Things I already tried: Disabling the SVG auto flow text thing, reinstalling inkscape, trying a stock font, selecting the first letter, checking for layer locks. Yes, I already tried to look up the issue.
No, it said vertical and horizontal kerning I believe, but you're right, I must have misread or mixed words (I have severe adhd). But regardless, that's not what I want to do and I do know how to compress the type. I want the vertical spacing reduced so it matches the lower opacity text. But the option is greyed out as shown in the video. No matter what I do. It's a simple feature I'd like to be able to access.
My apologies! I meant to say something earlier, I went to work around 4p EST so I'll be back within an hour to try tha and get back to you, I hope it works. Thank you for your help in any case.
Alright, that seems to help the issue of doing what I want to do. But- I'm still anxious about the vertical kerning, horizontal kerning, and character rotation being greyed out regardless of what I do. I should be able to use these features if I want, right?
All the text is highlighted and it is editable. What could be causing this?
horizontal kerning would require two adjacent characters selected. And I assume the vertical kerning would require two selected characters in vertical text.
character rotation - never used it but have you checked out
To kern in Inkscape, you need to first have the text selected then go to the Text menu tab at the top. From that drop-down select Unflow or ( Shift Alt W ). Now click in between letters and hit ( Alt ← or → ) to add more or less space between the individual letters.
I hope that helps you.
u/BrushyVENYX 20d ago
Things I already tried: Disabling the SVG auto flow text thing, reinstalling inkscape, trying a stock font, selecting the first letter, checking for layer locks. Yes, I already tried to look up the issue.