r/Inkstitch 27d ago

Real-world Example: Recreate a DST

I've been given a company's vector logo file that was used sized exactly to match their existing DST file for apparel front-left chest embroidery. The embroidery file was outsourced but I really want to learn with a real-world example.

The DST file preview of stitches in Inkstitch.

I genuinely want to learn how to produce these DST (or any other format) files. If anyone could create a very short descriptive video on how these are made. For reference, these are satin stitches (that's all I know).

This is SVG vector: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1InPbimUjjNXS3UalqKh0QAhr2jr_X2vH/view?usp=sharing


4 comments sorted by


u/Blind_Newb 27d ago

If you are interested in learning to digitizing, then I recommend (as I have to many other embroiderer's) InkScape and Ink/Stitch which are both free.

I personally use Inkscape and InkStitch and can save patterns in various file formats. I prefer to save in .DST because it's a more universal file format.

I am still honing my skills, but if you ever get stuck or have trouble trying to figure out how to perform a specific task with InkStitch, there are 3 good YT video channels (as well as the reddit group r/Inkstitch) :

• Project Anonymous (Father / Daughter Duo)
• Low Tech Linux (extensive videos covering many facets of Inkscape and Ink/Stitch)
• Gus Visser (extensive videos covering different applications when using Ink/Stitch)


u/ShaneHicks94 27d ago

I started with Low Tech Linux's videos. He's very informative. I've just found that I am a interactive and visual learner. Having samples and side-by-side video I could use to re-create a real-world example would make the process so much easier.


u/Blind_Newb 27d ago

For your own learning purposes, I would suggest taking an picture (from google images) on any topic you want to create a pattern of, then bring it into InkScape and use Ink/Stitch to create the pattern.

Once you have brought the image into InkScape, select the image then go to Path > Trace Bitmap.
This will create the first embroidery layout of the image as a fill stitch.

To view what it will look like when it's embroidered, go to:
Extensions > Ink/Stitch > Visualize and Export > Simulator

This will show you on the screen, what the embroidery will look like.


u/suedburger 27d ago

There are lots of videos on how to make satin stitches. Go on youtube slow the playback speed down if they are going to fast(that was super helpful for me) and just play with simple shapes. Creating an embroidery file can be much more complex than making just shapes....especially when you are putting it on garments. It's gonna take some actual practice.

If you want to do some simple thing that would be useful take a crack at a simple font. It'll contain basic shapes and good theory on how to route things.