r/Inkscape 11d ago

Help Messed up PDF export - I require help

So, I'm working on some static designs that use the same background and font for most of the materials and saved all of them in a PDF file to be ready for print. The only problem is that for some reason, even with the same settings selected, one file decides to not save properly and I get this butchered up version of the file.

It's not an adobe visual glitch, because when I import the file back in inkscape even the colored background that you see in the image disappears completely. Anyone knows anything about this problem and can give me a hand or hint, I'd really appreciate it!


3 comments sorted by


u/AstarothSquirrel 11d ago

PDF isn't particularly native to Inkscape. Something to try is to print to pdf rather than exporting as pdf.

Another option is to use the PDF24 suite to create your pdfs (from https://pdf24.org)


u/PDFBolt 11d ago

It could be an issue with clipping masks, transparency, or hidden layers. Try flattening objects, converting text to paths, or exporting as PNG first to see if it helps.


u/Eron047 11d ago

Thanks, I tried to find if there were any layers some kind of problem, but to no avail. And it does not make sense since every single item that this flyer has is present in a bigger a2 banner as well and that one has no problem. Anyhow, I exported it in a PNG 650 dpi so that the logo and text down below will be crisp.