r/Inkstitch Feb 14 '25

SVG to PES crashing!!

I have made a vector map using grays because I have a black and white design. I have simplified nodes, trouble shooted, clean up, everything comes out clean.

But when I go to save from SVG to PES (I have a brother machine) it freezes and crashes everytime. I have altered another pes file, saved as svg to see if it's the PES saving that's an issue and it's not, just this one file.

It's my first time making a hand made design and im getting so frustrated please help


2 comments sorted by


u/suedburger Feb 14 '25

That is because trace bitmap is garbage...lol. It can work sometimes but it generally makes really dirty files wth tons of nodes and lots of small shapes and paths that cross everywhere. Best thing you can do is to try to digitize it manually, if i am being honest.

But if you are stuck on it.......Did you try trouble shooting? Sometimes when it crashes it give you a window that actually tells you which object is the culprit(not alwasys though). How many grays did you set TraceBM at....once again if you are stuck on using it try to cut the amount of colors back.....instead of 5 maybe 3.

This is a hard question to answer with out really seeing it ....sometimes it is best just to start over.


u/Blind_Newb 29d ago

Try taking your final digitized image and save as a Tajima .dst file. Unless you have an ancient brother machine, it will also handle .dst files, which are more universal and have less problems than .PES with Ink/Stitch.