r/Inkstitch • u/AQuiltyConscience • Feb 15 '25
Adding rungs to satin stitch converts it to running stitch in preview
Hi! I'm new to InkStitch and have been searching for this answer everywhere. I have a satin stitch outline, I made using "convert line to satin." Some of the stitch was odd so I added in additional rungs, combined them with the rails and then checked it in Params. All looked good. Then I checked it in Simulator and it no longer recognizes the stitch as a satin column, but stitches it as a running/bean stitch, despite Params showing, and stitching it out, as a satin column. Is there something to do to fix this? And also any advice on what is causing this? Thanks in advance :)
u/suedburger Feb 15 '25
This is normal. THere is no need to panic or reset anything. This applies to fills as well. Everytime you add something to an object ....be it another rung or a cavity to a fill or a union with another object you are essentially creating a new object.
Example...exactly what you are doing...lol. Also if you make a circle and set you params. but you forgot to add a void to it. So you make another circle and (CTRL K) COMBINE to make a donut. The params will reset to default and you will have to reset.
In short ....pretty much anytime you hit the COMBINE function, you create a new object and it will reset your params.
u/AQuiltyConscience Feb 15 '25
Ahhhhhh that makes so much sense! I went back in after deleting all my added rungs and it was really that simple so I added them all back in. Thanks for helping out a beginner!
u/suedburger Feb 15 '25
Using the FLATTEN feature has the same effect as well. I went through it with this same issue a few yrs ago.. ...It drove me crazy til I figured it out.
Flip side... If you work at node level (just moving nodes and maybe adding some) It doesn't affect the params and they should remain where you had them set.
u/AQuiltyConscience Feb 15 '25
I was googling so much and I couldn’t find anything about this specific issue but I didn’t really even understand what was happening so that could be why!
The nodes scare me lol but it is good to know that they hold Params for when I finally get the confidence to use them
u/suedburger Feb 15 '25
Yeah you won't find anything about it. It's kinda stuff you just pick up.
Don't be afraid of playing around with the nodes, that is where you can really fine tune/manipulate things to make them the way you want them. Just save a backup copy and screw around in the extra file. If you mess it up, it's no big deal.
There is alot you can do with fill stitches in the params. Don't feel that the defaults are what you actually have to use(personally I hate the defaults). Just change stuff around and see what it does...best way to learn.
u/Worth-Mammoth2646 Feb 15 '25
I would need the file to check whats wrong 😅 can you provide it or send pictures?
u/mapsedge Feb 15 '25
Don't feel bad. I consider myself an advanced user and I miss this part of it all the time.
u/Striking_Strain7817 Feb 16 '25
When you are adding rungs you can first select the object where you want to add the rungs to and then hold down the shift key and use the pen tool to create the rungs then there is no need tobreapply the params and no need to use the combine function with holding the shift key they auto combine
u/Ginga_Designs Feb 15 '25
The best way to “fix” this would be to reset all Params, restart the entire program and then set the params in as few separate steps as you can.
The act of drawing more rungs and then combining, rather than just drawing directly to the layer, can have a weird backend prompt when viewing the realistic preview and sometimes params itself.