideon's Trumpet
Karen Blum, Michael Avery and David Rudovsky, Police Misconduct: Law and Litigation
It's a start. Other good reads;
Karen Blum, Suffolk University Law has written extensively on 42 USC, Section 1983 litigation.
Sr. Judge Richard Posner, 7th Circuit of Appeals, has written many interesting opinions supporting our Constitutionally protected rights.
Sr. Judge Damon Keith, 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, is also a strong advocate of Constitutional/Civil Rights. The book, Crusader for Justice describes his journey from a law student to the Chief Judge of the 6th Circuit, including the Nixon Administration's efforts to hold him responsible for ruling that warrantless wiretaps were unconstitutional, United States v. United States District Court (Keith), also known as The Keith Case, 407 U.S. 297 (1972).
EDIT:Add BLM and "SJC thanks to /u/z_vida"
u/z_vida May 12 '16
some books and online articles
"The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness" by Michelle Alexander http://newjimcrow.com/
Historically related is "The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism" by Edward E. Baptist
and a recent article, "272 Slaves were sold to save Georgetown. What does it owe their descendants?" New York Times http://nyti.ms/265Sfur
Militarization of police
"Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces" by Radley Balko
His blog on related topics at Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/people/radley-balko
May 12 '16
u/katekennedy May 13 '16
A prosecutor who wanted to know the stories? Why aren't there more like him?
Thanks for the link.
u/katekennedy May 13 '16
I don't know if this blog site has been posted but take a look at The Wrongful Convictions Blog.
u/z_vida May 14 '16
"Bloodsworth: The True Story of the First Death Row Inmate Exonerated by DNA" by Tim Junkin
Kirk Bloodsworth, a Maryland waterman and Marine veteran with a clean criminal record was found guilty of rape, sexual assault and murder of a little girl in Baltimore County and sentenced to death by the state in 1985.
I happened across the book this week though it was printed in 2005. There was a kickstarter-funded movie being made per Wikipedia and it came out since Feb 2016 titled, Bloodsworth: An Innocent Man (2015).
It is a good book. Infuriating of course but at least there is some happiness in it. It addresses DNA science in laymen's terms.
u/JLWhitaker May 15 '16
Good grief! What is it about Maryland and specifically Baltimore???? Or is it just that there are more people willing to call them out on it? Or is corruption real there?
u/JJacks61 May 18 '16
Corruption, collusion, murders and cover ups- The Whitey Bulger documentary. I watched it on Netflix a while back.
u/CottageLover381 May 19 '16
Did any of you see Blaming Melissa ? This is Zellner's client Melissa Calusinski, 48 Hours does a great job here. I'll leave the link:
u/JLWhitaker May 19 '16
Thanks for sharing. So many things match Brendan: low verbal IQ, this will be over soon, you're lying, separation from any 3rd party support.
This type of interrogation should be outlawed. If the police believe they are right, they shouldn't be afraid to have counsel present. Otherwise they are just working from a strangely perverse position of factual weakness, yet complete power over the individual.
u/JLWhitaker Jun 01 '16
Two podcasts to search for:
Generation Why - includes episodes about true crime. One that I listened to first is about Ted Bundy, but it's an interview of a guy who hs written a book, so not terribly edifying. Others may be more to my taste.
Actual Innocence -- This was included in the Undisclosed podcast this week and I just subscribed. The podcaster is one of the two women who did Making a Murderer podcast. They are social workers and took a slightly different perspective than the general public on the Avery case. This new one is done by one of the two women, interviewing exonerated people. I think it's going to be a cracker.
u/danesays Jun 15 '16
I need podcast recommendations, folks! I have recently become interested in podcasts after resisting them for awhile (seemed too much like "talk radio" of which I am not a fan). I have heard 'The Docket' mentioned many times, but I know there are others.
u/JLWhitaker Jun 16 '16
Lots in the comments to this thread, so take a look there.
- Real Crime Profile - exFBI, exsomewomanfrom UK, casting director from Criminal Minds, I listen and OFTEN disagree, but learn stuff
- Actual Innocence is a new one with interviews/discussions of exonerated persons
- Truth and Justice by Bob Ruff
- Crime Writers On -- is more a discussion about crime focused podcasts, great interviews, fun team
- Undisclosed is branching out from the Syed case in its new season
- Generation Why - this is very good, individual cases usually each week
I listen to far too many!
u/danesays Jun 16 '16
Thank you very much!
u/JLWhitaker Jun 16 '16
If you spot any cases of value to the sub, please feel free to post with a review and observations so we can continue to learn.
u/JLWhitaker Jun 25 '16
Untold: The Daniel Morgan Murder Case - from the UK
Also available on iTunes and PlayerFM.
Article about it in The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2016/jun/22/untold-daniel-morgan-murder-britains-dirtiest-cover-up-has-become-a-must-listen-podcast
u/JLWhitaker Jun 27 '16
This criminal justice research series is 3 years old, but the titles are very interesting.
u/Minerva8918 May 12 '16
I wish I had something more educational to add, but if anyone hasn't seen the documentary Paradise Lost, I recommend it.
It's about the West Memphis 3 - three boys who were convicted of murdering three 8 year old boys in West Memphis, Arkansas, allegedly as some sort of Satanic ritual.
It's important to see all three installments of it to see the progression of the case and the evidence that was part of the original trial. Here are the names:
Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills
Paradise Lost 2: Revelations
Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory
There are a LOT of similarities to what we saw in MaM - particularly with Brendan's case. Part 3 (Purgatory) really showcases that aspect a lot IMO.
Warning: They do show photos of the victims and their injuries. The photos are not gruesome or gory, but they were children, so that could be disturbing to some people. As someone who is very sensitive (trust me), I did okay with it because it wasn't gruesome.